
The following exercise is based on the essay “What Consciousness Is” written by Adi Da Samraj and taken from “The Aletheon” (pp. 1531-1549).  Adi Da’s essay explores the nature of consciousness and the mechanism of attention, also known as ‘the mind.’ The purpose of such an exercise is solely for contemplative and educational understanding.



Attention and the Electronic Field

Attention moves within a vast, three-dimensional field of electronic dots. It can shift from one position to another instantly, without traversing the space in between. This field can manifest as solid objects, light, energy, darkness, or nothingness. Despite the horror of this realization, we achieve relative equanimity in our current state.

Consciousness and Its Source

Consciousness feels like an individual point moving through an infinite realm of dots, perceiving its surroundings as separate and trapped. To transcend this, we must redirect attention from this field to its Source, leading to the spontaneous recognition of the Infinite Field. This recognition, a form of Enlightenment, requires persistent practice, similar to a Yoga of Enlightenment.


Witness-Consciousness is not an active observer but the state of Consciousness before attention, ego, and body-mind arise. It is actionless, not dependent on conditions, and beyond the exercise of attention. Temporary deepening of conditional awareness may seem like Awakening, but true Awakening transcends these states.

True Awakening and the Seventh Stage of Life

Awakening occurs by Grace, requiring the transcendence of attention and its associated feelings in the Prior Condition of Consciousness Itself. Perfect intuitive absorption into the Divine is necessary for true Awakening. This absorption initiates the Seventh Stage of Life, characterized by a permanent and unconditional state of Enlightenment.

Energy and Consciousness

Humans often confuse Energy with Consciousness, submitting Consciousness to energy, mind, and body, instead of realizing Consciousness itself. True spiritual practice involves identifying with Consciousness and recognizing that Energy is ultimately Consciousness. This realization outshines the Realm of Nature, leading to the seventh stage of life.

Consciousness and the Individual Mind

Consciousness is the ultimate domain of the self, independent of the individual mind. The mind, as the seat of the ego, creates a sense of isolation and duality. Realization involves freeing Consciousness from the limitations of the individual mind, allowing the true nature of the self to emerge.

Stages of Practice and True Awakening

Those in earlier stages of practice may experience temporary states of Enlightenment but are not permanently established in the Witness-Consciousness. True Awakening is permanent and non-conditional, transcending the self-contraction that perpetuates the illusion of separation. Real spiritual transmission involves non-separateness and is a transcendental process that forms the basis of true practice.

Language and Egoity

Language presumes egoity and bodily existence, shaping human culture and individual perception. The body, thoughts, and world are artifacts of the past, not experienced in real time. The real present is beyond time and thought, and true establishment in Witness-Consciousness is the beginning of real existence.

In summary, the journey towards understanding Consciousness involves transcending the limitations of attention, ego, and mind, achieving a permanent state of Enlightenment through Grace, and recognizing the ultimate unity of Energy and Consciousness.

Further Study

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