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Unitarian Engagement in India

Unitarian Engagement in India Unitarian Universalist International Engagement: Mar 20, 2019 Unitarian Universalist International Engagement:. History and Vision in Three Parts: Part I – The

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That Which Unites

That Which Unites Throughout history, human civilization has experienced endless cycles of change. Empires rise and fall, philosophies and religious movements flourish and fade, and

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Jewish Messiahs

Between 100 BCE and 70 CE, numerous prophets and messiahs emerged among the Jewish people. This group included figures such as Judas the Galilean, the

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Dimension of Belief

“Man is the intermediary between creatures, that he is the familiar of the gods above him as he is lord of the beings beneath him”

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A Restful Kernel

August 1838. Concord, Mass. Thoreau writes in his journal:   If with closed ears and eyes I consult consciousness for a moment, immediately are all walls

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We Are on the Road

“We are on the road to a destiny, a status, equivalent, in its real world, to that of the fabled damned.”     Walt Whitman’s

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Find Yourself Out

  In ‘The Sacred Space of Finding Me,’ page 135, there is a talk from Avatar Adi Da of August 26, 2004, entitled ‘Communion With

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Non-Dual – Non-Real

  ome proponents of Advaitism*, even those who may genuinely understand the core truth of Advaita Vedanta, often belong to what Adi Da calls the

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Johannine Community

  “After the reign of a thousand years, which includes the resurrection of the saints…we shall be translated into the heavenly Kingdom’   Tertullian, Quintus

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Public Cult of Jesus

Scientific Proof of the Existence of God  Will Soon Be Announced by the White House! Prophetic Wisdom about the Myths and Idols of mass culture

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The Liberation of Faith

Shabtai The Global Jewish Leadership Society based at Yale University In 1985, Anthony Ray Hinton was arrested and charged with two counts of capital murder

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Higher Wisdom

“the social order in general daily manifests more and more critical signs of deterioration. Mankind is not permitted to learn the higher purpose of humanity,

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Medicine and Imagination

Medicine and Imagination Medicine and Imagination On Poiesis and Perception in Clinical Practice NEESHEE PANDIT MAY 23 This essay explores the poetic and perceptual basis

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Apollonius Passage to India

Apollonius of Tyana’s Passage to India   Christopher P. Jones Department of ClassicsHarvard UniversityCambridge, MA   PHILOSTRATUS’ Life of Apollonius (to give it its

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Ammonus Saccus

THE SCHOOL OF AMMONIUS SACCAS Ammonius ‘Sakkas’: Nickname: Ammianus Marcellinus 22.16: Saccas Ammonius Plotini magister; Theodoret, Cur. 6.60-73. Cf. Suda, s.v. Origenes. Ammonius Saccas was a philosopher

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The Great Misinterpretation

Haviv Rettig Gur This program was made possible by the Asper Center for Zionist Education at Shalem College which provides an academic platform for meaningful

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Sita Sharon

Sita Sharon The following is an audio clip from an interview with Ed Reither (Beezone) and Sita in 2019 in Boulder, Colorado. “I was going

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Early LSD Experiments

Harvard’s Henry Beecher LSD Research – 1950’s Earlier LSD Work Harvard (1956)   “While Leary stands out as an early pioneer of psychedelic research at

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Ginsberg on Leary

High Priest Foreward FOREWORD BY ALLEN GINSBERG   By the late ’40s of this memory Century the people I knew best and loved most had

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Early Mushroom Finders

Early Mushroom Finders – Reko, Weitlaner, Shultes  Late 1930’s when they were once again brought to the attention of the scientific community. Fig. 1. Dr.

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Liquid Light – an Interview

Charles Steng with Bill Barnard   March 27, 2023 Bill Barnard, Professor of Religious Studies at Southern Methodist University. Photo courtesy of Bill Barnard On

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Biology Of Consciousness

Biology Of Consciousness Brian Farrell ReVista HARVARD REVIEW OF LATIN AMERICA The Biology of Consciousness From William James to Richard Schultesby Brian D. Farrell | Sep 26,

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William Lutz – Double Speak

“Double-speak” refers to language that is intentionally ambiguous, misleading, or deceptive. It’s often used to obscure the truth or manipulate perceptions by presenting information in

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The Clock is Ticking

*** Yesterday, as I delved into Daniel Sheehan’s assertion regarding C. Crane Brinton’s purported declaration of containing ‘The Single Most Important Idea in Intellectual Western

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Two Headed Possibilities

“Your best intentions are not sufficient and will not win. Your best intentions are always countering your alternative or worst intentions, or at least bad

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The Myth of Analysis

  This essay is mostly a commentary on The Myth of Analysis by James Hillman, a collection of three essays that were originally given as talks during the

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The Great Assembly

The Great Assembly   The below larger thanka is a spherical portrayal of the Paths of Buddhism. It illustrates another version of the Great Assembly

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