Be Free and Powerful
Conductivity: Surrender
into, receive (or contact), and circulate the Energy (or
Radiance) of which everything (including the body-mind) is
made. Preserve it with true happiness, which is equanimity,
peace, and calmness. Through self-understanding and
self-control, transcend reactive emotion, physical excess,
exaggerated desire, and the dominance of either
right-sidedness or left-sidedness of being. Keep the head
cool (relaxed, open) and the vital warm (covered, relaxed,
circulating). The head (or the entire upper coil) is the
epitome of the highest vibration and the vital region (or
the entire lower coil) is the epitome of the lowest
vibration. The heart and the central current are the center
of original or primary Radiance, prior to vibratory
The frontal and spinal lines are the circuit of
transformations. (The lower, or vital and generative, force
is circulated toward and transformed into the higher, and
vice versa.)
Conscious Process: Transcend all the forms that arise
from or in the Radiant Power. See them in the Transcendental
Being (which is Self-Radiant), ultimately epitomized in
transcendence of the basic knot of self-contraction or
attention in the right side of the heart.
Thus, Awaken into the Condition of Radiant Transcendental
Being and be Free and Powerful!
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Is The Conscious Process – A Beezone Study