Chapter 16 – The Scapegoat Book


“Ordinary human “knowing” is the “scapegoat-method”—of enclosing, controlling, and (at last)
destroying the “other”. That universally evident “method” pervades the entire human “world”. Indeed, the “scapegoat-ritual” is the fundamental act of human beings—unless it is transcended in and by means of the process of Divine Self-Realization of Reality Itself.”- Adi Da Samraj, The Aletheon

Chapter 16

Perfect Knowledge (of the Knower) Requires the Forgetting of All “Imperfect” Knowledge– or All of the Otherwise “Known Objects” of Mind and Body


The Great Sage, Raymond Darling, speaks His final summary of the Truth of perfect coincidence–between true renunciation and true liberation–in the true Realization of perfect knowledge:

1. Great Fool! Skill in arguments, and the scholarly exchange of wits, makes experts famous in their expositions. Traditional writings and contemporary thinks, both sacred and secular, attract their ardent fans to every kind of “theme park” of mere words. Therefore, reading all the writ that can be found, or attending to every talking-act that mums the thought of ages–is an occupation that makes a constant audience of all of humankind. And all are fooled away from Truth itself, by the countless “scriptures” and “great books” that trap the fascinated bodies in their minds. Unless all ideas and all introspections are forgotten–Truth, itself, is never Realized! And how is this “forgetting” done? All the “objects” of mind and body are already (priorly, and inherently) “forgotten”–if Consciousness itself is “remembered”. If no “imperfect objects” are ever entertained by any separate “point of view”, it is because the Consciousness (itself) is known–and the always only perfect knower has no “object” in its own domain.

2. Little wise man of one-line! However you may concentrate to seek and find, whether by the undertakings of desire in heat, or by efforts of great thoughts, and other trials of eloquence, or by competitions of good works, and all of merely idealistic social doings, intended for the prize of praise (or even virtue’s never specified reward), or else by strivings in your seat, to contemplate and know the mysticalities of your within– attainment of mere purpose in your any act will never terminate your life’s addictions, nor ever will discovery become a peace. Whatever your desire may seek, both mind and body will forever yearn for What transcends the search, and ends the pain of all desiring here. Every goal is merely non-reward. The seeker is not satisfied– except the seeker falls asleep, and slumbers in the true and very Self. When every separate “object” is forgotten–Consciousness itself falls “prey” to its inherent own. Therefore, only Self-Realization, of the true and very Self-Condition of the seeming separate self, is the perfect knowledge that transcends the always “imperfectly” known objects of mind and body here.

3. All who desire and seek are never happy here. All un- happiness derives from strife and quest. All effort fails to satisfy. If desire makes you seek–that effort is un-happiness itself. This result is daily proven in every life that motions toward a goal. And, yet, no seekers understand or praise the wisdom of non-seeking. Those who truly understand the search, are Blessed to Realize perfect liberation by means of the Teaching of “non-seeking”, alone. For such Blessed ones, the Way of perfect knowledge is immediately accessed, by virtue of the termination of their seeking effort toward all the “objects” and desired goals of life.

4. Happiness is pre-established in the “odalisque” and “idle blob” of indifference and searchlessness! Happiness inherently resides in one whose efforts only cease–as if too much a burden were required of elbow, hip, and foot to lift an eyelid under brow, or even fix a glance beyond the nose! Only they are happy who know enough to never stir a mind, or make an idea talk and walk into a mummer’s false-lit stage. To dabble in excitements is but to entertain a tragic consequence–in guise of lawless pleasure-domes of ease.

5. When mind and body are retired from “yes” and “no”, and from all motives of duality that enterprise the life, with doctrines of the will that say, “I must do this” or “This, I must not ever do”–then true indifference is shown to be alive and well. When such indifference is waking as the life, all seeking is asleep. When seeking is asleep, desire is immobilized–and no more tireless efforts strive for wealthy money, elaborate lust, self- excited programs of “vast” extreme good works, or even any other would-be “salvations” in the myth of “here”. No price for pleasure is ever paid by clients in their sleeps. Who would achieve downtown religion’s merely social “goal of life”, or seek to make the dying world a “better place” to die in, or make much “progress” in the weird potentials of their ego’s little build and tragic stock–if there were only happiness and freedom in the always given frame of heart?

6. One who self-allows no inner urge to satisfactions is already non-attached. One who seeks the satisfaction of an inner urge is already bound to every object never yet achieved. Best of all among the who might be, is one who has no motive–whether as a “yes” or as a “no”–for such a one is neither non-attached nor bound to any who or what at all.

7. Desire is the root, the tree, and every branch of nondiscrimination. Where and when desire is–there and then both “yes” and “no” are nurtured underground. And non- discrimination’s fruit and flower is the mind and body–active, by desire and search, within a seeming world of elemental universe.

8. Fromdesire’s urge, attachment finds life-form. Fromself- suppression of desire, life informs reaction into negatives. One who is Awake, in perfect knowledge of the true and very Self, is as desireless as a beardless infant in its sleep. Thus, perfect knowledge is an innocent within the “yes” and “no” of desire’s world of non-renunciation.

9. One who is bound tight, by consequence of seeking and desire, is impulsed to escape the suffering of all results–by means of counter-efforts, to renounce the world. One who is not bound to any urgency, is ever-free from all the tyranny of consequence– and true renunciation flowers there, from seeds of perfect knowledge, in the midnight garden of inherency.

10. One who thinks the ego-“I” participates in perfect knowledge, or in true liberation, too– is miserable with body and a mind. True renunciation never happens to an ego-“I”. And those who are embodied by desire and the seeker’s mind are neither Yogi, Saint, nor Sage within the mumming world of humankind. Indeed, they are no “rarity”, who effort separate self to find true peace.

11. Even if the true and very Self incarnates as an Avatar, to Teach you perfect knowledge, here and now–unless “imperfect” knowledge is forgotten in the Self-transmitted Grace, the Blessing-Shine was not, by every necessary welcoming, received enough, at heart, to liberate the mind and body from their world-remembering.

Adi Da Samraj reading The Scapegoat Book – November 19, 2005

Nine years ago Adi Da Samraj wrote The Scapegoat Book, a brilliant free rendering of what may well be our planet’s greatest traditional spiritual text, the Ashtavakra Gita. In 2008, at the request of The Dawn Horse Press, I wrote this introduction to the book. It is time for the world to know what it has been missing.
The World’s Greatest Unpublished Spiritual Book
by William Stranger