The Body Is the Way to Life – Scientific Proof of the Existence of God Will Soon Be announced by the White House!

Scientific Proof of the Existence of God Will Soon Be Announced by the White House!

Chapter 5: The Seamless Garment of Love

The Body Is the Way to Life


Neither the body nor the mind is the Principle of human existence. The Radiant Life-Energy that pervades the body-mind and the World-Process is the Principle of human existence.

But the total body of Man is the Way to Life. The Way of Life is the Way of the body, prior to dilemma, knowledge, inwardness, experience, or power over experience.

The mind is never more than a reflection of Life, or a point of view toward Life. Only the body is Life. Only the body is intimate with Life most directly, without the mediation of any form of mind.

Worldly self-indulgence sacrifices intelligence in order to glorify the body for a moment. But this strategy kills the body and permits neither illumination of the mind nor bodily transcendence of the mind.

Mysticism sacrifices the body in order to glorify the mind forever. But this strategy is deluded by the inner self, the fantasies of the mind, and the glamor of the bodys subtle parts. And neither body nor mind is immortalized by timeless illusions.

Therefore, the true Way for Man is to grow by self-transcending Love-Communion with the Living Reality, expressed through all natural bodily relations and supported by intuitive mental clarity. In this Way, the mind or interior self becomes the first sacrifice. And then the total body becomes the final, unblemished, and single sacrifice, Transfigured in the Bliss of unqualified Life.


Scientific Proof – Table of Contents