On Transcending The Insubordinate Mind of Religion and Science



“On Transcending The Insubordinate Mind of Religion and Science”




All modes of human “religion” and
“science” are “point-of-view”-based
systems of presumed “knowledge” that prescribe and
limit what is “known” and define what is
“allowable” to be “known”.

All modes of human “religion” and
“science” are attempts to
“tribalize”1—and, thus, to
“localize” and control—”knowledge”,
such that it characterizes and protects a collective
political, social, and cultural mode of mind.

All modes of human “religion” and
“science” are systematic patterns of mind that are
impulsed to acquire or assimilate particular
“subjects” (or conceptually and perceptually
identified pattern-fields of apprehension), in order—by
“objectifying”, naming, categorizing, symbolically
representing, and systematically “interiorizing”
and “enclosing” them—to appropriate, exploit,
control, replace, and, ultimately, eviscerate and annihilate

All modes of human “religion” and
“science” are “tribal” artifacts of the
human ego-“world” of presumed psycho-physically
separate “identities”, wherein the will to survive
by competitive efforts demonstrates itself by acts of will,
in order to dominate the “subjects” (or patterns)
that are conceived and perceived as threats to collective
(and, by implication, individual, and even personal)
survival, pleasure, well-being, and independence.

All modes of human “religion” and
“science” seek to dominate both Non-conditional
(or Divine) and conditional (or temporal and spatial)
“subjects”, via substitution ideas—either by
means of sacred conceptual and/or perceptual language (such
as “Deity” myths and otherwise
“religious” modes of philosophical language) or by
means of secular conceptual and/or perceptual language (such
as “materiality” myths and otherwise
“scientific” modes of philosophical language).

All modes of human “religion” or
“science”—including all “Deity”
myths (or “God”-ideas) and all
“materiality” myths (or
“objective-reality”-ideas)—are artifacts of
the human ego-effort to protect and extend the “local
interests” of human collectives, by means of
idea-invocation, wherein and whereby Reality Itself (Which
Is Intrinsically egoless, Indivisible, Non-separate, and
Merely Acausally Present As the Context of all apparently
arising conditions) is identified as an opponent,
“objectified” as an other, invoked as an ally,
indulged and exploited as a captive, and, at last,
desecrated and destroyed as a convicted criminal and

Reality Itself cannot be “known”, controlled,
or destroyed.

Reality Itself is not a “Deity”, or a
“material entity”, or an “object” of any

Reality Itself Is Self-Evidently Divine—and
all-and-All must be Intrinsically and Perfectly Subordinated
to Reality Itself in order (Thus and Thereby) to Realize
Intrinsic (and Perfectly Subjective) Coincidence and Perfect
Self-Apprehension (or Intrinsic Self-Apperception) of the
Perfectly egoless and Absolutely Non-dual Self-Nature,
Self-Condition, and Self-State That Is Reality Itself.