
Answers to Quiz

ADI DA SAMRAJ: I’ve been listening to your expressions the last few nights, and we’ve of course discussed various things about this. My impression, as I said, is that you are paradoxically on the one hand saying you’ve Realized all of these, all of this, and yet you haven’t. Which says something about you, and it may be interesting to “consider”. But Realization being what It is, it would seem that either It is or It isnt. But paradoxically you all claim both. – Paradox of Entanglement


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ADI DA SAMRAJ: Realization It’self is not something that requires a test. It’s just self-evident. In terms of whether It’s going to last or not, theres no question about it. It’s not of the nature of a characteristic experience of the body-mind, where its kind of an object, kind of a mysterious object that you’re associated with and like your experience of conditional objects in general, they pass, change and pass and whatnot. It’s not like that.

To Realize, the body-mind must be transcended. All of its means are transcended. Realization is then a direct matter, not via conditions, not held in place by conditions. So it is not something about which there can be any doubt. And yet, as I said, paradoxically you all appear to affirm that you followed this “consideration” fully and entered into these Samadhis and such. But on the other hand, you suggest theres something possibly tentative about it. Maybe or maybe not its actually Realization. Maybe it’ll be true of you tomorrow, maybe it won’t. And even while we’ve been here having discussions, we’ll go off on some matter or other, and I’ll ask you about this matter of the Witness again, and generally you all said you had passed away from it, you had forgotten it, and gotten involved in the mechanics of the body-mind and such.

So as I said, you seem to be collectively making a paradoxical confession that all these matters of Great Realization I’ve “considered” with you are true of you and yet they are not. Or in some sense there seems to be, in each of your cases, two of you. — Paradox of Entanglement


A Sign Of…

ADI DA SAMRAJ: What we conventionally call the “conscious mind” is a strategic version of mind which is always manufacturing moti­vations. And, in the adolescent, these motivations (or desires) are mutually exclusive (or contradictory). This is because the adolescent is always playing with impulsive allegiance to two mutually exclu­sive principles: dependence and independence. – Adolescence

ADI DA SAMRAJ: There is a mature, real, and true phase of human life. Real and true human maturity is free of all childish things and free of all that is attained, acquired, and made in the adolescent adventures of conventional life. In that mature phase, the principle of separation is undermined by means of Real “self”-understanding. – The Gnosticon