Adi Da Articles – page 2
Mentality – There is no
cheap “super-truth” or “clever method”
for “every man.” Do
Not Misunderstand Me
– Adi Da
Samraj Do
Not Reduce This Institution to a Religion
– Adi
Da Dealing
with Existence as it Truly Is
– You do have to do this sadhana in the context of your
ordinariness. Best
Thing to Do is to Be Uncomfortable – “You
cannot avoid that discomfort. It is essential to your
conditional life. You must find it, locate it, and really
use it.” Beyond
Doubt – Adi
Da Samraj – “Intelligent people
cannot find God in such a mass of idiocy, so quite naturally
they look for satisfaction elsewhere.” Double
Bind – unpublished
notes 1971 – Adi
Da Samraj Do
You Like Your Experience? “Do
you like the experience you have, your experience
altogether? Are you just coping?” Ego
Society and Peace –
Adi Da’s Appeal
for World Peace Awakening
and Lesser Stages of Life – “It
is not that only those who are in the seventh stage are
enlightened.” Be
Relieved of Your Seriousness – “We
are under the incredibly absurd illusion that there is an
objective world “outside” Consciousness and there is a ‘me’
inside this body.” End
of Adi Da’s Teaching –
Adi Da – 1996
– “it was
obvious…there was nothing more I could..teach.” Are
There More Fish in the Ocean on a Sunny Day, or on a Cloudy
Day? Adi Da
Samraj – “The realm of
possibility is infinite. There are endless conceivable and
inconceivable realms of experience or embodiment that you
could be involved in at the present time. But you are
consciously involved only in this human one. You are
involved in this human embodiment because you have desires”
Matter –
Questions Establishing
Firm Intimacy – “If you are
ever going to establish a firm intimacy with anyone, you
must deal with all these emotions and become emotionally
clarified.” Everybody
thinks that God is taking care of everything –
Everybody thinks that God is taking
care of everything. There is no such God. God Transcends
everything. God is to be Realized. God is not your
parent.” Failure
of Adaptation and Function Life – “The
roots of human failure to adapt and master functional life
are in the childhood of men and women.” First
Truly Human or Humanizing Stage of
– Adi Da Samraj – “The actual or
Realized Truth is not itself an answer to the emotional
dilemma of our existence.” Five
Points of View –
Adaptation of
Adi Da’s The Five Possible Orientations (or Points of
View) Fundamental
Discipline of Love is to… – “Fundamental
to the discipline of love is letting go. You are practicing
attachment and using it as an excuse to immunize yourself.
The discipline of love requires letting people go. I do not
mean letting them disappear.” Future
of Spiritual Practice – “Sadhana
or spiritual practice begins in that place where you make
this knot, the self contraction, this fundamental
discomfort.” Hard
Earth and Stone at my Foot –
Franklin Jones (Adi Da Samraj) 1969
– “I resist and
take flight from the material and life condition. The crux
of the spiritual life for me now is to see and embrace this
mode of reality. The material realm is relentless in its
lawfulness.” How
Should Your Create Your Life – Love
Is Sufficient Wisdom Humble
One-Liners – Adi
Da Samraj – “Life is suffering,
and then there is God” – “That is one way of putting it, in
your humble one-liner fashion.” Finding
a order order of men (and women)
– Knee
of Listening – chapter 20 “I
am not here to fight with you”
– Adi Da: “You should also understand that I am not here to
fight with you for any cause whatsoever. Whatever you
choose, you are completely free to choose, and that is all
there is to that.” Identification,
Differentiation and Desire –
teaching Identifying
with Consciousness and Being
Consciousness – Can you
think or imagine your way to enlightenment? Can you
seriously investigate the nature of reality and discovery
its Truth (or falsehood)? Individuation
as Politics – “So the
politics of individuation is, apart from some of its merits
one might presume, basically the politics of egoity. And it
glorifies egoity.” Killing
the Tiger – “Something in us
wishes to remain a child, to be unconscious or, at most,
conscious only of the ego; to reject everything strange, or
else subject it to our will.” Knot
of Self-Contraction
– 1996 Loss
of Realization –
Dialogue with
Adi Da Samraj Mood
of the Heart – “I
do not call men or women to my form, for I am not present as
any form or power. There is no name or light that is my form
or the way to me.” My
Heart is Free
1970 – Adi
Da Samraj Nobody
Has Ever Turned to the Guru
– “It is not so much that you turn to the Guru. The Guru
turns to you. By the time you realize that you have turned,
you have become nothing.” No
“One” Survives Beyond That Moment
– My Bright
Word Offenses,
Resistance and Outrage – “Most
everyone will reach their cutoff point, the point where they
will tend to stop, the point where practice tends to be
sufficient for them or where further effort is too
frustrating and too offensive.” Old
Patterns and New Responsibilities – “Your
present situation is only a reflection of patterns repeated
from incidences of the past, frozen moments in time,
repeating themselves over and over again.” Place
Where Sadhana Begins
– Adi Da
Samraj – “You
may want to forestall this observation.” Popular
Meditation and Spirituality – “What
is popularized, hyped, and commonly believed to be religion,
spirituality, or meditation is invariably a form of
self-meditation, self-glorification, and
self-survival.” Prayer
– 1978
talk – Adi
Da Samraj Primary
Sensation – “In every moment
when you are motivated to seek, the root of the motivation
is a sensation. That root-sensation is the
self-contraction.” Realization
of Love Changes All Emotional and Egoic
Complexes –
Ordeal of Self-Understanding –
Adi Da Samraj. Realization
if NOT about Union – “Realization
is not about someone realizing union with someone, or with
anything. If there is any effort along those lines, it has
nothing to do with Realization. It is precisely this effort
that must be understood and transcended.” “Attention itself is that
fracturing. The objects are representations of the results
of that fracturing, worked out in every possibility of
duality.” Sacrifice
Means to Make Sacred – “There
are two ways of life. There is one lived by the law of
karma, or change itself, in confrontation with the solid
world, the appearing world; or there is the way of living
from the point of view of Truth or the actual, the real
condition.” Seeds
– “Seeds are dormant possibilities of
life and action. In the life of a practitioner seeds are
possibilities or potentials inherent in various disciplines.
Without disciplines there are no possibilities.” Sila/Equanimity
– “As maturity develops over time, a
positive equanimity begins to characterize the
body-mind.” Stress
– Adi Da Samraj
– “You must find the ways to
overcome the stresses, to transform the chemistry of the
body literally, so that you can live long and without
stress, both chemical and social, or cultural.” Transcend
the Self Knot of Fear
– Adi Da Samraj
– 2006 True
Sincerity – “True sincerity
is a quality that is naturally alive in a person who
understands himself.” Truth,
Romance and Delusion – “The
true Spiritual process is not a kind process with which and
to whom you can indulge in a romance!” Understanding
and Our Primary Activity – “There
two aspects appearing side by side in the Knee of Listening;
the yogic or phenomenal aspects, and the teaching relative
to understanding.” Urge
for Human Awakening – “Human
awakening is the product of a inherent biological urge. This
process of awakening is inherent in the psycho-biological
structures of every human being.” Urge
for Sanctuary – 1979
– Adi Da Samraj – “To
create a human sanctuary for higher adaptation of the human
species is a primal human urge. We inherently desire a human
and natural environment in which we can live without the
chronic production of stress chemistry.” What
the World Wants and Does Not Want – “In
general, what the “world” wants – and, therefore, what
“religious” institutions tend to provide – is social
association and optimistic talk.” What
is Faith? –“When those who
have lost faith in the exalted begin to suspect that things
are not as they seem, they always assume that things must be
worse than they seem, not better.” Whatever
you have not transcended you must fulfill, that is the
law. – There is only one
Truth, but there are two ways to realize it. Work
It Out – “Work out the
matter of forgiveness and love expression with them. By
doing this you purify yourself and all your present and
relations, and you purify your parents as well.” “The spiritual Way depends first of
all on establishing the receptive and descended personality
as a functional vehicle of the Living Reality. This is the
principle of the first three stages of life.” Attention
and The Feeling of Relatedness
– Adi Da Samraj
– 1990 – “ Attention, the
feeling of relatedness and the Position of the Witness
“Yes! There is no religion, no
Way of God, no Way of Divine Realization”.
a talk by
Heart-Master Da Love-Ananda – October 18, 1981.
“One who is
beginning to understand first recognizes that he (she) is
suffering, fundamentally unhappy, unsatisfied, and
chronically in double-bind that cannot finally be
“Human beings in
this “late-time” (or “dark” epoch) live
in the “samsaric” (or un-Enlightened) world of
egoic society—and this is why the signs of the times
are so profoundly negative.”
“I hate to tell
you this, but when you really get down to the core of the
Teaching you begin to realize that you are not going to be
given any answers at all.”
“There are only
five possible orientations, each built upon the one
immediately previous to itself.”
“I am interested
in finding men who are free of every kind of seeking,
attendant only to understanding, who will devote themselves
to the intentional creation of life in the form and logic of
reality rather than the form and logic of
“It’s not merely
a sensation you’re experiencing. It is an act you are
performing. You are doing the self-contraction. It is not
merely happening to you.”.
“Sitting in my
room a few minutes ago and suddenly know who I am. A
magnificent flow moved through me, through the Flow of
“Truth is not a conditional
state. Truth is not a perception or a thought. When there is
truly no “difference”, no “one” survives. If there truly is
the Most Perfect Realization of Non-separateness, no “one”
survives beyond that moment.”
“If this prayer
is made fully, psychically, heartfelt, bodily, truly, even
intuitively with a sense of the rightness of it, then it is
likely that these changes will take place.”
cannot escape fear unless something changes about your
understanding. …you cannot get rid of fear. There is no
intoxication, no diversion, nothing that will de-sensitize..
anything you do is temporary.”
Old Magazines of the Adi Da Community (1974-1992)
For more information on Adi Da Samraj
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