Have I Said It?

Note to reader:
As a member of Adi Da’s (then Bubba Free John’s) community from about 1973-1975, during which time I lived for nine months in Persimmon, the sanctuary where he lived. My service was to create an index of his early books. I found these writings to be compelling, along with some of the outrageous talks that have not found their way into print. Around his birthday in 1975 (to the best of my recollection), Adi Da was planning on moving with a small group to Hawaii. For that occasion, I arranged a selection of his compelling words by topic (mostly selected from his books) and hand-wrote them in a blank book for his enjoyment. As far as I know, nothing ever came of that compilation. That became Book One of two parts, the second of which I completed some time thereafter. Now through the Internet, I make both parts available to interested readers. These blank books (I made a copy for myself) have been sitting on my bookshelves all this time, and after Adi Da’s passing, it occurred to me that this compilation would be very useful to many readers.
Ed Hirsch
Ashland, Oregon

Chapter 4
No dilemma
There is No
There is no dilemma.
There is only the sensation,
The appearance,
The assumption of dilemma.
We are never at any moment
In the dilemma we fear
Ourselves to be.
There is no separation,
No radical dilemma.
There is no dilemma.
There is nothing
About the present
That is not truth.
All of this is not
A dilemma
From the beginning.
It is simply Reality.
It couldn’t be more obvious.
There is no dilemma.
There is one Reality,
Without differentiation.
It is full,
It is blissful,
There is no danger,
And there is no curse.
There is no prior guilt,
No praise, no blame.
There is only enjoyment.
There isn’t this crazy asylum.
There is only enjoyment.
Everything is a form of Bliss.
Consciousness is just a ride.
There is no dilemma.
There is no real contraction.
There is only the enjoyment
That is Truth,
What is always already the
There is no dilemma.
There is no one superior
To the other,
No problem,
No jealousy,
No distinction.
There is only enjoyment.
Reality is no-seeking,
No dilemma,
Real knowledge,
Real meditation
And real Consciousness.
Real existence
Is apart from
Every kind of seeking.
It is from the beginning
Radically free
Of any goal
Of liberation or salvation.
It is unqualifiedly free,
Present, active,
Creative and alive.
There is no dilemma
And no search.
There is enjoyment
And the creative play of
In perfect, unqualified
When there is no seeking, no
There is only unqualified knowledge and
That is Reality.
Reality is fullness,
No dilemma,
Silence and brightness
Or creative force.
It is always there.
This is the greatness of
Of understanding,
For it disarms all fear,
All circumstance,
All dilemma.
It is always already the case.
Grace is eternally generated.
There is only God, Truth and
And there is no complication,
There is no limitation,
There’s no suffering,
There’s no destiny
Even in the midst of
Destinies, worlds,
Births and deaths.
Everything is moving together
As a single design
With a single intent.
Nothing happens to you
That is not appropriate.
All events serve truth.
From the beginning,
Not merely at the end,
Life is already founded
In the form of Reality.
Life or the world
Is being manifested
In this moment.
It was not manifested
Billions upon billions
Of years ago.
It is manifested at this
And may be known as such.
Reality is not properly
The goal of striving.
It is the very source,
Foundation and motivation
Of real creative life.
Which is conscious Reality,
Is the ground
Of all creativity,
And evolution.
A man’s perfect food is Truth.
This is literally so.
Truth is not just a concept.
Truth is the living force
Of Reality.
It is intensity.
Truth is love.
Reality is love.
This is love.
We are,
At any moment,
Always and already free.
We are always already “there.”
This is it.
There is no dilemma.
There is only Reality,
It is not somewhere else.
It is not hidden within us,
Nor behind the world.
It is only obvious.
There is no higher world
That is the special and
Communication of truth.
All worlds communicate truth
In exactly the same way,
So there is no special
In any world beyond here.
There is no radical difference
Between the higher
And lower worlds.
There is no radical advantage
In any kind of experience.
In fact there is no such a
Of separation.
It is unreal.
No one has ever literally
Such a world.
Experience is void.
It is without form,
Without qualification,
Without limitation
Or center.
No one
Actually perceives
The conditions
Wherein any thing
Or any one
Becomes known
As an entity.
In fact, the only
Experience is one of
Absolute infinity.
It is the one experience.
That is the only thing
Anyone has ever known.
We never actually know
Ourselves to be separate.
We never go through a process
Of actually knowing that.
There is nothing else
That is ever experienced
Or known
But this one enjoyment of
By reality,
Which is reality.
All experience
Is of that same nature.
It is all a subtle design,
A spontaneous,
Paradoxical process.
All experience
Is meditation,
It is the process of reality,
Its form, its contemplation.
When this understanding
Meditation becomes endless,
And every kind of experience
Becomes blissful,
Conscious, and free.
Have I Said It?
