What is Consciousness?

What is Consciousness?


Beezone compilation, adaptation and edit from various writing by Adi Da Samraj



hat is consciousness? This is the basic question posed in The Knee of Listening. What is consciousness? You never discover what it is by wandering in the play of life and the body-mind. You can only discover it by entering into consciousness itself, by contemplating it most profoundly, locating its Quality, Condition, Status, Force. Consciousness is always only related to experience, and therefore, it is never, as itself, an expression, result, container, servant, or prisoner of experience. When you have fully entered into Consciousness Itself, then suddenly the Truth of everything becomes obvious.

To Realize the Truth you must enter the Realm of Consciousness first. Very naturally permit the body-mind to enter into a state of equanimity. When it is in an ordinary, lawful, balanced condition, managed by simple, natural disciplines rather than ascetic ones, the body-mind does not bind you. Equanimity (absolute rest at Infinity through feeling-attention, without recoil or obstruction) grants you the free attention to explore consciousness and realize its Status.

The trouble is that you have begun with Nature with expectation that eventually you will realize Consciousness. You do not get to Consciousness from here. You can only enter into Consciousness directly. You can only enter into Consciousness directly. You are already established there. Therefore, the spiritual practice is to enter into the contemplation of Consciousness directly.

Becoming Enlightened is a very simple matter of examining your present state and seeing its obvious features. The simplest thing to say about everything that arises is simple related, and not by necessity. You have nothing directly to do with what arises. You are never more than aware of it. None of its qualities are ever your quantities. But in your ordinary and un-Enlightened state you are busy becoming involved with the drama of conditional existence, and thus you never have time to explore the Condition in which you actually inhere.

You do not inhere in the realm of Nature, but in the realm of Consciousness.



The Energy of Consciousness

The Knee of Listening