White and Orange Books – a Beezone Project
“You can’t read and understand the Aletheon without reading and studying the Aletheon.”Beezone*
Beezone Study
Note to reader. The ‘White and Orange Books” project is based on Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Blue and Brown books. The Blue & Brown Books of Wittgenstein’s were dictated as a set of notes to his student in 1934-1935. I have been collecting materials from Adi Da that I find would be suitable for the same format. Read more >>>
White and Orange Books a Beezone Project – Page 1
Beezone Study of the Aletheon
Excerpts taken – some edited, some adapted (in parenthesis) and others translated. This starts from the beginning of the book.
What are the Greek origins of Aletheon?

Aletheon – pp. 1-76
All who study the Way of Adidam should remember that they are responding to a Call to become responsible for themselves. They should understand that they,not Avatar Adi Da Samraj or others, are responsible for any decision they make or action they take in the course of their lives of study or practice.
(Nobody is taking you home)(It is traditionally presumed that the Spiritual Way is a matter of following a great path by which the aspirant will return from here to the place that is regarded to be the goal (or home ).
A visual and visionary representation of The White Circle in the black field is called the “Midnight Sun” – the Divine Shining in the midst of the cosmic domain – Eternal Sun. It is not perceptible by the ego – the separate one.
It is the ‘face’ or the ‘doorway’, the Threshold Personality of the Divine, the ‘hole’ in the universe. The Heart, the root of the heart seemingly ‘objectified’.
It appears everywhere, simultaneously in all the worlds in the Cosmic Domain – high (translation) and low (emergence).
The Red Field is the grossest dimension of the conditional realm of the Cosmic Mandala. It is a representation of the Transcendental Translation of Adi Da Samraj – it is from Him, it is Him.
This is the ‘new’ and never before ‘event(s)’ – emergence and translation – in the history of the Cosmic Mandala. It is the central message of the Aletheon.
Aletheon starts with (and ends – and never leaves) Ignorance. There are no answers, no questions, no others, no differences, there is neither a ‘yes’ a ‘no’ or any possible combination of the two.
The Perfect Ignorance the Aletheon refers to is Reality, Truth, The Divine (all words depending on your particular ‘orientation’ that mean the same ‘thing’) which is Always, Already, Here and Indivisible and Prior to all that arises in consciousness.
This ignorance is the foundation. There are no ‘knowers’ in God, Truth or Reality
The only ‘thing’ that ‘creates’ division is the separate sense of self. The reflective mechanism of ‘ego’. In its vital, subtle and causal forms.
Ego creates the illusions of others, high and low, ‘all of it’.
The reflective world(s), gross, subtle and causal are all simultaneously rising and falling within their own laws, without center or circumference.
Perfect and True Philosophy begins (and ends) with self transcending – body and mind – Self-Apperception of Reality Itself. Which is Already the Case, Self-Evident, Indivisible, One.
This One, This Reality is everyone and everywhere.
This One is the conditional context (not the cause) of all the worlds – high and low.
The One, the source, appears in form and in person. The One is the only giver of self-realization.
At this time, because of this present state of the Cosmos, The One has appeared as a World Teacher, as the Heart.
This appearance came in the from of an ordeal, similar to a ‘crucification’, a self-submission. This ordeal was necessary to awaken everyone to Reality.
This ordeal is Complete. The Way is most perfectly Revealed and ’emerging’.
The Power of the Heart, It’s Presence is Now Fully Revealed.
The Power of the Heart is the Means that awakens the separate sense of self – high and low – through Sacrifice, devotion, forgetting, transcending the ‘self-contraction’ of I, me and other.
My Form, my Presence, and my State – all three together – are the Way.
The ‘seemingly’ separate heart is Me. You and me are only Me.
The Way is an ordeal, into and throughout The Orbit That Circles the Whole.
You are never excluded from the One, this is Revealed by The One.
The Seventh Way is the Only Way. The six stages seek the Seventh.
The Seventh Way is Direct, it is not a roundabout way.
The Way is always at the Heart’s Root.
The teaching word is for listening and it reveals the Way.
The Way Brightens the world.
The Hearts Way is a continuous affair, moment to moment, breath by breath, a constant dancing Communion.
The Means is a responsive, participatory Communion. You must participate.
There is reception and release, release and reception, feeling and attention. Dissolving.
Always release the separate sense of self through participatory transcending Communion.
The Means fills my devotee, my true devotee, with Love-Bliss Light, from head to toe, towards the height and depth of Heart’s Infinite Space.
Always Already Disappeared in “Bright’ Indivisibility.
Beloved, I am The Divine Avataric Master
Spoken Word
My spoken word, my source texts are the Living Word of Reality, now and forever.
My spoken word is spoken to every particular individual personally. Such is its Uniqueness.
No matter how many times you read my word it is always unique.
What makes it unique is not the changes you are going through but that is Reveals the One Reality, Always.
Social conventions of speech and writing are based on reality as untrue.
My word is not spoken or communicated from or to a separate point of view.
The “I” reference in social communication has no reality. It is merely a convention of speech and communication.
The “I” does not exist, has never existed or will ever exist.
The “I” is self contraction
My writing style reflects Reality and conditional existence.
Read, recite, listen and feel instead of think about Message of Reality
My word is my Form, an extension of My Agency. It is not a substitute and not independent of Me.
Do not abstract yourself from my word. Immerse yourself.
My word is my Gift.
I am not an ‘other’
I mysteriously appear and demonstrate responsiveness because of conjunction, not because of karmas.
For many years I served, through self-submission, becoming and teaching those who would listen.
I am now ‘set-apart’. Free.
I am only available through right response.
I wait for your response, Here.
Transcending Insubordinate Mind of Religion and Science
All modes of human religion and science are systems of presumed knowledge that define what is allowable to be known.
Religion and science tribalize, to localize and control knowledge.
Religion and science protect a collective political, social, and cultural mode of mind.
The New Testament more than any other book communicates the principles, ideas and beliefs of the Western world.
The ideas and principles in the New Testament are not only Christian, they are part of the secular Western culture.
These ideas and principles are the basis for present day morality and social conception.
Today science is replacing religion as a way of knowing – and therefore behaving.
Without a moral order – as a collective system – society can not exist in a sane manner.
This is not only applicable to the West but also the East.
Ancient cultural supports have lost the legitimacy.
Modern changes in the fundamental principles have lost the ideas of the ‘Sacred’.
Human ‘centeredness’ are now accepted conventions of mind.
My criticism is of the analytical reductionism – reducing everything to the individual human being, to its most rudimentary material sense.
Reducing things down to its material sense is profoundly destructive.
Science, political and philosophical materialism is presently controlling ‘mind’ today.
The present day mind set excludes other ways of knowing.
Ancient religions are being reduced to atheistic humanism.
Mass media controls mind sets – reducing communications of moral, science, politics and religion to human centeredness.
The State, the church or established cult religions are not interested in ecstatic transcendental teachings. Such teachings are very rare.
If you are Spiritually Awake you transcend the separate self, the body and the world.
The basis of current popular religions, both East and West are based on a teaching about Communion with Present Moment Reality, God and Truth.
The basis of all religion is esoteric rather than social and moral gospels and teachings.
Jesus summarized this in his teachings from the old testament “Love God with your entire being, and love your neighbor as if your neighbor were not other than yourself”.
Jesus’ summary is not merely a social morality teaching but a “Kingdom of God” Spiritual Mystery teaching, moment to moment Communion with Spirit-Breath.
Thus be Free and Happy.
Aletheon – page 117 – 148
Conventional “God-religion” originates in the state of mind that characterizes the first three stages of life.
Conventional “God-religion” is ego-based—and it serves the functional desire of the egoic “self” to be protected, nourished, pleasurized, and (ultimately) preserved.
…as well as all of the other ordinary and extraordinary pursuits of born existence in the first six stages of life.
Spiritual life begins only when the ego is thoroughly understood and transcended.
No conditionally apparent thing or being or process is ultimately preserved—nor, by contrast, is there any absolute destruction. Cosmic Nature is a transformer—not merely a “creator” or a “destroyer”.
When ego or the self-contraction is understood the “world” is no longer conceived as a drama of warfare between “Good” and “Evil”.
The ultimate moment in the ‘play’ of conditional Nature is beyond contradictions.
Cosmic Nature is Revealed only equanimity, beyond all stress and bondage of energy and attention.
The disposition of equanimity provides the functional base for the ultimate and final investigation of the ego and the dynamics of conditional Nature.
It is only-by-Me that fundamental equanimity Is Inherent and Constant, expressing Prior Divine Self-Realization.
This is not a means, it is a Transcendence of separation.
God is not the ‘first cause’ or creator.
Real God is That Power of egoless Being Which is Vast, Infinite, and Beyond Comprehension – Self-Evidently So.
The Heart must be kept alive moment to moment, to excercise Real Intelligence.
The concern of conventional “religious” institutions and processes is not Real-God-Realization but social, political, and cultural order.
you cannot hold God accountable for what you are doing, or for how “things” are happening, or for all your trouble here.
no “thing” or “event” is “caused” by Real God.
You yourself are making the “events” of your life.
The Hindu cultural tradition is that whatever “Chosen Form” a person may worship is the construct through which he or she is moved to turn to the One Divine Absolute.
This understanding of the nature of exoteric “religious” worship is correct.
All the various modes of exoteric “religion” should be understood to be varietal forms of devotion to a “Chosen Form” of the Divine—or to a particular culturally prescribed Divine image, idea, and mythology.Westerners often (mistakenly) presume Hinduism to be a form of polytheism.
The potential problem is that any such tradition tends not to understand that its particular focus of worship is simply one among many possible “Chosen Forms”.
Thus, any such tradition may tend to presume that it is the tradition—the one and only true and right tradition.
Such is the origin of fundamentalism.
The result is idolatry.
The ‘sin’ of idolatry is any and every act of replacing the Divine Itself with the constructs of approach to the Divine.
What can be seen in the outward conflicts on Earth today are essentially the artifacts of the two halves of humankind, the East and the West.
Humankind is no longer of either the West or the East. Rather, now, and forever hereafter, humankind is a global construct of all.If you are truly moved you have no choice but to completely inspect your condition of existence.
That ordeal is the necessity inherent in the confusion of Western-Eastern mind-brain that is the result of the “modernization” .You must become able to differentiate all your motivations that reflect archaic conventional (inherently bi-polar) concepts, persuasions, and philosophies. – East and West.
You have casually inherited your presumed Western or Eastern mind, without ever having been a very profound student of it.Therefore, in order to serve the course of the ego-transcending and “difference”-transcending investigation that is necessary for all of humankind, I have made this book, and many other books, wherein and whereby I present a comprehensive system of unique tools, that will, if rightly and consistently used, enable that investigation to be truly effective and successful.
The dominant “religions” of the present-time are, fundamentally, exoteric traditions that exist in order to serve social purposes.
In contrast to exoteric “religions”, esoteric “religions” have not been communicated to the public masses. That is why they are called “esoteric”—their teachings were supposed to be kept secret, and reserved for the few who were truly prepared to understand and rightly practice them.
Exoteric “religion” is always an emergence of institutionalized social and political ideology from a base of esoteric Spiritual and philosophical and ascetical Revelations, traditions, and practices.
Therefore, the authentic Wisdom of humankind is in the transferring of human endeavor from the exoteric domain to the esoteric domain.
People think “religion” is about themselves, whereas right “religious” practice is supposed to be about the Divine.
Right “religious” practice is, ultimately, about discovering Oneness with the Divine Condition.
In this “late-time”, “religion” has been reduced to being nothing but a reflection of humankind. The “talkers” of “religion” are constantly making pronouncements about matters of a social and political nature—matters that are essentially about humankind, and of a gross nature.
The first six stages of life are entirely about human beings.That “straight-on” assessment of the Great Tradition is fundamental to what I have Revealed.
“Religion” is not the only dimension of human life that is being misused. All aspects of human possibility are being misused—in exactly the same manner.
Reality Itself cannot be disproven—nor can Reality Itself be proven. Reality Itself is Intrinsically and tacitly Self-Evident.
Science is not in a position to make absolute affirmations.“Religion”, as an “objective” phenomenon, is a collection of ideas and doctrines that cannot—and should not—be absolutely affirmed.
Aletheon – pp. 149 – 182.
The primary force and “root” of all the esoteric traditions of humankind are the Adept-Realizers, those who actually Realize the Spiritual and Transcendental Nature of Reality.
Adept- Realizers appear in all times and places, and they become associated with the complex social and cultural structures existing in their immediate environment.
Apart from the Adepts, there is no tradition of Truth.There is no great Spiritual tradition that is without a person at the center of the process.
The Adept-Realizer is the continuous and unending resource and resort of his or her devotees.
One who Functions as Adept Spiritual Master exercises the Guru-Function only in relation to those who are his or her devotees.If the Adept addresses public society at all, he or she may also assume the role of prophet.
Adept-Realizers spontaneously Transmit That Which they have Realized.
That Which they have Realized Transmits Itself.Everything transmits.
The best thing you can do is to associate with the greatest possible Transmission.
This is the Great Rule, the Great Law, the Ultimate Principle of the Great Tradition of humankind.
Only the ego will deny the Spiritual Master. The ego wants to “do it” himself or herself.
Do what exactly? Be himself or herself—separately and untouched.The Spiritual Master is a Transparent Reminder of the Divine Reality.A Guide to the ecstatic Realization of the One Reality in Which all conditions arise and change and pass away.
In My Teaching, I Speak critically of the conventional orientation of “Guru-cultism”.
The error of conventional cultism is precisely this childish, and adolescent, and ego-based orientation to fascination with Spiritual Masters.
This error of “religious” and Spiritual cultism, and of ego-based culture, must be examined very seriously—such that the error is truly rooted out, from within the cult and the culture itself.
The word “cult” means a system of externals related to the worship of a deity.
Therefore, all formally organized exoteric “religious” institutions or communities are cults.
Cults are at the “root” of all human cultures.
Cultism is associated not only with “religion”, but also with politics, intellectual studies, science, the “professions”, entertainment, sports, the news media—every area of human endeavor tends to produce the centralizing phenomenon of cultism.
All mere enthusiasm, or belief, or ritualized consciousness is at the novice level of human existence.
If enthusiasm, or belief, or ritualized consciousness persists beyond its appropriate term, it inevitably becomes an expression of either childish or adolescent neurosis.
When participation in the “outer circle” of life is prolonged, and the more advanced culture does not begin, then all the classic signs of human failure are in evidence.
This transition to human maturity requires profound and “self”-critical understanding on the part of the individual.
This is precisely the situation in the human “world” at the present time.
Everyone is clinging to the “outer circle” of human existence.It is time to grow up!
Spiritually Realized Adepts are the principal Sources, Resources, and Means of the esoteric Way. This fact is not a matter of controversy among real Spiritual practitioners.
The entire Spiritual Way is a process based on the understanding of attention and egoic attachment and identification with every kind of conditional “object”, other, or state.
You become whatever you meditate on.
The Essence of the practice of devotional Communion with the Adept-Guru is to focus attention on the Realized Condition of a True Adept-Guru.
The Spiritual Motive is essentially the Motive to transcend the limiting capability of attention.
This process requires the Most Perfect transcending of egoity, or “self”-contraction itself.
Few adopt the path of extraordinary “self”-effort, which is asceticism.Conventional effort is profound and difficult, and it tends to progress slowly.
Adepts themselves have, since the most ancient days, offered an alternative.
That Unique Principle is the Principle of Supreme Attraction.Bondage of attention to conditional “objects”, others, and states must be really transcended in the Spiritual Way.
But “self”-effort is a principle that originates in the separate “self”.The principle of independent “self”-effort is replaced by the responsive Principle of Supreme Attraction, the responsive devotional and Spiritual Identification with the Person, Presence, State of One Who Is In Samadhi.
Of course, actual Spiritual Identification with the Realized Spiritual Condition of an Adept is limited by the stage of life of the devotee.The popular “culture” of the first three stages of life is characterized by the politics of adolescent rebellion against “authority”.
The Guru and the developmental culture of the Spiritual Way are taboo, because every individual limited by the motives of the first three stages of life is at war with personal vulnerability and need.This is a form of what Sigmund Freud described as an “Oedipal” problem.
Until there is the development of significantly effective “self”-understanding relative to the developmental problems associated with the first three stages of life, any one who aspires to develop a truly esoteric practice will, characteristically, tend to relate in either a childish or an adolescent manner.
The Realized Adept is, primarily, an esoteric Figure, whose unique Function Serves within the context of the esoteric stages of life.Those who doubt the Guru-Principle with popular taboos and the psychological limitations of the first three stages of life continually remain in doubt—until the Real Motive Awakens the heart’s Great Impulse to Grow Beyond.
Divine Self-Realization is absolutely uncommon. In Its Most Perfect Completeness.
Until My Own Divine Avataric Appearance and Demonstration, never transpired in anyone’s case in the entire history of the human “world”.It is a process that belongs to the future “evolution” of humankind—at best, thousands, millions, billions of years in the future, for the human race as a whole.
As a general rule, human beings are still dependent, violent, egopossessed—still seeking consolations in the realm of changes.Do not imagine for a moment that right and true practice of the only-by-Me Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam is an easy matter, that you can simply Listen to My Teaching-Argument and Realize the Intrinsically egoless and Self-Evidently Divine Self-Nature.
The Reality-Way of Adidam is the Work of Reality Itself.
The Reality-Way of Adidam is the obligation of Eternal Existence—an obligation generated, and regenerated, by the devotional relationship to Me.
When My devotee enters into right relationship with Me, changes happen in the literal physics of one’s existence.
I am not just talking about ideas.
I am Talking about literal transformations at the level of energy of the Unlimited Condition of the Divine Conscious Light.
Most people are willing to sacrifice things, but not themselves.There is an unspeakably profound difference between the condition of the usual egoic individual and the Condition of the Divinely Enlightened individual.
The physical body and its energies must be literally transformed.Real Spiritual processes do not occur as a result of asking some silly question or going to a few lectures for the weekend.
In the Literature I have Described the full esoteric progression of this remarkable Process.
If you enter into the devotional relationship with Me, then the Divine Process begins to duplicate Itself in your case.
If you are irresponsible, you feel that you are the victim of events.Past events do not control your life—you control your life. You are not a victim, and no one is to blame.
There is no event whatsoever that is so mighty that you cannot transcend your own reactivity in relation to it. None. Not one event.You must be responsible for yourself at the human level, and in a profoundly uncommon way.
You must live the discipline of ordinary life.
You yourself must be love under all ordinary, daily conditions.You must make this change in your life.
There is no way whereby you can be relieved of this necessity.
Nobody can do it for you.