“self” Contraction in the Aletheon

A Beezone Study



The first 270 pages of The Aletheon

When the self-Contraction is understood

“an ego-transcending and “world”-transcending equanimity appears.

The First Sign of Understanding

Forget “self”-Contraction

Now That My Avataric Ordeal Of Divine Descent (To every where, and To every one) Is Most Perfectly Complete, I Am (Avatarically) Forever Divinely Self-”Emerging” here—Now (and Forever Hereafter) Self- Revealed (and Self-Revealing) In and As and Via My Avatarically-Born (Bodily Human, and Self-Evidently Divine) “Bright” Form, and As and Via My (Thus and Thereby) Avatarically Self-Transmitted “Bright” (and Self-Evidently Divine) Transcendental Spiritual Presence, and (Ultimately) As My (Thus and Thereby) Avatarically Self-Revealed State (or Intrinsically egoless, and Boundlessly “Bright”, and Self-Evidently Divine Heart) Itself—So That (By Means Of The Directly Me-Revealing “Bright” Transcendental Spiritual Power Of My Thus Avatarically Self-Revealed Divine Form, and Presence, and State) Every ego-”I” (or Seeming-Separate Heart) Will Devotionally Recognize Me, and (In Devotional Response To My Thus Avatarically Self-Revealed Divine Form, and Presence, and State) Forget “self”- Contraction (Of Separate, and Always Separative, ego-”I”) In Me, and (Ultimately, By Realizing Me Most Perfectly) Awaken Into The Centerless and Boundless Sphere and Infinite egoless Space Of My Eternal “Bright” Divine Self-Domain.  

Beyond “self”-Contraction

When The Seeming-Separate Heart Of My Devotee Is (Beyond all psycho-physical “self”- Contraction) egolessly Conformed To My Avatarically-Born Bodily (Human) Divine Form and My Avatarically Self- Transmitted Divine Transcendental Spiritual Presence and My Avatarically Self-Revealed Divine State, Even the Whole body Of My True Devotee Is (By Means Of My Avatarically Given Divine Transcendental Spiritual Grace) Made “Brightly” Full Of Me.

Transcending “self”-Contraction

By Transcending “self”- Contraction (In and By Means Of The Whole bodily Devotional Recognition- Response To Me), The Seeming-Separate Heart Must (Always Priorly and Immediately) transcend The First Six Stages Of Life—and The (Only-By-Me Revealed and Given) Seventh Stage Must Be Perfected In My Divine Heart (Itself).

Observe “self”-Contraction

By Means Of Constant, and Truly Responsive, Devotional and Transcendental Spiritual Whole-bodily- Participatory-Communion With Me, My True Devotee Should (Always Spontaneously) Observe, and (Truly) Heart-Understand, and (Altogether) Freely Release Me-Forgetting bodily, emotional, breath-Controlling, and mental “self”- Contraction Of The Seeming-Separate Heart.

Purified “self”-Contraction

By Whole-bodily-Devotionally Listening To My Avatarically Self-Revealed Divine Word (Of Universal Heart- Instruction, and Of Divine Heart-Confession) With The To-Me-Devoted Heart, and By Whole-bodily- Devotionally Responding To My Avatarically Self-Revealed Divine Word (Of Universal Heart-Instruction, and Of Divine Self-Confession) In The To-Me-Devoted Heart, and By Whole-bodily-Devotionally Beholding My Avatarically Self-Revealed (and Self-Evidently Divine) Form, and Presence, and State With All The To- Me-Devoted Heart, My True Devotee Will Be Purified Of Me-Forgetting “self”- Contraction Of body, emotion, breath, and mind.

Atheism and Theism arise on the basis of “self”-Contraction

Atheism regularly proposes a “logic” of life that has its own dogmatic features. It does not propose a “God”-idea but, instead, founds itself on and in the perceptual and phenomenal mind alone. Atheism concedes only a universal and ultimately indifferent (or merely lawful) cosmic Nature (not a “God”)—and, so, there is no need to create a “religious creation-myth” to account for suffering. (And atheistic thinkers thus generally confine themselves to constructing a cosmology, based on material observations alone, that merely accounts for the apparent workings of the conditionally manifested events of cosmic Nature.) Indeed, just as conventional “God-religion” (or conventional theism) arises to account for suffering, atheism arises on the basis of the unreserved acknowledgment of suffering. And, if there is no idea of “God”, there is no idea of the human being as “creature” (or, in other words, the human being as the bearer of an immortal, or “God-like”, “inner” part). Nor is there any need to interpret unfortunate or painful events as the “effects” of “Evil”. Therefore, the atheistic “point of view” is characterized by the trend of mind called “realism”, just as the conventional “religious” (or theistic) “point of view” is characterized by the trend of mind called “idealism”—but both atheism and theism arise on the basis of the “self”- Contraction (or the ego of phenomenal “self”-consciousness), rather than on the basis of direct Intuition of the Real Self-Nature, Self- Condition, and Self-State That is Prior to separate “self” and its conventions of perception and thought.

Understanding the “self”-Contraction

When the ego (or “self”-Contraction) is understood and transcended, then conditional Nature is seen in the Light of Reality Itself. And, in that case, the egoic struggle in conditional Nature or against conditional Nature is also understood and transcended. Then life ceases to be founded on the need to defeat the dynamic of conditional Nature via conventional “knowledge”, power, immortality, or mystical escape. The “world” is no longer conceived as a drama of warfare between “Good” and “Evil”. The righteousness of the search for the “Good” as a means of “self”-preservation disappears along with the “self”-indulgent and “self”- destructive negativity of possession by “Evil”. In place of this dilemma of opposites, an ego-transcending and “world”-transcending (or cosmic-Nature-transcending) equanimity appears. In that equanimity, there is an Inherent Self-Radiance That Transcends the egoic dualities of “Good” and “Evil” (or the conventional polarities of the separate “self” in conditional Nature). That Self-Radiance Is the Free Radiance of egoless Love. In That Free Radiance, energy and attention are inherently free of the ego-bond, or the “self”- Contraction, or the “gravitational effect” of phenomenal “self”-awareness. Therefore, dynamic equanimity, or the free disposition of egoless Love (rather than the egoic disposition in the modes of “Good” or “Evil”), is the “window” through which Real (Acausal) God may be “seen” (or intuited)—not in the conventional mode of “Creator”, the “Good”, the “Other”, or the “Heavenly Place”, but as the Real (or Reality Itself), the Self- Evidently Divine Self-Nature, Self-Condition, and Self-State of all-and-All.

Motive of the “self”-Contraction

Based on the understanding of attention (or the observation that Consciousness Itself, in the context of the body-mind-”self”, tends to identify with, or becomes fixed in association with, whatever attention observes, and especially with whatever attention surrenders to most fully), the Spiritual Motive is essentially the Motive to transcend the limiting capability of attention (or of all conditional “objects”, others, and states). Therefore, the traditional Spiritual process (as a conventional technique, begun in the context of the fourth stage of life) is an effort (or struggle) to set attention (and, thus, Consciousness Itself) Free by progressively relinquishing attachment and reaction to conditional “objects”, others, and states (and, Ultimately, this process requires the Most Perfect transcending of egoity, or “self”- Contraction itself, or all the egoic limitations associated with each and all of the first six stages of life).

Effort originates in the “self”-Contraction

Truly, the bondage of attention to conditional “objects”, others, and states must be really transcended in the Spiritual Way, but mere “self”-effort (or struggle with the separate, and separative, “self”) is a principle that originates in (and constantly reinforces) the separate (and separative) “self” (or “self”-Contraction, or egoity itself). Therefore, the process of the real transcending of bondage to conditions is made direct (and truly ego-transcending) if the principle of independent “self”-effort (or egoic struggle) is (at least progressively) replaced by the responsive (or cooperative) Principle of Supreme Attraction (Which Is, in Its Fullness, responsive devotional and Spiritual Identification with the Free Person, Presence, and State of One Who Is Already Realized, or In Samadhi).

Attraction beyond the “self”-Contraction

On the basis of the simple understanding of attention—expressed in the formula: You become (or Realize) What (or Who) you meditate on—the ancient Essence of the Spiritual Way is to meditate on (and otherwise to Commune with) the Adept-Guru, and (thereby) to be Attracted (or Grown) beyond the “self”- Contraction (or egoity, or all the “self”-limiting tendencies of attention, or all “self”-limiting and “self”-binding association with conditional “objects”, others, and states). Through sympathetic (or responsive) Spiritual Identification with the Spiritually Self-Transmitted State of a Realizer, the devotee is Spiritually Infused and (potentially) Awakened by the Inherently Attractive Power of That State Itself. Even the simplest beginner in practice may be directly Inspired—and, thus, moved toward greater practice, true devotion, and eventual Spiritual Awakening—by sympathetic response to the Free Sign, and the Great Demonstration, of a True Realizer. And, by the Great Spiritual Means That Is true devotional Communion with a True Realizer (coupled with a variety of disciplines and practices, which should be associated with real “self”- understanding), the fully prepared devotee of a True Realizer may Freely (or with relative effortlessness) relinquish (or Grow Beyond) the limits of attention relative to each of the progressive stages of life that, in due course, follow upon that devotion.

Past events do not control your life when you understand the “self”-Contraction

You presume that you have to analyze …. events, and analyze your reactivity, and (thereby) discover what is to be blamed for your current state. Such is the “worldly” model of life, which is based entirely on the principle of egoity—and to live by that model does not lead to any real change or any real transcending of egoity. To live a right and effective life requires that you embrace the principle of responsibility—by turning whole bodily to Me, understanding your own activity of “self”- Contraction, and changing your life on that basis. Past events do not control your life—you control your life. You are not a victim, and no one is to blame

Three egos – or the “self”-Contraction

There are three egos (or three fundamental modes of egoity—or of the “self”- Contraction-active psychophysical illusion of separate and separative “self”-consciousness). The three modes of egoity (or of the “self”- Contraction of any “point of view”, or ego-”I”) are the lower “self” (or gross ego), the higher “self” (or subtle ego), and the “root-self” (or causal ego). These three egos (or modes of the conditionally arising illusion of separate “self”-consciousness) comprise the total conditionally perceiving and conditionally “knowing” ego-”I”. The total (or tripartite) ego-”I” is always directly (and with always immediate effectiveness) transcended in the right, true, and full (or complete) formal practice of the only-by-Me Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam (Which is the right, true, and full formal practice of whole-bodily-recognitionresponsive devotional turning to Me).

Egoity = “self”-Contraction

The first of the three egos (or modes of egoity, or of “self”- Contraction) to be always directly transcended in the only-by-Me Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam is the money-food-and-sex ego (or the social, and, altogether, gross-body-based, personality—or the gross pattern and activity of “self”- Contraction), which is the lower “self”, or the ego of the first three stages of life. The second of the three egos (or modes of egoity, or of “self”- Contraction) to be always directly transcended in the only-by-Me Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam is the brain-mind ego (or the brain-based, and nervous-system-based, mental, and perceptual, and, altogether, subtle-body-based illusions of “object” and “other”—or the subtle pattern and activity of “self”- Contraction), which is the higher “self”, or the ego of the fourth and the fifth stages of life. The third of the three egos (or modes of egoity, or of “self”- Contraction) to be always directly transcended in the only-by-Me Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam is the “root”-ego (or the exclusively disembodied, and mindless, but separate, and, altogether, causal-body-based “self”-consciousness—or the causal, or “root-causative”, pattern and activity of “self”- Contraction), which is attention itself, and which is the “root-self”, or the ego of the sixth stage of life. By Means of responsive relinquishment of “self”- Contraction in Me, or really and truly ego-surrendering, ego-forgetting, and intrinsically (and, at last, Most Perfectly) ego-transcending (or always directly “self”- Contraction-transcending) devotion to Me (and, Thus, by Means of the right, true, and full formal practice of devotionally Me-recognizing and devotionally to-Me-responding whole bodily turning to Me), the tripartite ego otherwise unfolding via the patterns of the first six stages of life (or the psycho-physical totality of the three-part hierarchically patterned “self”- Contraction into separate and separative “point of view”) is (always directly, and with always immediate effectiveness) transcended in Me—the Eternally Self-Existing, Infinitely Self-Radiant, Intrinsically egoless, Perfectly Subjective, Indivisibly One, Irreducibly Non-separate, Transcendental Spiritual, Self-Evidently Divine, and (now, and forever hereafter) Avatarically Self-Revealed Self-Conscious Light of Reality Itself. The Ultimate, Final, and Inherently Most Perfect (or seventh stage) Realization of Me requires—as a necessary prerequisite—an ego-transcending (or really and truly and comprehensively “self”- Contraction transcending) Great Process. The Ultimate, Final, and Inherently Most Perfect (or seventh stage) Realization of Me requires—as a necessary prerequisite—the comprehensive by-Me-Revealed and by-Me- Given (and always directly ego-transcending) right practice of life in the formal context of the only-by-Me Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam. And—as a necessary prerequisite to the Ultimate, Final, and Inherently Most Perfect (or seventh stage) Realization of Me—the particular illusions that are unique to each of the three egos (or basic modes of egoity) each require a particular (and most profound) mode of the necessary ego-transcending (or “self”- Contraction-transcending) Great Process of the by-Me-Revealed and by-Me-Given formal practice of the Reality-Way of Adidam.

The search is the “self”-Contraction

Before the foundation phase (or first phase) of the ego-transcending Great Process of the only-by-Me Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam can (itself) be complete, it must Realize a profoundly life transforming and life-reorienting “positive disillusionment”, or a most fundamental (and really and truly “self”- Contraction-transcending) acceptance of the fact that gross conditional existence is inherently and necessarily unsatisfactory and unperfectable (and, therefore, a most fundamental—and really and truly Me- Finding and search-ending—acceptance of the fact that all seeking to achieve permanent and complete gross satisfaction of separate body, emotion, and mind is inherently and necessarily futile). Only on the basis of that necessary foundation-Realization of “positive disillusionment” can the functional life-energy and the attention of the entire body-mind-complex (or of the total body-brain-mind) be released from gross ego-bondage (or “self”-deluded confinement to the psycho-physical illusions of gross “self”- Contraction).

Release of “self”-Contraction

Lower “self” (or the separate and separative gross and social ego) is the foundation-Realization of the Prior and Inherent Universal Unity (or all-and-All-inclusive interdependency and common “cause”-and- ”effect” mutuality) of gross conditional (and cosmic) existence—such that the inherently loveless (or antiparticipatory and non-integrative) “self”- Contraction-effort of the gross separate “self” is consistently released (or to-Me-responsively “self”-surrendered) into participatory and integrative attitudes of human, social, and cosmic unification (or love-connectedness) with all-and-All, and into love-based (and truly ego-transcending) actions that transcend the otherwise separative (or anti-participatory and non-integrative) tendencies of the ego-”I”. Thus, by Means of devotionally Me-recognizing and devotionally to-Me-responding relinquishment (or participatory and love-based transcending) of psycho-physical “self”- Contraction (to the degree of “positive disillusionment” relative to gross conditional “experience” and gross conditional “knowledge”), My true devotee is inherently released toward and into the true Transcendental Spiritual (and not merely gross, or even at all conditional) Realization of Reality Itself and Truth Itself (or Real Acausal God).

Hearing is understanding the “self”-Contraction

The middle phase of the always directly ego-transcending Great Process of the only-by-Me Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam is the devotional, and truly Me-Hearing (or actively ego-transcending, and, thus, always directly “self”- Contraction-transcending), and really Me-Seeing (or actively, directly, and fully technically responsibly Transcendental Spiritual) process of always directly (and with always immediate effectiveness) transcending the higher “self” (or the subtle and mental ego—or the total subtle dimension, or subtle depth, of “self”- Contraction—and all the conceptual and perceptual illusions of inherently, and necessarily, brain-based mind). Therefore, the middle (or subtle) phase of the always directly ego transcending practice of the only-by-Me Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam requires the Realization of “positive disillusionment” relative to the subtly “objectified” (and subtly absorbed) “subject object point of view” (or fundamental release from the inherently ego-bound—or thoroughly “self”- contracted—search of relatively internalized mental and perceptual attention). This degree of the Realization of “positive disillusionment” requires fundamental release from the inherently illusory search to “experience” the conditional dissolution of the ego (and, in particular, release from subtle states of “self”- Contraction—and, especially, from mental states of “self”- Contraction) by means of “object”-oriented absorptive mysticism (or the absorptive yielding of attention to the apparent subtle “objects” that are either originated by the brain-mind or, otherwise, mediated by the brain itself). And the characteristic sign of “positive disillusionment” relative to the permanent and complete satisfaction of the “object”-oriented seeking of the higher “self” (or separate and separative subtle and mental ego) is the fully Me-Hearing and truly Me-Seeing Realization of the Perfect Transcendental Spiritual Nature of cosmic existence (or, that is to Say, the Realization that all natural and cosmic forms and states are inherently non-separate, or intrinsically non-dual, modes of Universally Pervasive and cosmically-manifested Spiritual Energy, or of Fundamental, Indivisible, and Irreducible Light—or of Love-Bliss-Fullness Itself).

Attention itself as “self”-Contraction

The final phase of the always directly ego-transcending Great Process of the only-by-Me Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam is the devotional, Spiritual, and Transcendental Hearing-and-Seeing Process of always directly (and with always immediate effectiveness) transcending the “root-self” (or the “root”-and causal ego—or the causal, or “root-causative”, depth of “self”- Contraction—which is attention itself, or the “root”-gesture of separateness, relatedness, otherness, and “difference”). Therefore, as a necessary preliminary to the “Perfect Practice” of the only-by-Me Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam, the ego-transcending (or comprehensively “self”- Contraction-transcending) practice of the total course of the only-by-Me Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam requires the Realization of “positive disillusionment” relative to the causal (or “root”-egoic, and, therefore, fundamental, or original) “subject object” division in Consciousness (or Conscious Light) Itself. This degree of the Realization of “positive disillusionment” requires the Prior Establishment of Transcendental Self-Identification—Prior to the “root self- Contraction” that is “point of view” itself (or attention itself), and (Thus, also) Prior to the entire body brain- mind (or conditional structure) of conception and perception. And the characteristic sign of “positive disillusionment” relative to the permanent and complete satisfaction of the “root-self” (or the fundamental “causative”, or causal, ego) is the fundamental transcending of attention itself in the Me-”Locating” (and, altogether, Me-Hearing and Me-Seeing) Realization of the Transcendental (and Intrinsically Non-separate, Non-dual, and Non-conditional) Nature of Consciousness Itself. Only after—or in the Great Event of Most Perfect (and, necessarily,

“self”-Contraction Transcended

Only after—or in the Great Event of Most Perfect (and, necessarily, formal and fully accountable) Fulfillment of—the “Radical” (or Always “At-the-Root”, and Always Intrinsically ego-Transcending) Great Process of the only-by-Me Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam relative to the three fundamental modes (or gross, subtle, and causal psycho-physical pattern-potentials) of egoity is there the truly Ultimate (or seventh stage, and Always Already Divinely Self-Realized, and, Thus, Priorly, Intrinsically, and Perfectly ego-Transcending) “Practice” of the only-by-Me Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam (or the Most Perfect, and Intrinsically egoless, or Always Already Most Perfectly, and Non-conditionally, “self”- Contraction-Transcending, and Divinely Love-Bliss-Full, and only-by-Me Revealed and Given seventh stage- of-life Demonstration of “radical” devotion to Me).

Outshining the “self”-Contraction

The only-by-Me Revealed and Given seventh-stage-of-life Demonstration of the only-by-Me Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam Is the Non-conditional and Divinely Free (and Intrinsically egoless, or Intrinsically “point-of-view”-less) “Practice” (or Always Already Divinely Self-Realized and Inherently Perfect Demonstration) of Self-Abiding Divine Self-Recognition of the simultaneous totality of the apparent gross, subtle, and causal body-brain-mind-”self”, or the Intrinsically and Perfectly all-and-All-Transcending (and, at last, all-and-All-Outshining) Process of the simultaneous (and Self-Abiding) Divine Self-Recognition of the total psycho-physical ego-”I” itself (or of the total conditional “point of view”, or apparent “self”- Contraction, itself). Therefore, the only-by-Me Revealed and Given seventh-stage-of-life Demonstration of the only-by- Me Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam Is the Inherent “Practice” (or Divinely Self-Realized Demonstration) of Self-Abiding Divine Self-Recognition of “point of view” itself (or of attention itself—or of the conditionally apparent “subject”, itself) and (always coincidently, or simultaneously) Self-Abiding Divine Self-Recognition of the conception or perception of separateness, or of relatedness, or of otherness, or of “difference” itself (or of any and every conditionally apparent “object”, itself).

Inherent Illusion of the “self”-Contraction

The only-by-Me Revealed and Given seventh-stage-of-life Demonstration of the only-by-Me Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam Is the Most Perfect (or Non-conditional, Intrinsically egoless, and Self- Evidently Divine) Demonstration of “positive disillusionment”, or of the Inherently illusionless (or “self”- Contraction-Free, and Intrinsically all-and-All-Transcending) Realization of the Fundamental Reality and Truth (or Real Acausal God)—Which Fundamental Reality and Truth (or Real Acausal God) Is the One and Indivisible and Self-Existing and Indestructible and Self-Radiant and Always Already Perfectly Non-dual Conscious Light (or That Which Is Always Already The Case), and Which Reality and Truth (or Real Acausal God) Is That Self-Existing and Perfectly Subjective Self-”Brightness” (or Infinite and Absolute and Perfectly Non-separate Self-Nature, Self-Condition, and Self-State) of Which the conditional (or gross, subtle, and causal) “subject-object” illusions (or total psycho-physical “self”- Contraction illusions) of conception, and of perception, and of the ego-”I”-presumption are mere, and merely apparent (or non-necessary, or always non-Ultimate), and intrinsically non-binding modifications. And the characteristic Sign of Most Perfectly Demonstrated (or seventh stage) “positive disillusionment” relative to the totality of the separate and separative ego-”I” (or “point of view”) and its presumptions of a separate (or “objectified”) gross, subtle, and causal “world” Is the Intrinsically egoless and Self-Evidently Divine (and Intrinsically Non-separate and Nondual) Realization of Reality (Itself) As Irreducible and Indivisible Conscious Light (Inherently Love-Bliss-Full, or Perfectly Subjectively “Bright”).

The Way of transcending the “self”-Contraction

The only-by-Me Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam (or Adidam Ruchiradam) Is—from the beginning, and at last—the Way of the always direct (and always immediately effective) transcending of the fact and the consequences of egoity (or of psycho-physical “self”- Contraction)

The first six stages of life are the “self”-Contraction

The first six stages of life are the six stages (or developmental phases) of human (and universal) egoity— or of progressively regressive introversion upon the psycho-physical pattern (and “point of view”) of “self”- Contraction.

The first six stages of life are the “self”-Contraction

Because each and all of the first six stages of life are based on (and are identical to) egoity (or “self”- Contraction, or separate and separative “point of view”) itself, not any one (or even the collective of all) of the first six stages of life directly (and Most Perfectly) Realizes (or Is the Intrinsically egoless and Inherently Most Perfect Realization and the Intrinsically egoless and Inherently Most Perfect Demonstration of) Reality Itself, Truth Itself, or Real (Acausal) God.

Directly Transcend the “self”-Contraction

The only-by-Me Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam Is the Unique and Only Way That always directly (and, at last, Most Perfectly) Transcends egoity (or “self”- Contraction) itself.

The practice and the process of transcending the “self”-Contraction

The only-by-Me Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam Is the practice and the process of transcending egoity (or psycho-physical “self”- Contraction, or gross, subtle, and causal egoic “self”- identification with separate and separative “point of view”) by always directly transcending the inherently egoic (or always “self”- contracted) patterns of conditional conception and conditional perception (or of conditional “knowing” and conditional “experiencing”) associated with each (and all) of the first six stages of life.

You are living your life based on the “self”-Contraction

You are tending to live a life of struggle, seeking to attain equilibrium, pleasure, or release—either in the present “world” or in some other “world”. However, this struggle is unnecessary—if only you will (Intrinsically, tacitly, in moment to moment recognition-responsive devotional Communion with Me) transcend (and, in that tacit sense, understand) the gesture of self”- Contraction in the apparent field of the body-mind-complex and its relations.

Understanding the “self”-Contraction

Such is the necessary “radical” (or always “at-the-root”, and not mentally proposed, or mind-driven and search-oriented) “self”-understanding—or Intrinsic transcending of psycho-physical “self”- Contraction—that is always already (tacitly, and Priorly) founded in the Divine Reality-Truth.



More on ‘self’ Contraction