The Esoteric Truth about Jesus of Nazareth

The “Official” (Exoteric) Fabrications

and the Secret (Esoteric) Truth about Jesus of Nazareth

An Essay from

The Basket Of Tolerance


The Ruchira Avatar, Adi Da Samraj

the Secret (Esoteric) Truth about Jesus of Nazareth

In the fourth century, when Christianity became the declared religion of the Roman State, an “official” version of Christianity effectively brought Christian diversity to an end. Before that time, both esoteric and exoteric versions of Christianity flourished. After that time, only the exoteric version was “officially” allowed.
That “official” form of Christianity was exclusively rooted in the exoteric Christian sects, whose earliest members were Jewish converts to the belief in Jesus as the “Messiah” popularly expected among the Jews of the time.

…the divinity and inspiration both of the predic­tions of the prophets and of the law of Moses have been clearly revealed and confirmed, especially since the advent of Christ into the world. For before the fulfilment of those events which were predicted by them, they could not, although true and inspired by God, be shown to be so, because they were as yet unfulfilled. But the coming of Christ was a declara­tion that their statements were true and divinely in­spired, although it was certainly doubtful before that whether there would be an accomplishment of those things which had been foretold.

If any one, moreover, consider the words of the prophets with all the zeal and reverence which they deserve, it is certain that, in the perusal and careful examination thus given them, he will feel his mind and senses touched by a divine breath, and will acknowledge that the words which he reads were no human utterances, but the language of God; and from his own emotions he will feel that these books were the composition of no human skill, nor of any mortal eloquence, but, so to speak, of a style that is divine. The splendour of Christ’s advent, therefore, illuminating the law of Moses by the light of truth, has taken away that veil which had been placed over the letter (of the law), and has unsealed, for every one who believes upon Him, all the blessings which were concealed by the covering of the word.– Origen, De Principiis, (Book IV) (Beezone insert)

Likewise, “official” Christianity was originally associated with strictly traditional Jewish ideas, including such as were suggested by passages from the Old Testament that could be interpreted, in retrospect, to be prophetic indications of the coming of a “suffering Messiah”. And that conservative, traditional pre-disposition toward exoteric religion that were disposed toward esoteric, mystical, and gnostic interpretations of life. Traditional Jewish ideas included the bodily-based presumption that the human being is not a “soul” in a body, but a kind of irreducible psycho-physical unity. Therefore, exoteric Christian belief is basically associated with the idea of bodily Salvation, rather than Spiritual Salvation, both during and after physical embodiment. Likewise, exoteric Christianity is basically associated with the idea of physical Resurrection, rather than the idea of reincarnation and either mystical or post-mortem ascent of the “soul” to God.

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