Volume 6, Number 3
You Are at the Beginning, and I Am at the End
a talk by Heart-Master Da Love-Ananda
May 28, 1987
Beezone Edit – See full talk
HEART-MASTER DA: Is everyone clear about what God-Realization actually is?. Did you sufficiently examine this matter of beginning preparation?
DEVOTEE: We understand based on our study of your teaching and we are committed to self-transcendence, we understand that and the ordeal it requires, real transcendence.
HEART-MASTER DA: The study you engage as at beginning of this Teaching is a process at the heart. If such study is to become the impulse to God-Realization, so-called, it must not be merely a motive based on ideas but a guiding impulse of the whole being. Study at the beginning stage is not merely contemplation of a variety of ideas in this Wisdom-Teaching and in the Great Tradition. Of course, you study to acquire information, but if study is to become the great impulse, it must be true sadhana. It must involve self-observation and self-understanding sufficient for the awakening of that real impulse.
The first thing to deal with is the beginning practice. You must examine all the sequence of preparation, and see just what your preparation is. Most of you are putting the cart before the horse as I see it.
After all these years it’s amazing it should come down to this level of conversation about the matter? I do not demand that you become a practitioner of this Way. However, if you have another point of view, fine. Then go do that. This way is not based on any bright-eyed idealism, but on a very realistic understanding of conditional existence and the roots of suffering and delusion. It takes a very serious disposition to enter into such a process. You cannot romanticize or idealize your involvement. It is either true of you or it is not. You must have a very realistic appreciation of the nature of human existence.
Idealism, like despair, is a product of self-contraction in the face of reality, in the face of what appears and in the face of What Is Ultimately. Romanticized or idealistic views are something you superimpose on Nature, because to do so consoles you in your fear. Until you truly understand that, and then freely relinquish that disposition, that orientation, you cannot be said to be a true practitioner of this Way.
The first step, then, is simply to study this consideration. Consider the teaching argument, do what you will in your personal life, assume responsibility to study. Study, ponder, observe yourself, observe your life. When it becomes your own, then you can begin to add to the discipline. Until it becomes your own. People will live in a variety of ways, some more exaggerated than others perhaps, but if you are involved in a serious consideration, a serious study, your consideration will also be reflected in your manner of living. Of course, it is up to you how you work it out.
Many organizations associated with some sort of religious message do not involve much more than a program of study. The Theosophical Society, for instance, is one of those organizations that began to communicate esoteric notions in the late nineteenth century. For most people, participation in that organization, which still exists, is a matter of study, reading books, going to lectures. It is expected that people are prepared. It is a beginning practice.
As I said, as a beginner you can apply the disciplines if you like, but you need not, therefore, call yourself a practitioner. The disciplines make sense at every level of involvement. Even if you did not use them especially for self-observation, you could take them on as a habit of life if you like. You must live somehow, so you could live that way if you like – that is fine.
You are still struggling with your own ordinariness. You just have not done serious study yet, nor have you yet made a serious examination of life. When you can really make such a commitment, then you may move beyond the beginning stage.
I have finished my Teaching Work. I have done my service to you. You must carry on with the practice I have given you. You have the responsibility
You Are at the Beginning, and I Am at the End a talk by Heart-Master Da Love-Ananda
May 28, 1987
Beezone Edit – See full talk