The Intuitive Experience That Produces
True Religion
True religion has its origin in the nonverbal intuition
and direct experience of the Reality, Life-Power, and
Consciousness that pervades and transcends the world and the
body-mind of Man. There is truly no verbal-mental argument
that can convince anyone that there is this Reality. That is
why mere objective science and technology fail to produce a
higher human culture, and it is also why archaic and
conventional religious belief systems are inadequate and
false means of associating with the Divine Reality. There
must be direct and personal intuition and even bodily
experience of the Transcendental Reality if an individual is
to become truly religious and practice the personal, moral,
and higher psycho-physical disciplines that are true
The process wherein anyone may come to the point of this
Revelation of the Living God is generally a rather random
and chaotic affair, until the individual confronts the
influence and Teaching of someone who has not only
experienced this Revelation but also practiced the life of
self-transcending Communion with the Living Reality to the
point of ecstatic transformation. But, until the reader
avails himself or herself of the opportunity for such a
confrontation, there are two forms of consideration that he
or she can engage at this moment that will provide at least
a modest intuitive and experiential awareness of the Reality
of which I speak.
First, set aside for a moment all of your knowledge about
the universe and all your religious or scientific
presumptions about how it all developed to this point in
time. Simply consider this: Even if all processes and all
beings evolved or appear to have evolved mechanically and by
accidents of association, rather than Mysteriously, as an
expression of an eternal Divine Radiation of events, then
why does anything or anyone exist at all! How does the
existence of anything and everything come about as an
accident! Where did that accident occur! Within what is it
all occurring! Where is space!
I cannot consider the very existence of anything and
everything without developing a thrill in my back and head,
so that it feels as if my hair is about to stand on end. We
do not know what even a single thing is, or why it is, or
where it is, or when it is, or how it came to be. We are
confronted by an irreducible Mystery, and that Mystery is
profound. If you will truly consider, even for a moment, the
matter of the paradox of the existence of anything
whatsoever, you will feel intuitively in touch with the
Mystery that is Reality Itself. The mind falls away in that
moment, and even though you will not have come up with any
“knowing” explanations for the world, you will enjoy a tacit
sense of Communion with the Living Reality of the world and
of your own mind and body.
As a second exercise, examine yourself for a moment and
feel any and all forms of bodily contraction, emotional
reactivity, and mental concern that possess you. If you will
do this deeply and truly, even for a moment, you will become
aware of your chronic state. We are, except in the attitude
of total psycho-physical Communion with the Living Divine
Reality, in a chronic state of reactive contraction or
tension, simultaneously in mind, emotion, and body. If you
can observe and feel this for a moment, you will sense how
it is all a single gesture-a withdrawal or contraction from
release into the condition of unqualified relationship. And
once this becomes clear, on the basis of a moment of
insight, you will be able to relax and feel, beyond thought
and reactive emotion and bodily tension, into a sense of
self-releasing intimacy with all the conditions of the
world. And that release will establish you, at least for a
moment, in the wordless experiential sense of Communion with
Life, or the Nameless Radiance that pervades the world and
the body of Man.
These two considerations or exercises are a moments cure
for too much knowledge about things and too much
self-possessed reacting to things. In the moment in which we
stand free of the self-defining contractions of mere
knowledge and mere reaction to experience, we stand in
direct experiential intuition of the Divine Mystery or
Living Reality that is the Truth of the world, and that is
the very and eternal Urge to religious consciousness and the
higher evolution of Man.
Scientific Proof – Table
of Contents