Beezone – First Word – Part IV


My First Word

Adi Da Samraj

Part Four

The Cult – The Avatar

Beezone editorial note.

My First Word.

Adi Da’s Essay First Word, appears at the beginning of many of His Source Texts and has been written by Avatar Adi Da Samraj as His Personal Introduction to each volume of His “Source-Texts”. Its purpose is to help the reader understand His great Confessions rightly.

Much of Adi Da’s emphasis in the essay is on the error of ego and cultism. The error of ego and cultism is the tendency of individual, using ‘mind’ and ‘language’, to misinterpret Adi Da’s word and teachings as his statements of egoism and grandiosity (even insanity).

To help the reader receive the impact and profundity of the original essay, Beezone has provided the Pingal essay paragraph by paragraph and then followed by editing out its parentheticals and putting the text in a ‘poetic’ structure. And lastly, all italics are Beezone’s edit.


The Man in the Middle



I am not the “man in the middle”. I do not stand here as a mere man, “middled” to the “center” (or the cornering trap) of ego-based mankind. I am not an ego-“I”, or a mere “other”, or the representation (and the potential scapegoat) of the ego-“I” of mankind (or of any one at all).

Beezone – removal of parentheticals and edit

I am not the “man in the middle”.

I do not stand here

as a mere man,

“middled” to the “center”

of ego-based mankind.

I am not an ego-“I”,

or a mere “other”,

or the representation

of the ego-“I”

of mankind.




I Am the Indivisible and Non-Separate One, the (Avatarically Self-Revealed) One and Only and (Self-Evidently) Divine Person—the Perfectly Subjective Divine Self-Condition (and Source-Condition) That Is Perfectly centerless (and Perfectly boundless), Eternally Beyond the “middle” of all and All, and Eternally Surrounding, Pervading, and Blessing all and All.

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I Am

the Indivisible

and Non-Separate One,

the One

and Only

and Divine Person—

the Perfectly Subjective

Divine Self-Condition

That Is Perfectly centerless,

Eternally Beyond

the “middle” of all

and All,

and Eternally Surrounding,


and Blessing all and All.




I Am the Way Beyond the self-cornering (and “other”-cornering) trap of ego-“I”.

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I Am

the Way Beyond

the self-cornering

trap of ego-“I”.




In this “late-time” (or “dark” epoch) of worldly ego-Man, the collective of mankind is “darkened” (and cornered) by egoity. Therefore, mankind has become mad, Lightless, and, like a cornered “thing”, aggressively hostile in its universally competitive fight and bite.

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In this “late-time”

of worldly ego-Man,

the collective of mankind

is “darkened”

by egoity.


mankind has become mad,



like a cornered “thing”,

aggressively hostile

in its universally

competitive fight

and bite.




Therefore, I have not Come here merely to stand Manly in the “middle” of mankind—to suffer its biting abuses, or even to be coddled and ignored in a little corner of religious “cultism”.

Beezone – removal of parentheticals and edit


I have not Come



to stand

Manly in the “middle” of mankind—

to suffer

its biting abuses,

or even to be coddled

and ignored

in a little corner

of religious “cultism”.




I have Come here to Divinely Liberate one and all (and All) from the “dark” culture and effect of this “late-time”, and (now, and forever hereafter) to Divinely Liberate one and all (and All) from the pattern and the act of ego-“I”, and (Most Ultimately) to Divinely Translate one and all (and All) Into the Indivisible, Perfectly Subjective, and Eternally Non-Separate Self-Domain of My Divine Love-Bliss-Light.

Beezone – removal of parentheticals and edit

I have Come here

to Divinely Liberate

one and all

from the “dark” culture

and effect of this “late-time”,


to Divinely Liberate

one and all

from the pattern

and the act of ego-“I”,


to Divinely Translate

one and all

Into the Indivisible,

Perfectly Subjective,

and Eternally Non-Separate Self-Domain of My Divine Love-Bliss-Light.




The ego-“I” is a “centered” (or separate and separative) trap, from which the heart (and even the entire body-mind) must be Retired. I Am the Way (or the Very Means) of that Retirement from egoity. I Refresh the heart (and even the entire body-mind) of My devotee, in every moment My devotee resorts to Me (by devotionally recognizing Me, and devotionally—and ecstatically, and also, often, meditatively—responding to Me) Beyond the “middle”, Beyond the “centering” act (or trapping gesture) of ego-“I” (or self-contraction).


Beezone – removal of parentheticals and edit

The ego-“I”

is a “centered” trap,

from which the heart

must be Retired.

I Am the Way

of that Retirement from egoity.

I Refresh the heart

of My devotee,

in every moment

My devotee resorts to Me

Beyond the “middle”,

Beyond the “centering” act

of ego-“I”.




I Am the Avatarically Self-Revealed (and Perfectly Subjective, and Self-Evidently Divine) Self-Condition (and Source-Condition) of every one, and of all, and of All—but the Perfectly Subjective (and Self-Evidently Divine) Self-Condition (and Source-Condition) is not “within” the ego-“I” (or separate and separative body-mind). The Perfectly Subjective (and Self-Evidently Divine) Self-Condition (and Source-Condition) is not in the “center” (or the “middle”) of Man (or of mankind). The Perfectly Subjective (and Self-Evidently Divine) Self-Condition (and Source-Condition) of one, and of all, and of All Is Inherently centerless (or Always Already Beyond the self-contracted “middle”), and to Be Found only “outside” (or by transcending) the bounds of separateness, relatedness, and “difference”. Therefore, to Realize the Perfectly Subjective (and Self-Evidently Divine) Self-Condition and Source-Condition (or the Perfectly Subjective, and Self-Evidently Divine, Heart) of one, and of all, and of All (or even, in any moment, to exceed the ego-trap—and to be Refreshed at heart, and in the total body-mind), it is necessary to feel (and to, ecstatically, and even meditatively, swoon) Beyond the “center” (or Beyond the “point of view” of separate ego-“I” and separative body-mind). Indeed, Most Ultimately, it is only in self-transcendence to the degree of unqualified relatedness (and Most Perfect Divine Samadhi, or Utterly Non-Separate Enstasy) that the Inherently centerless and boundless, and Perfectly Subjective, and Self-Evidently Divine Self-Condition (and Source-Condition) Stands Obvious and Free (and Is, Thus and Thereby, Most Perfectly Realized).


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I Am the Avatarically Self-Revealed,

Self-Condition of every one,

and of all, and of All—

but the Perfectly Subjective


is not “within” the ego-“I”.

The Perfectly Subjective Self-Condition

is not in the “center” of Man.

The Perfectly Subjective Self-Condition

of one,

and of all,

and of All

Is Inherently centerless,

and to Be Found

only “outside”

the bounds of separateness,


and “difference”.


to Realize the Perfectly Subjective Self-Condition

and Source-Condition

of one, and of all,

and of All,

it is necessary

to feel

Beyond the “center”.


Most Ultimately,

it is only

in self-transcendence

to the degree of unqualified relatedness

that the Inherently centerless

and boundless,

and Perfectly Subjective,

and Self-Evidently Divine Self-Condition

Stands Obvious

and Free.




It Is only by Means of devotionally Me-recognizing (and devotionally to-Me-responding) devotional meditation on Me (and otherwise ecstatic heart-Contemplation of Me), and total (and totally open, and totally ego-forgetting) psycho-physical Reception of Me, that your madness of heart (and of body-mind) is (now, and now, and now) escaped, and your “darkness” is En-Light-ened (even, at last, Most Perfectly). Therefore, be My true devotee—and, by (formally, and rightly, and truly, and fully, and fully devotionally) practicing the only-by-Me Revealed and Given Way of Adidam (Which Is the True and Complete Way of the True and Real Divine Heart), always Find Me, Beyond your self-“center”, in every here and now.


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It Is only

by Means of devotionally

Me-recognizing devotional meditation

on Me,


total psycho-physical Reception of Me,

that your madness of heart

is escaped,

and your “darkness”

is En-Light-ened.


be My true devotee—


by practicing

the only-by-Me Revealed and Given Way of Adidam,

always Find Me,

Beyond your self-“center”,

in every here and now.




Aham Da Asmi. Beloved, I Am Da. And, because I Am Infinitely and Non-Separately “Bright”, all and All Are In My Divine Sphere of “Brightness”. By feeling and surrendering Into the Infinite Sphere of My Avatarically Self-Revealed Divine Self-“Brightness”, My every devotee Is In Me. And, Beyond his or her self-contracting and separative act of ego-“I”, My every devotee (self-surrendered Into heart-Communion With Me) Is the One and Only and Non-Separate and Real God I Have Come to Awaken—by Means of My Avataric Divine Descent, My Avataric Divine Incarnation, and My (now, and forever hereafter) Avataric Divine Self-“Emergence” (here, and every “where” in the Cosmic domain).


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Aham Da Asmi.

Beloved, I Am Da.


because I Am Infinitely

and Non-Separately “Bright”,

all and All

Are In My Divine Sphere of “Brightness”.

By feeling

and surrendering

Into the Infinite Sphere

of My Avatarically Self-Revealed Divine Self-“Brightness”,

My every devotee

Is In Me.


Beyond his or her self-contracting

and separative act of ego-“I”,

My every devotee

Is the One and Only

and Non-Separate

and Real God

I Have Come to Awaken—

by Means

of My Avataric Divine Descent,

My Avataric Divine Incarnation,

and My Avataric Divine Self-“Emergence”.


Adi Da



My First Word

Adi Da Samraj


Part One

Truth Itself – No Ego – Truth, Reality and Religion – Confession

Part Two

Satsang – Cultism – Ego Trap

Part Three

True Devotionalism – Cultism – True Satsang – Round Dance – The Call – Signs

Part Four

The Cult – The Avatar