The Harvard Psilocybin Project – Bibliography

Partial Bibliography

Books and Collections

Harvard Psilocybin Project Bibliography

Storming Heaven, Jay Stevens, 1998

Flashbacks, Timothy Leary, 1983

The Harvard Psychedelic Club, Don Lattin, 2011

Timothy Leary, The Harvard Years, James Pennen, 2014

Acid Dream, Lee Shlain, 1985

The Mystery of Personality, A History of Psychodynamic Theories, Library of the History of Psychology Theories, Robert W. Rieber, Fordham University, 2009.

Psychedelics, The Uses and Implications of Hallucinogenic Drugs, Bernard Aaronson and Humphry Osmond, 1970.


Botanical Sources of the New World Narcotics, Psychedelic Review, Vol1, NO2, Fall 1963, Richard Evans Schultes

Acid Brothers – Henry Beecher, Timothy Leary and the Psychedelic of the Century, Jonathan Moreno, University of Pennsylvania

Enduring contributions of Henry Beecher, MD to Medicine, Science and Society, Edited by Edward Lowenstein, W. Andrew Kofke, MD, and Buckman McPeek, Univerisity of Pennsylvania.

Lord Kelvin, Quoted by Beecher: “Until you can put meaningful numbers in front of significant items you haven’t approached science whatever the matter may be” – Beecher response to Walter Pahnke, ‘On Death and LSD’.

From LSD to IRB, Henry Beecher’s Psychedelic Research and the Foundations of Clinical Ethics, George A. Mashour, Ph.D., Universit of Michigan Medical School.

Beecher Study – The Response of Normal Men to Lysergic Acid Derivatives Di and Mono Ethlamides – Correlation of Personality and Drug Reactions.

Observations from Richard Alpert – Early Interview

Brief Life of Henry Knowles Beecher, Harvard Magazine, 2017

Altered States: LSD and the Anesthesia Laborary of Henry Knowles Beecher – George A. Mashour, M.D., Ph.D., University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Psychotomimetric Drugs  Henry K. Beecher, M.D., Boston, Mass. From: The Anesthesia Laboratory of the Harvard Medical School at the Massachusetts General Hospital, 1958, A Review.

Dr. Leary’s Concord Prison Experiment: A 34-Year Follow-Up Study, Rick Doblins, M.P.P.

Reflections on the Concord Prison Project and the Follow-Up Study, Ralp Metzner, Ph. D.

Walter Pahnke, Harvard Divinity School, Ph.D. Thesis, 1963

Recollections of the Good Friday Experiment: An Interview with Huston Smith – Interviewed by Thomas B. Roberts and Robert N. Jesse, 1966.

A Trip Down Memory Lane: LSD at Harvard, Harvard Crimson, May 23, 2016, Nathaniel J. Hiatt.

A Social and Cultural History of The Federal Prohibition of Psilocybin. A Dissertation for Doctor of Philosophy, Colin Wark, August 2007, University of Missouri-Columbia.

Harvard LSD Research Draws National Attention, Harvard Crimson, Nikita Kansra and Cynthia W. Shih, May 21, 2012.

Psilocybin Expert Raps Leary, Alpert on Drugs, Harvard Crimson, December 12, 1962, Efrem Sigel. (expert Dr. Gerald K. Klerman, Mass General).

State Will Investigate Research on Psilocybin, Harvard Crimson, March 21, 1962, No writer attributed.

Glossy Visions: Coverage of LSD in Popular Magazines, 1954-1968, Dissertation for Doctor of Philosophy, Stehen I. Siff, November 2008, Scripps College of Communication of Ohio University.

The Strange Case of the Harvard Drug Scandal, Andrew T. Weil, Look Magazine.

The Harvard Review, vol1, NO4, Summer 1963, Josiah Lee Auspitz, May 27, 1963.  Issue devoted to “Drugs and the Mind”.

The Hallucinogenic Mushrooms of Mexico and Psilocybin: A Bibliography, R. Gordon Wasson. Botanical Museum Leaflets, Harvard University, March 10, 1963.

Creativity and Psychological Health. Frank, Baron, 1963. D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc. New York.

Psychiatrist, Philosopher Debate Consciousness-Expanding Drugs, Harvard Crimson, Richard Sorensen, March 23, 1964.

Robin M. Wasserman, Thesis, Harvard University.

Project MKULTRA, the CIA’s Program of Research in Behavioral Modification. Joint Hearing before the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research on the Committee on Human Resources United States Senate, Ninety-Fifth Congress, First Session, August 3, 1977.


Harvard Divinity School

Harvard University Archives

Harvard Divinity School Achives

Herbert Vetter Papers, Harvard Divinity School Archives

Julio Mario Santo Domingo collection – Harvard Archives,  Houghton Library

Lamont Library, Harvard

Widener Library, Harvard

Harvard Divinity School Library

New York City Library, Archives

Perdue University Archives – The Harvard Psilocybin Project Memors, Reports, and Meeting Minutes.

Leary and Alpert Attach Monro Stand on Drugs, Harvard Crimson, December 11, 1962, No writer attributed.

Letter from Alpert, Leary, Harvard Crimson, December 13, 1962, No writer attributed.

Leary Lectures at Harvard For First Time in 20 Years, NY Times, April 25, 1983.


Concord Experiment

Psilocybin Project

Good Friday Experiment

The Effects of Methedrine and Lysergic Acid Diethylamide on Mental Processes on the Blood Adrenaline Leel, 1952, Dr. W. Liddell and H. Weil-Malherbe, Runwell Hospital, Wickford Essex, Journal Neurological Psychiatry, 1953.

The project of Psychedelic Law and Regulation (POPLAR) – Harvard Law School

Harvard Law – Petrie-flom Center – Examine the ethical, legal, social implications of psychedelic research, commerce, and therapeutics.

Timothy Leary and accociates, Papers, 1962, Harvard Archives # 17168


Walter Pahnke

Henry Murray

Christiana Morgan

Richard Alpert

Gunther Weil

David McClelland

Frank Barron

David Dovonis

Henry Beecher

Roland Griffiths

Danieke Gifford

Herb Kelman

Ken Kesey

Alan Watts

Aldous Huxley

Allan Ginsberg

Frank Olsen

Timothy Leary