Now that We Have Come Together

Now That We Have Come Together

Franklin Jones (Adi Da Samraj), 1972


Where there is no fear, what is the only necessary state in which to be? Is it necessary to be loved? Is it necessary to be famous or well known? Is some kind of success necessary when there is no fear? Or are some kind of supernormal powers necessary? Is it sainthood? To be a siddha, a god, a sorcerer, a psychic, or a lord of men? Is any special state required where there is no fear? How could it be so?

What is the motivation where there is no fear? Without fear will anyone require some state other than his original and present one? Where there is no fear, does he depend on any secondary achievement? Does he require anything to be added? Does he require an other, however great, to lead him into some other superior condition? None of this, for such aspirations stand in fear.

But one who is entirely free of fear, the motive created in the separative mind, requires nothing apart from what is always already the case. He is dependent on nothing to satisfy his fearlessness. He requires no experience and no achievement. He requires no dependent state. Therefore, the only necessary state for one who is without fear is his existence, that which he always already enjoys where he stands. He always, already enjoys what he would otherwise seek. The primary form of reality is his only consolation. Free of fear, he is entirely free. All relationship is already the case. He has nothing he must necessarily achieve. He is not radically tempted to any manifest state in any of the worlds. His vision and his hearing fall endlessly through everything. He is magnificently satisfied. He is not turned or moved to any power, any symbol, any form, any presence, for nothing at last enjoys any more than that which he always, already enjoys. He is willing to enjoy the entire adventure, and all adventures are acceptable to him. He is without a trace of despair. He considers that nothing promises a superior enjoyment, and everything promises the one thing that is always, already enjoyed. He is magnificently unmoved. His gestures turn in the same law, the same shape, the same moment as all things. He is not troubled. He is only present. The law is his own existence, the same consciousness wherein he understands his fear. His existence and his understanding are the mood that is reality. Can you see the beauty of this fearlessness? Can you see how it is unnecessary to pursue any state, even the state that seems to be existence itself? Can you see that whatever is pursued cannot be more than essential existence, unqualified present, reality itself? Can you see the brilliant event that has always, already occurred? Can you see that all fascinations end in the understanding of fear and search? Can you see what is necessary where there is already no fear at all?

Then if you see it, if all fear is secondary and unnecessary, if all fascination and search is only a term of ignorance, without understanding, what is the use of more discussion, more philosophy and therapy, more spirituality and religion, more of the psychological and ritual life? Why should we continue even a moment more without the satisfied and brilliant shout of joy? Why should we not begin from now to create the useable world, without dilemmas, the actual world of intelligence and love? Then, if you see it, get on with it, and do not turn away because of fear now that we have come together, let us return to our places and create the world, never again to consider there is a problem of existence.

Adi Da Samraj (Franklin Jones), 1972, unpublished notes