Beezone’s Latest Research Work

The Moral Equivalent of War
THE MORAL EQUIVALENT OF WAR: A CALL TO HUMANITY’S LAST GREAT BATTLE Introduction: The Test of the 21st Century by Beezone William James, in
A Message to the West
‘I have a message to the West as Buddha had a message to the East.” “He is a blazing, roaring fire consuming all impurities
The Global War Between Chaos and Control
The Global War Between Chaos and Control: A False Choice How Adi Da’s Nirvanasara Exposes the Illusion Driving Centralized Power *** Preface This article emerged
David Brainerd
“One morning, while I was walking in a solitary place, as usual, I at once saw that all my contrivances and projects to effect or
Intellectual Gatekeeping
The Veil of Intellectual Hubris: How Academia Subjugates Rather Than Enlightens Ed Reither In a course I am taking with the Harvard Extension School,
Shaping Early Christian Thought
Antioch, Edessa, Constantinople, and Alexandria Shaping Early Christian Thought by Beezone Research We order that the sacred, ecclesiastical rules which were adopted and confirmed
Who Do You Trust?
Who Do You Trust? by Beezone “Belief is the Offering; Trust is in the Exchange.” Introduction While revisiting Giovanni Pico della Mirandola’s Oration on
Syriac Christian Tradition
Rediscovering the Middle Church: An Introduction to the Syriac Tradition in Christianity by Beezone For many Christians today, the history of the faith is viewed
The Future of An Illusion – Sigmund Freud
The Future of An IllusionbySigmund Freud Section X The Future of an Illusion (German: Die Zukunft einer Illusion) is a 1927 work by Sigmund Freud, the founder
Pico Della Mirandola and Cabalist Magic
Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition PICO DELLA MIRANDOLA, contemporary of Ficino, though younger, began his philosophical career under Ficino’s influence and imbibed
Madison’s Warning: A 2025 Wake-Up Call
Madison’s Warning: A 2025 Wake-Up Call for American Democracy by Beezone Two hundred and thirty-seven years ago, James Madison, writing as Publius, warned the
On The Nature of Real Questions
On The Nature of Real Questions by Beezone *** Adi Da Samraj offers a profound and transformative perspective on the nature of questioning, seeking, and
No Time for Illusions
Introduction to Adi Da’s 2004 Talk This talk, given by Adi Da Samraj in 2004 to his devotees, transcends the boundaries of spiritual tradition and
Deesse Raison – The Goddess Reason
The Temple of Reason The Cult of the Supreme Being was a deistic cult established by Maximilien Robespierre (1758-1794) during the French Revolution (1789-1799). Its purpose was to replace Roman Catholicism
New England Transcendentalism – Kant
Transcendentalism in New England A History 1876 *** TRANSCENDENTALISM IN GERMANY KANT. THERE is no call to discuss here the system of Kant, or even
Mysticism, Doctrine, and Realization
Embodied Mystery: Monophysitism, Mysticism, and the Tension Between Doctrine and Direct Realization he genesis of this inquiry lies in reading Stephen Bar Sudaili: The
Religious Universality in the Biblical Worldview
Religious Universality in the Biblical Worldview: Incorporating India as a Source of Divine Connection The term b’dolakh has been interpreted variously as a precious
Pico Dell Mirandola and Cabalist Magic
Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition PICO DELLA MIRANDOLA, contemporary of Ficino, though younger, began his philosophical career under Ficino’s influence and imbibed
Continuity After the Passing of a Realizer
Continuity After the Passing of a Realizer: Sustaining the Source The Beezone Preface This essay emerged from an engaging and thought-provoking dialogue between Beezone and