Method of The Siddhas – Talks with Franklin Jones on the spiritual teahnique of the Saviors of mankind – Adi Da Samraj – Money Food and Sex

The Nature of Functioning and
‘Handling Business’


Beezone, stimulated by a talk in
1972 by Franklin Jones (Adi Da Samraj) (see it below), has
taken a talk that was originally published in the 1973 book,
The Method of the Siddhas and republished in 2012 in, Right
Life Is Free Recognition In Unlimited Radiance and compares
both of them to see how the editors have changed the
original and what the ‘new’ emphasis is.

The talk (p. 58 – 1973, p. 32 –
2012) starts out with a question, “What is the nature of the
demand you make upon your devotees?




Money, Food and

DEVOTEE: What is the nature
of the demand you make upon your disciples?


FRANKLIN: The conditions for
understanding are Satsang. Satsang itself, when it is most
consciously lived, is understanding. It already is enquiry
into one’s condition and action.


conditions for “radical self-understanding” is devotional
Communion with Me. That Communion Itself, when it is most
consciously lived, is “radical


conditions for understanding are

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conditions for “radical
self-understanding” is devotional Communion with

Satsang itself

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That Communion Itself

when it is most consciously lived,
is understanding

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when it is most consciously lived,
is “radical self-understanding”

– removed –

It already is enquiry into one’s
condition and action.


It is meditation. Satsang is the
real condition. That is why it goes on apart from the
search, prior to your dilemma and suffering. A man should
not approach his Guru in order to carry on his search. He
should approach his Guru with devotion, as one who has
found, and put his search down at his Guru ‘s


It is meditation. Devotional
Communion with Me is the Real Condition. That is why It goes
on apart from the search. Prior to your dilemma and
suffering. You should not approach Me in order to carry on
the search. You should approach Me with devotion, as one who
has found and put your search down at My



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Devotional Communion with Me


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The true disciple is a devotee who
simply lives with his Guru. That is the spiritual practice
or sadhana of Satsang. Every bit of seeking, dilemma and
self-obsession that you lay down is your true gift to the
Guru. All gifts symbolize that true and inner gift, and make
it visible. A man may bring a flower to his Guru. The flower
is very fresh and fragrant. When he smiles and puts it on
the ground or in a vase it may all seem like a pleasantry.
But what is represented by that flower could be the most
difficult crisis of his life. The truth of that flower, of
that gift, is the crisis itself.


My devotee is one who has formally
embraced the practice of living in constant Remembrance of
Me. That is the True practice of devotional Communion with
Me. Every bit of seeking, dilemma, and “self”-obsession that
you lay down at My Feet is your true gift to Me. All gifts
symbolize that true and inner gift, and make it


true disciple

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My devotee

– – – –

devotee is one who has formally
embraced the practice of living in constant Remembrance of
Me replaces true devotee simply lives with his

practice of devotional Communion
with Me

– changes to –

spiritual practice of sadhana.


Someone may bring a flower to Me.
The flower is very fresh and fragrant. When the person
smiles and puts it on the ground or in a vase, it may all
seem like a pleasantry. But what is represented by that
flower could be the most difficult crisis of the person’s
life. The truth of that flower, of that gift, is the crisis


Someone may bring a flower to Me.
The flower is very fresh and fragrant. When the person
smiles and puts it on the ground or in a vase, it may all
seem like a pleasantry. But what is represented by that
flower could be the most difficult crisis of the person’s
life. The truth of that flower, of that gift, is the crisis


to Me

– changes to –

to his Guru.


When a man begins to live his life
functionally, as relationship, when he accepts the simplest
level of responsibility and lives it consciously, in spite
of conflict, of difficulty, then life itself becomes
sadhana, real spiritual practice, an expression of Satsang.
Such functional and responsible living is the first gift of
a disciple to his Guru. Therefore, it is also the first
demand of the Guru.


When you begin to live your life
functionally, as relationship, when you accept the simplest
level of responsibility and live it consciously, in spite of
conflict, in spite of difficulty, then life itself becomes
Real ego-transcending practice, an expression of devotional
Communion with Me. Such functional and responsible living is
the first gift of My devotee to Me. Therefore, it is also My
first demand.


life becomes sadhana

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life becomes Real ego-transcending

– – –

an expression of Satsang

– changes to –

an expression of devotional
Communion with Me.

– – –

Guru – changes to – to Me


I truly expect those who live with
me to master life, to create my Ashram, to live this work,
to give it their life-force, to produce it with intensity
and love, and to make Satsang available to every human being
who has the sensitivity to this one. I do not expect, nor do
I support anything less than that. I expect you to function.
Confrontation with the functional demand of life is your
test from day to day. It is a sign to you of your state from
hour to hour. It is on this functional level that people
begin to enjoy realization, understanding and


I truly expect My devotees to master
life, to serve My Divine Avataric Blessing-Work, to live the
process of devotional Communion with Me in My Divine
Avataric Company, to give it their life-force, to live it
with intensity and love, and to make the devotional
relationship to Me available to every human being who
devotionally recognizes Me. I do not expect, nor do I
support, anything less than that. I expect you to function.
Confrontation with the functional demand of life is your
test from day to day. It is a sign to you of your state from
hour to hour. It is on this functional level that My
devotees must begin the process of observing, understanding,
and transcending the egoic “self”-which process is the
indispensable foundation for the Realization of


to create my Ashram

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to serve My Divine Avataric

– – –

to make Satsang available to every
human being who has the sensitivity to this one

– changes to –

to to make the devotional
relationship to Me available to every human being who
devotionally recognizes Me.


I am in dealing with the superficial
and smiling level in you. I am always aware of your visible
suffering. I always want to deal with that suffering,
seeking, dilemma, contraction and resistance. Satsang deals
with that. It undermines your lack of functioning. It is
your craziness that we must deal with. We can already be
friendly, but we can’t already enjoy the Heart together.
Since that is the case, we must deal with it. We must deal
with the obstruction as it is. And Satsang is the
appropriate way to deal with it. I do not mean some sort of
confrontation, where we have it out with one another, or
where you get to yell at me, make demands, get very upset,
or go through a whole emotional act. Things happen like this
occasionally, but, essentially, that is not Satsang. Satsang
in itself doesn’t necessarily have any obvious drama
associated with it, and yet these fundamental obstructions
are continually dealt with.


I am not in dealing with the
superficial and smiling level in you. I am always aware of
your visible suffering. I always want to deal with that
suffering, seeking, dilemma, contraction, resistance.
Devotional Communion with Me deals with all of that. It
undermines your lack of functioning. Your craziness is what
must be dealt with. I can engage you in a friendly
manner-but, as My beginning devotee, you are not presently
capable of simply Enjoying the Living Presence of the Heart
in My Divine Avataric Company. Since that is the case, the
obstruction in yourself (as it is manifesting in
present-time) is what must be dealt with. And devotional
Communion with Me is the appropriate means to deal with



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Devotional Communion

– – –

but we can’t already enjoy the Heart

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you are not presently capable of
simply Enjoying the Living Presence of the Heart in My
Divine Avataric Company.

Satsang is the appropriate way to
deal with it.

– changes to –

devotional Communion with Me is the
appropriate means to deal with it.


I do not mean some sort of
confrontation, where we have it out with one another, or
where you get to yell at me, make demands, get very upset,
or go through a whole emotional act. Things happen like this
occasionally, but, essentially, that is not Satsang. Satsang
in itself doesn’t necessarily have any obvious drama
associated with it, and yet these fundamental obstructions
are continually dealt with.


I do not mean some sort of
confrontation – in which you and I have it out with one
another, or in which you get to yell at Me, make demands,
get very upset, or play out your entire emotional act. That
is not the essential nature of devotional Communion with Me.
Devotional Communion with Me is not necessarily associated
with any obvious drama – and, yet, these fundamental
obstructions are continually dealt with.



– changes to –

devotional Communion


I have lived this work with people
for a long time, and I have seen the drama that gets played
with the symbol of the Guru. I have seen people approach me
as if they were either my parent or my child, for months or
even years, always being conscientiously pleasant with me,
praising me, seeming to be a devoted disciple, but in time I
have seen these same people try to work “black magic” on me,
obsessed with threats, undermining the sadhana and harmony
of other people in secretive ways, until they finally
separated from me, and remained preoccupied with all kinds
of negative judgments about me from then on.


I have lived this relationship with
people for a long time, and I have seen the drama that gets
played with the symbol of the Guru. I have seen people
approach Me as if they were either My parent or My child,
for months or even years – always being conscientiously
pleasant with Me, praising Me, seeming to be a devoted
disciple. Yet, in time, I have seen these same people try to
work “black magic” on Me, obsessed with threats, undermining
the practice and harmony of other people by secretive means
until they finally separated from Me, and remained
preoccupied with all kinds of negative judgments about Me
from then on.


I have lived this work

– changes to –

I have lived this


Such people never suspect that the
drama they are living from day to day is their own. They
always suspect that it is in life somewhere, that it is
something that comes on them, like bacteria. Everything they
deal with on a relational, functional level is interpreted
in that symbolic way. They never suspect themselves.


Such people never suspect that the
drama they are living from day to day is their own. They
always presume that the drama is “out there” in life
somewhere – that it is something that comes on them, like
bacteria. Everything they deal with on a relational,
functional level is interpreted in that symbolic manner.
They never suspect themselves.


always suspect that it is in life somewhere

– changes to –

always presume that the drama is
“out there” in life somewhere


But the true disciple must become
very suspicious of himself. He must have played his game
long enough, so that he knows what he is up to. It is fine
that he knows what he is up to.


But, as My devotee, you must become
very suspicious of yourself. You must have played your game
long enough that you know what you are up to. It is
essential that you know this.




And I know what he is up to. I find
his drama, his seeking, completely acceptable. I find it
completely livable, endurable, understandable, and
transformable from the point of view of the Heart.


And I also Know what My devotee is
up to. I find My devotee’s drama, his or here seeking,
completely transformable, from the Disposition of the True
Divine Heart.


completely livable, endurable,
understandable, and transformable

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completely transformable

from the point of view of the Heart.

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from the Disposition of the True
Divine Heart.


I am not the least interested in
preventing it. I am entirely willing to allow that to be my
disciple’s present state, and to live Satsang from that
moment in those terms.


I am not the least interested in
preventing that drama. Rather, I am interested in my devotee
observing and understanding what he or she is up to – and
thereby, transcending all forms of ego drama.


willing to allow that to be my
disciple’s present state

– changes to –

interested in my devotee observing
and understanding what he or she is up to


But when we begin to live it in
those terms with one another, a creative event has replaced
the ordinary round of life. There is no longer any suffering
or seeking to justify, to defend, to support, to make
survive through time. For the moment, particularly tonight,
we are looking at this fact: at the level of life there is
essentially the failure to function. That is the fact about
this gathering. That is the fact, not the Truth.


When you begin to live the devotional relationship to Me
in those terms, then a transformative event has replaced the
ordinary round of life. There is no longer any suffering or
any seeking to justify, to defend, to support, to make
survive through time.


But when we begin to live it in
those terms with one another

– changes to –

When you begin to live the devotional relationship to



Talk continues as it was printed in 1973 here.