Knee of Listening – New Age – Adi Da Samraj – Franklin Jones


book, and my life up to the point included within it, is
essentially devoted to a single argument, perception and
learning. It is understanding, or the actual process wherein
the great search and all separative consciousness is
dissolved. When this understanding is quickened and become
the radical, active basis of one’s life, then life becomes
creativity without dilemma or qualification. Now my life is
devoted to that work which is the conscious use and
development of all the faculties of being in the perfect
evolution of life.

I have begun a new phase in my
history and so it is appropriate to end my book. It
encompasses all that men have known in the processes of
search and exploitation, of ascent and mystical life. It is
meant to communicate the one simplicity that we have learned
in the last great period of our development. That one
simplicity is contained in all pursuit’s, all seeking, all
truth, religion and spirituality that takes the form of
“God-Realization”, “Self-Knowledge”, and every kind of
search for answers. All of these are the form and fruit of
what I call Understanding. When any man or group of men
attain that radical perception and begin to found their life
in it, then they have begun an entirely new period in the
evolution of life. The “new age” will be the age of such
understanding, and it will no longer be characterized by the
great search. The “great search” is the name and character
of the present age. The new age will be the age of great
light. It will no longer pursue a return to its foundation,
the source, the fundamental and prior reality. It will not
be characterized by search or return but by presence,
manifestation without trouble. I have come to say this and
to communicate it as radical truth to aid in building the
consciousness requisite to the new age. The new age must be
already founded in that which the present age has