Vision Mound Magazine – God, Truth, and Parent



Volume 1, Number 11

MAY 1978

God Is The Truth of Life, Not the Parental Source of
Future Fulfillment

by Bubba Free John

The Truth that is God and Life is sufficient in and of
Itself. We are not truly separate from That. We are happy
only in ecstatic or self-released Communion with That. To
release the entire body-mind into Communion with the Radiant
and Unknowable Divine Reality is happiness. It is not that
the act of such release produces effects in us that are
happiness. Rather, the sacrifice, or Communion self, is

God is not, in Truth, That which produces experiences
that fulfill us and make us happy. God is the Reality or
Condition that is our freedom and happiness. To Commune with
the Divine is to be released from the absurdity and torment
of independent psycho-physical existence. The Truth or
Condition of the body-mind is the prior, unqualified

Therefore, we must Worship the Divine whole bodily, and
so abide in our condition or Truth or God. We do not worship
God in Truth if we merely hope and demand to be given
mortality, bodily or psychic fascination or any other
objective or subjective fulfillment of our psycho-physical
birth. We Worship God in Truth only if we surrender to the
Divine Condition Itself, and abide in That, free of the
body-mind, Awake to the Real Condition of the stream of
events. Just so, the Unqualified Truth is not other than the
Life or Radiance of which self and experience and world are
only temporary and unnecessary modifications.

To Worship the Living God in Truth is to Realize the Free
Condition of “I,” the body-mind. It is to be free, in the
Present, of the dilemma of independent, self-possessed
existence. It is not to cling to self, the body-mind, and to
seek its fulfillment or survival. It is to be free of the
entire absurdity of independent and limited existence, and
all that it may seek or acquire.

Therefore, to Worship or Commune or be a Sacrifice in God
is not a matter of self, or any hopes and beliefs about the
future, or any despair and knowledge about the past. It is a
matter of freedom and happiness itself, or Realization of
the Divine for Its own sake. Nothing but Divine Communion is
necessary for happiness. Nothing but Divine Communion is
freedom. Those who surrender to Life beyond all knowledge
may continue and enjoy or suffer every kind of apparent
experience as the Play in which Life incarnates. But, in any
moment, their happiness is only in the Truth of that Life,
and not in experiences themselves.