Goddess Kamla Devi


Kamla Devi Yantra

Goddess Kamla Devi


She is the goddess of prosperity, purity, chastity and
generosity. Her four hands represent four spiritual virtues.
She sits on a fully blossomed lotus, a seat of divine truth.
Her personal charm is considered par excellence. An aura of
divine happiness, mental and spiritual satisfaction, and
prosperity always exist around her. Her palm is always
extended to bless people.


Kamla Devi Yantra is for worshippers who wish for
elevation of the soul through both spiritual and worldly
goals. Frees from debts, poverty, tension, disease, problems
and dangers. Brings to the devotee nourishment, support,
abundance of worldly wealth, love and bliss. Helps one to
see the beauty and Divine quality in everything and awakens
the process of inner enfoldment.