The Prophetic Criticism of ‘Great Religions’

The Prophetic Criticism of ‘Great Religions’

..trapped in archaic myths, dogmas and irreucible social conflcts….


excepted from The Aletheon

pages 77 – 116

Religious awareness and experience of the Western world is trapped within an archaic structure of myths, dogmas and irreducible social conflicts.

They can not be ‘backed out of’ or reduced – they must be ‘gone beyond’.

These myths, dogmas and irreducible social conflicts are now on a global cultural, political and economical scale.

These myths and beliefs have humans under a spell of threatened ego-pride possession.

This spell can not be ‘broken’ until old ways are submitted to the Universal Principle of Prior Unity and the separate sense of indivduality transcended – individually and collectively.

Religion can be benign – but today is ego based. Based mostly in the first three stages of life.

Religion in general, is an exoteric cultic phenomenon that controls – throught and behavior of individuals through external and psychologically manipulative “techniques’.

Relgions (indivdually and collectively) are in a global tribal war – new ways against old ways – my way against your way. – “what you did to me (and my ancestors) I will never forget..”

..trapped in archaic myths, dogmas and irreucible social conflcts….

An authentic “religious” institution must be devoted entirely to both the communication and the practice of “religious” Truth and the unrelenting demand for right and always greater human transformation.

Historically, only relatively few people in any generation of humankind have been interested in accepting that Truth-message!