The Principle of Transfiguration – Scientific Proof of the Existence of God Will Soon Be announced by the White House!

Scientific Proof of the Existence of God Will Soon Be Announced by the White House!

Chapter 9: The Western Way

The Principle of Transfiguration

“Transfiguration” is a matter of the conversion of attention to relational love, and it is expressed as the limitless en-Livening of the total body-mind, even to the point of bodily Translation (or the “Outshining” of psycho-physical phenomena by the Brightness or felt Radiance of Divine Being). It is distinct from the inverted processes of conventional meditation and inward self-discovery, since such processes involve the general withdrawal of attention and the Life-Principle from the world, the body, and at least the grosser levels of mind.

Transfiguration depends on psycho-physical Equanimity, rather than on problem-based and solution-oriented effort. It is a natural or native, essential, and spontaneous process which develops by Free Divine Grace and which is founded on the priorly free disposition of surrender, or inherence in the Radiant Transcendental and Eternally Living Being.


Scientific Proof – Table of Contents