Unbroken Light – Grid of Attention – Mummery


A Discourse by the
Ruchira Avatar, Adi Da Samraj
January 2, 1999, from Only The Horse Knows, vol. 1,
pp 139-141.


Avatar Adi Da
Existence in the
waking and dreaming states is a mummery … presumptions.
Human beings live as mummers – as if the play they are
appearing in were the carrying out of a plan they know full
well, and reality is evident to them. It is not so. Reality
is not evident – not Self-evident, not evident as the Most
Profound State, the “Brightness” State, the Samadhi of the
“Brightness”. You are all mummers because you do not know
That Which Is Always Already The Case. You only know the

I am not merely Principle, I am
Person, Fullness of Being, Love-Blissful Self-Consciousness,
without the slightest difference or separation or otherness
or relatedness or separation. No difference. No relatedness
is the characteristic of My Samadhi, of Existence Itself.
There is one Undifferentiated, Indivisible Reality, or
is due to a
polarizing fractioning of the Light. But that polarizing of
the Light, and in and of itself, does not change the Light,
in of of Itself. It is an apparition, a refraction, a
fractal, a spreading of patterned color, with other
characteristics proposed by the senses. The Light is
nevertheless a Current in the midst. The opposites are lined
up on either side of that Current.

But the opposites are arising in the Unbroken

Avatar Adi Da
Yes. The Light Itself experiences no difference.

Beloved, does that fracturing appear as the grid of

Avatar Adi Da
The grid of
attention is the mechanism for the perception of conditional

And is that the fracturing of the light?

Avatar Adi Da
Attention itself is
that fracturing. The objects are representations of the
results of that fracturing, worked out in every possibility
of duality. Attention is the feeling of relatedness.
Attention is the fundamental gesture of self-contraction, or
of the torque that makes the prism, the refracting gesture
that displays the colored lights of pattern in their
discreet sectors, planes, or worlds.

Beloved, it certainly couldn’t be the case that attention is
inherently self-contracted, though, because in the Native
Condition that is not longer true.

Avatar Adi Da
Attention is
inherently the self-contraction. There must be a
transformation of view. Attention does not change. Rather,
there is a transformation of view. The right view of
attention is not that of attention itself. When attention is
found in That Which Is Always Already The Case, then
attention is Recognized and is no longer binding. But
attention, in and of itself, just as itself, is the
self-contraction. It is not that attention is vanished in
the case of Realization. No. There is a transformation of
view with respect to attention. That transformation of view
is inherent in Ultimate, or Most Perfect, Realization.

Thus, in the seventh stage of life,
there is the appearance of the function of attention, so it
seems, in the play of awareness associated with attention,
but it is inherently Recognized. It has not binding power,
even though it is just what it is.

The psycho-physical
self-contraction, in the ego-expressive sense, is, of
course, transcended in the seventh state of life, because
egoity has been transcended at the root. There is still a
pattern of duality, but not a pattern of self-contraction in
the ego-sense of that pattern being a field of bondage. Even
so, attention is contraction in the sense that attention is
necessary for the bipolarization of light to be the case.

“One who understands is already
free of the appearance of any world or state. He lives as
the same awareness under all conditions, each world or
structure, each state that arises. No condition involves a
drama of realization for him. There is only the unqualified
heart. It appears as bliss, as mind, and as the rising
worlds. There is no dilemma for him in all of this. He does
not need to enforce any kind of control. He is not on the
way. The heart itself is already his control and seal
against excursions that may fail. He is always already
blissful, conscious, and present. His eye is truth, the
prior light of steadiness that shines in the heart and
appears configured as reflected worlds and

Franklin Jones (Adi Da Samraj) –
unpublished writings, 1971.

For more on The Grid of Attention

Grid of Attention
– 1995,
The Completing Discourse of the 25-Year

“Attention moves in a
great electronic field, a three-dimensional realm
of little electronic dots. Attention in itself is
one dot, in one position in this moment and in the
next moment in another position, not just in a
two-dimensional screen, like a TV, but in a
three-dimensional realm of an infinite number of
electronic dots. Attention can move to any one of
those spaces instantly, without moving through
everything in between. Attention is just the point
of awareness, keyed into a great electronic medium
that has the capacity to represent itself as solid
appearances, or just light, or energy appearances,
or darkness, or nothingness.”
the Cosmic Mandala

It is just that you don’t have to buy the self-contraction
as the story of what’s going on.

Avatar Adi Da
It is found
in Consciousness itself. The world is Recognized. But this
requires a transformation of view, not the elimination of
the world – a transformation of view in

That’s totally radical, Beloved. And it is the most radical
expression I can think of waking, dreaming and sleeping
being simultaneously true. That the mechanism of
self-contraction is still allowed to do its necessary
“function”, so to speak.

Avatar Adi Da
this root sense,.Attention itself is the primal mode of
self-contraction. In the seventh stage there is not
self-contraction as egoic reaction in the midst of
conditions. However, attention persists in the seventh stage
of life as the principle whereby the apparition of duality
is made possible. It could be described as the Divine
Self-Contraction. (laughter) It is the inherent, spontaneous
Divine Event.

If you think of attention in the
seventh stage of life in terms of cause and effect, this is
not correct view. There must be a transformation of view.
Attention is not arising as a cause of causes and of
effects. Experience is not perceived to be merely arising as
a threat caused by something else. Right view is required. A
transformation of view, therefore is required – in
place…in order for nature of all this arising to be
Self-evident, pleasurable Oneness.

The basic verses of Da Love
Ananda Gita are born of the spontaneous and sudden
association of attention with the waking state. (January 2,

Additional readings:

“At first this process balances
you, brings order to your existence, and more and more
profoundly you become sifted out. In the infinite is a grid,
with countless numbers of holes in it. Nothing even so small
as an atom can pass through one of those holes. All of these
limits must be transcended in order to pass through that
grid. Everything is trained out, sifted out. Only what can
pass through that grid moves through Infinity, and only one
thing can pass through that grid. That is the Divine Itself,
the very Being. Everything else is sifted out. Everything
else is to gross.”
is Not Elsewhere

Great Path of Return vs The Way of The
(The Radical Path of
The Paradox of Instruction – Chapter 3

“For those who are awakened to
the super-physics of all light, Truth, the very Reality,
which is salvation or Happiness, is not itself Light or any
light in the exclusive sense. Light itself is ultimately
resolved in a Principle that includes and is prior to both
light and darkness. The Truth of life is not the victory of
light over darkness. The Truth of life is not its physics of
manifestation, or any kind of experiential destiny. The
Truth of life is Unqualified, prior to all distinctions. It
is not realized via the way of the knowledge of lights, or
in the objective Shine and Sound of ultimate Brightness. It
is intuited via the Wound or Mystery of Paradox, the
irreducible profundity of absolute Ignorance. One whose
enjoyment is Truth is thus free of all complications, even
all the changes that appear in the manifesting Light. Such a
one is eternally purified by the Realization that, no matter
what arises, high or low, bright or dark, he does not know
what even a single thing is.”

Exercise and The Transcendental Sun