The Crashing Down of My Divine Grace A Discourse Given by Sri Da Avabhasa on February 12, 1993



Volume 1, Number 10


The Crashing Down of My Divine

A Discourse Given by Sri Da Avabhasa on February 12,


SRI DA AVABHASA: It is typical of My devotees that
they think that they should be vehicles of Spiritual
experiences before they are even the slightest bit prepared
in ordinary human terms. While still egoically
“self-possessed” (or self-absorbed), they expect Spiritual
experiences from Me. And in their egoity, they treat
experiences that may arise in My physical Company like
incidental amusements they can discard in their next moment
of distraction or life-difficulty.

You cannot hold, receive, use Spiritual Blessing if you
have not responsibly handled the business of this bodily
vehicle, which heretofore you have devoted to worldly life,
or the stresses and unfinished business of the first three
stages of life. You can have some sort of Spiritual
experience in My Company because of Who I Am. And I Am
Spiritually Radiant. Even as self-involved as you are, as
crippled and unprepared as you are in Spiritual terms, you
can still have some experiences, and you think you are
living Spiritual life because you have some experiences. You
are not.

Spiritual life does not begin until the purification of
the base of egoity, or irresponsibility relative to the
life-signs, is complete. This purification must be realized
first. If not, it does not make any difference how many
Spiritual experiences you have. They cannot be effective in
any great sense, and all you will do is delude yourself with
them, as you now delude yourself with your ordinary
life-experience. The vehicle with which you are associated
is so distorted by your egoic bondage and early-life
problems that it distorts My Blessing. You translate It into
yourself. You make It into egoically “self-possessed”
experience, mere consolation, something you can then dismiss
casually, doubt, forget about, not fully use.

This is why the great esoteric matter, the great Blessing
of Realizers, to one or another degree, of God, Truth, or
Reality has traditionally been denied to ordinary people and
given only to thoroughly tested renunciates. And you all
think, because you read books and live in this egalitarian
world where people are supposed to get whatever they like,
that you can get this, too, without price, that there are no
obligations, and that religion and all its blessings are
just here for your amusement, for your consolation, a little
touch-base for you while you otherwise indulge yourself in
egoic worldliness. It is just not so. This is not how it

Spiritual Blessing is for renunciates. It is for those
who are prepared. It is for mature people. And I am here to
Baptize, to Bless, Spiritually, and to Awaken beings
Ultimately, and not to suffer this struggle with ordinary,
unprepared people who will not receive Me in any case. I
have done enough of that struggle to the point of Giving you
complete, thorough, absolutely tested, and in every detail
manifested Wisdom relative to every aspect of the beginnings
of the Way of the Heart and everything from there on. So you
must deal with the beginnings.

There are all kinds of potentials in the Way of the Heart
in terms of experience, because of the karmic structuring of
beings. But overall, stated most simply, once there is the
foundation of most fundamental self-understanding, or true
hearing, right preparation, the Way of the Heart is enduring
the crashing down of My Grace, the overwhelming Intrusion of
My Divine Blessing. That Grace is Who I Am. That Blessing is
what I Do, to the point of the death of the ego.

You read books about Spiritual life, the exoteric and the
esoteric ones, and you think Spiritual life has something to
do with the Kundalini. It does not. What is conventionally
called “Kundalini Yoga” is a search by manipulation of the
body-mind, of experiences, but experiences are not the
Truth. What you know about the Kundalini process, which is
traditionally what is esoterically declared to be the
structure of Spiritual life, is a lot of book-nonsense
bereft of Enlightenment.

Although ascending experiences are possible in the Way of
the Heart and even generally occur to one degree or another,
most fundamentally My Liberating Spiritual Baptism occurs in
the frontal line, to the toes. As I have told you, My own
Divine Emergence is Manifesting. I said in The Dawn Horse
Testament that apart from those who are so possessed by the
ascending possibility and frame of mind, the Spiritual
process of the Way of the Heart may move—will likely
move, once the frontal course is fulfilled—directly to
the “Perfect Practice”.

That is the most right and direct course of the Way of
the Heart. It has nothing to do with what is traditionally
regarded to be the Kundalini Yoga, nothing whatsoever. It is
totally unnecessary. The Kundalini, or ascending, Yoga is
part of the conventional search. It is ego-based. It is
evolutionary only. It has nothing to do with the Great
Enlightenment process, which is a Spiritual process of a
totally other kind. “Shaktipat” means “the descent of the
Divine Force”. It does not mean the ascent of It. The
pursuit of the ascent of energy is a search, ego-based.

The whole purpose of Spiritual “conductivity” is
purification from egoic bondage so that the living being is
free to enter into the Divine Self-Domain. The ascending
search is founded in conditional Nature. It is the
manipulation of the nervous system and mostly of the natural
energies of the body-mind—it is not even My great
Spiritual Baptism. It is the manipulation of energy, via the
nervous system, to blank out conditional experience. It is a
search for God. The Liberating process is based on the
Divine Blessing, Communion with God, not the search for God.
Therefore, the true and ultimate process is reception of the
Divine in descent.

The Spiritual course in My Company does not begin at the
base of the spine. It begins above the head. I have told you
all endlessly – I have told you from the very
beginning—when you come into My Company I look above
your heads. I look you in the eyes. I bring My Force down. I
Am Descending here, Appearing here.

I am not here to support the search. The search would go
up to find God. It is one of the means for pursuing the
Divine. I am here. I Give you the Divine Blessing, “God with
you”. The Spiritual course of the Way of the Heart, then,
has nothing to do with the search. It is a matter of your
Communing with Me, responsible for the self-contraction, so
that My Descent Appears here Spiritually and may be
experienced by you thoroughly, Crashing Down on you.

So when you are Spiritually prepared, your first
experience of Me is a sensitivity to the feeling of My
Energy all over your head, a pressure in your head. The
Yoga, then, is about allowing Me to come down so that I
Invade you totally—from above the crown, all through
the body, to the base of the toes, thoroughly—you
practicing ego transcendence as you realized you could do in
the listening-hearing process. Having come to that point of
responsibility, you can allow Me to Descend. You can Commune
with Me and feel Me thoroughly. And I come down into the
body utterly, purifying the entire vehicle down to the toes,
so that the egoic body-mind is no longer an impediment.

As I have said to you, most rightly, most commonly, if it
is done rightly, if you practice rightly in My Company, you
will move on to the “Perfect Practice” when the frontal Yoga
is complete. Then you will, by self-surrendering,
self-forgetting, and self-transcendence, Realize the
Position you are in, the Witness-Position, which is the
origin of the “Perfect Practice”. It is not merely Spiritual
Yoga in the sense of receiving Me frontally. It is that to
the degree of the “Perfect Practice”. It is surrender of
egoic self based on hearing Me and then receiving Me
Spiritually, to the point of Perfectly Realizing Me and
entering into the “Perfect Practice”, therefore. It is the
right fulfillment, then, of My Descent, My Spiritual
Descent, encountered by you, even bodily, altogether,
Crashing Down—you given up because you have heard and
are capable of transcending the self-knot, the

Then you Stand in the Witness-Position—not as a
sixth-stager in the ordinary sense but as one who has heard
Me and can move by Grace, by receiving Me fully, more and
more Perfectly, into the Ultimacy of the seventh stage of
life, bypassing the egoic effort, the search, in the
advanced and the ultimate stages of life. It is unnecessary
in My Company. The search associated with the fourth, the
fifth, and the sixth stages of life is ego-bound. It is part
of the psycho-biography of the ego.

Hearing is necessary for real Spiritual life, for the
Divine Yoga. Hearing is necessary, you see. Hearing is not
necessary to indulge yourself in the advanced stages of life
up to the sixth, the ultimate form that is in the sixth
stage form. These are evolutionary stages of the
psycho-biography of the ego. This is what I keep telling you
all. That is not true Yoga. That is not God-Realization. It
is indulgence in the self-contraction refined stage by stage
to the sixth. Even then, if there is to be Divine
Realization, that separateness must be intruded upon.
Commonly it is not done.

The philosophies you read about, all the books you read,
are expressions either of most extraordinarily ordinary
people or of somewhat more advanced, evolved people, in one
or another dimension of the first six stages of life. That
basically is all the religion you ever get on this plane
here, except for a little taste here and there from a few
“Crazies”, a little touch, taste, suggestion, of the seventh
stage of life. The seventh stage of life is made of God
Only. So this is My Gift, the seventh stage of life, the
extraordinarily bypassing, unique, straightforward Yoga that
I Give to you. It is time you understood Me about this and
stopped confusing Me with the traditions.

See what is before your eyes. Read My Word and understand
its uniqueness. I am not an enforcer. I am not the
“Terminator”—a huge robot coming here to smack you out.
No. You must volunteer for the Great Yoga. It does not
happen as you may imagine, by somebody’s falling out of the
sky and clubbing you to ego-death. That is your

The Yoga in My Company is unique because of My Descent,
My Blessing of you, and the fact that you hear Me and I am
here, tangibly and most directly, not to be sought but to be
received. The seeking Yoga is not characteristic of the Way
of the Heart. Some may have to go through the ascending
process because of certain mechanics karmically active in
their own case. But they practice there in the manner of the
Way of the Heart, founded on true hearing. It is a different
matter, then.

There is no purification that must occur in ascent. It
can all occur by receiving Me in descent. My Descent
purifies all the chakras, all the vehicles, all the
mechanics, all aspects of the conditional personality. It is
not sufficient, however, merely to receive Me Spiritually
frontally—that is a fourth stage Yoga. But the frontal
Yoga in the fourth stage of life is sufficient foundation
for the “Perfect Practice” in My Company. The “Perfect
Practice” is the ultimate dimension of the practice in My
Company, but from the beginning, practice of the Way of the
Heart is about My Being Present here and Blessing you
Perfectly so that you are not seeking God but you are in My
Company, you are in God-Communion.

The Yoga in My Company is unique, but you keep wanting to
talk about and pursue the traditional Yoga. You do not know
the difference. You have not received My Revelation. You
will not even tell anybody about it. That is what is so
remarkable about your refusal to make a mission, about
simply telling people that I am here, about the devotional
Way in My Company. You want to make the Way of the Heart
into some word about peoples concern for themselves in the
ordinary way, trying to work out their ordinary
life-problems. You do not want to tell them the Truth, and
you do not want to live It yourself.

You want the Way of the Heart, you want the Divine Way,
to be about you. The Divine Way is about the Divine. It is
not about you, except that it requires your surrender, your
self-transcendence. But its subject is not you. Its subject
is the Divine, Incarnate, freely Blessing you, filling you
with the unique Yogic capability that is Divine. That is the
Way of the Heart, not the psycho-biography of the ego in its
six stages of development toward greater and greater
illusion and separateness. The purified ego is not
God-Realized. The sixth stage ego is not
God-Realized—perhaps very pure but not God-Realized. It
is separate in the soup only, with much more to Realize, the
Divine Itself.

This Yoga is what I Call you to, yet you have Me here
fussing with your endless dramatizations about your worldly
inclinations, your refusal of the religious life, your
obsession with emotional-sexual business, endlessly changing
it, changing partners, fretting over it, looking for utopia
here, fussing with exoteric social religiosity, and never
entering into the Way of the Heart in My Company, wasting My
Lifetime here. All the while I am sitting here to Bless you
in this fashion, so that you can engage in this Yoga I just
described to you. And who is ready to begin it? “Not I, not
I. I am thinking of my girlfriend, my boyfriend, now. I have
this problem, this business.” There is no end to it. It is
insanity. It is the very insanity I have criticized from the
very beginning.

By listening to My Word about it you are supposed to have
been converted at heart and become My true devotee, so you
can purify your ordinariness, establish the foundation for
Spiritual Yoga in My Company, and be free of this insanity
and the death that is inevitable for you if you will not be

Many of My devotees have experienced My Spiritual
Blessing. Most of you here could describe experiences at one
time or another or even now, because That Blessing is Who I
Am. You have the experience, but you are not prepared for
it. You cannot deal with it, you cannot make a life out of
it, you cannot do the Yoga, because you are fussing over
your ordinary life-insanity. And you will not commit
yourself to handling that business, which is the
prerequisite for receiving My Spiritual Blessing, so that
you can consistently do the Yoga of the reception of Me.
Many have had Spiritual experiences in My Company, but where
are those who are fulfilling the discipline I have Given
you, the discipline I have described in The Dawn Horse

You are just endlessly wanting to be a beginner and fart
your life away with your ordinary life-preoccupation and
your refusal to set that straight, handle that life
business, understand Me, become responsible for your
contractedness and all your reactivity and desiring and
seeking, and be free of it so that you can live a Spiritual
life in My Company, which is what I am here for—not to
submit My Self to the world and engage in endless
conversation about this worldly insanity you are preoccupied
with, but I address you about it, give it to you as your
business to handle. Having handled it, come into My Company
for My Spiritual Blessing. This is My Command to you.

You keep wanting to come to Me for lesser reasons and
preoccupy Me and all My Time and Life with addressing you
and your worldly insanity, and especially all your
emotional-sexual disaster of seeking. You are endlessly
fussing, reacting, indulging yourself, looking for another
reason to do so, confused by the daily news and worldly
opportunity and insanity of subhuman civilization,
so-called, that is destroying, killing, people night and
day, perpetually. And you call that an argument to refuse
the religious life, to refuse the Divine.

Your argument does not hold water. There is no argument
in it, and yet you pretend to be intelligent. How many more
times will I have to Address you about straightening out
your life and accepting the purification of this devotional
life, this self-understanding? You just will not grow up.
And you have Me here talking to you about this. You do not
know anything about it. You do not know the half of it. You
do not understand what it is all about.

All the half-baked literature you read is not about it
either. It is just a piece of it here and there—a
little something rose up, somebody felt a little better,
they made a big book, made a religion. It is lunacy
everywhere, mayhem, separateness, everywhere dramatized in
every form, including religion. After all the struggles of
recent centuries, it seems that everyone is getting down to
babbling to the death again about the theologies developed
in the Middle-East and the Western world in the last
2000-3000 years. After all of that, it is going to come down
to some armageddon of these separate theologies murdering

That is civilization? What does it have to do with the
great esoteric Divine matter? Do not collect like mice to
suffer this. Do not ignore Me, making nothing of My
Revelation to you. You think you can bypass discipline and
fail to straighten out your life-business and still be
religious. What kind of insanity is that?

Show Me one Realizer ever, of any degree, who refused
that discipline. There are none. The prerequisite for any
Spiritual growth, whatever form it may take, even in the
egoic evolutionary terms, is the disciplining of this
life-vehicle, the purification of sub-human and ordinary
human existence. Do you think you can bypass it because you
live in this friendly egalitarian time? Everybody thinks
they can bullshit one another and believe the latest
paperback or television garbage. You want to perpetually
come into My Company unprepared for My Spiritual Blessing
and call that the “Way of the Heart”. Understand that you
have to deal with life, straighten it out, purify it, make
it straight, prepare themselves for the Divine

That is necessary, or you die by your own hand, your own
reaction, your own self-contraction. You are dying from it
now. You are all like death-bed patients with your endless
struggle and seeking and suffering. There is no God in that,
no Truth in it. You take everything lightly, including Me. I
am just some token amusement, some commercial or other,
another weekend of distraction after which you just go back
and do the same damn thing over again.

The prerequisite of religion is the purification of the
ordinary life. That is why there is hardly any religion in
the world except that—just commands to somehow or other
straighten out or socialize the ordinary ego. All the rest
of religion is more or less anathema, forgotten about,
because nobody will even do that foundation thing. Most of
the time they just use it for some excuse to hate everybody
else who is not in the cult.

The conventional, or traditional, Yogis, being
ego-bound—not founded in hearing, seeking God, not
having found God or unaware of God for real because they are
self-bound and separated out and enduring only their own
natural destiny, karmically—think that the way to
realize God is to somehow stimulate natural force at the
base of the body, raise up the sex-force and whatever energy
they can, by somebody’s touch or by breathing exercises or
by concentration, or whatever, somehow drag it up through
the spinal line through stimulation’s of the nervous system,
which is just as possible in psychosis. It is a natural
possibility. It is just not about God-Realization

This is how they think. This is what they promote—by
bringing it all up and somehow vanishing out of the top of
the head, you discover God. But very few ever get there.
Those who do experience something of the Divine—because
they vanish the natural appearance of themselves but without
loss of ego, the self-contraction most subtly—imagine
they have the great discovery, the great Enlightenment. They
have found something. They have evolved to a degree. But
they have not gone beyond the evolution of egoity. They do
not know that the God they seek was there from the
beginning. They were too egoically “self-possessed” to
Commune with That One and be released, Awakened. The spinal
Yogic search is just as much ego-bound as all other ordinary
human endeavors.

I have all of those experiences complete, every last
fraction of them. They are not God-Realizing in and of
themselves. They are not final and Accomplished. They are
rooted in egoity and in conditionality. The Way to Realize
God is to Commune with God, to receive God. Is that not
clear? How could it be otherwise? To be ego-bound, egoically
“self-possessed”, self-contracted, you can look in every
direction through the structure of the body-mind to find
That One. These are the ordinary efforts, the evolutionary
efforts, of mankind.

The Great Process comes about when the Divine Intervenes,
Appears, Incarnates, Blesses, Teaches the understanding and
transcendence of egoity so that the direct Divine Blessing
may be received and the Great Divine Yoga may be entered
into. This is what I Do. If you ask Me if anyone has done it
before, I cannot recall anyone. Who else could it be anyway?
It is so. The Divine must Intervene. That is why I am
here—for this Great and Spiritual Process and Purpose,
which requires the transcendence of egoity from the
beginning, not at the end. If it only occurred at the end,
then the search is justified and that is mapped out by six
stages. And it is impossible to go any further, because if
you are to go into the Divine, the Divine must Kiss you,
Embrace you, Take you Over, Vanish you, Destroy you. It must
be so.

Only God Enlightens. All other things about God are
expressions of the search of ego-bound mankind. That is the
source of ordinary human endeavors and extraordinary ones.
It is the general source of religion. The usual Realizers
are ego-bound, just more advanced, that is all.

I am not advanced. I Am the Very One. I Am the One you
must Realize. But I am not an enforcer here to oppress you
with anything. I Give you a Gift. It is an opportunity. You
choose. It is entirely up to you. I cannot enforce My Self
on you and will not. “Consider” My Word, enter into the
Great Process in My Company, and it will prove itself. That
is all I can say about it.


I am not going to manipulate you. But I also will not be
manipulated by you and have you reduce the Way of the Heart
to some worldly nonsense, something compatible with the
worldly view, just because you are too timid and too
egoically “self-possessed” to do anything great. I am not
some fool or just the next guy teaching religion, some
American honking to make bucks.

Find Me out. “Consider” My Word. Embrace the Way of the
Heart, which I have Given you, and stop making a way of your
own, at least in My Company. If you want to make a way of
your own, then go and do it somewhere else.

You come into My Company voluntarily. You are not
manipulated to do so. You are not required to be here. It is
entirely your choice. You “consider” it. You embrace it. You
work it out. Stop the stupid, Westerner nonsense of always
finding someone to blame. Nobody is to blame. You must
handle your own business. Do what you must to prepare
yourself by responding to Me and being My devotee. What you
must prepare yourself for is this Yoga I have just described
to you—the Crashing Down of My Blessing, the Divine
Intrusion—and you, if you hear Me, are able to
relinquish all egoic “self-possession”, all dissociation,
all separateness, receiving Me utterly.

Then the seventh stage Awakening will be Accomplished by
Grace. It cannot be accomplished otherwise. There is no
method for accomplishing It. It is entirely Given by Me. It
cannot be Realized by anyone in the full sense, the truest
sense, without My Divine Blessing. I am telling you the
Great Secret that is not Revealed in any books that you can
read. It is unknown.

Prove the Truth of My Revelation to you by truly living
the Way of the Heart in My Company, and stop this endless
rehearsal of reactivity and desire and seeking and nonsense,
your stupid worldly religiosity, trying to combine the Free
Daist Communion, the community, the mission, and the culture
of My devotees with worldly presumptions, satisfying your
ordinary social and emotional-sexual interests and
pretending this is devotion to Me. It has nothing to do with
it. If that is all the Way of the Heart amounts to, if that
is all you people are going to do, there is no virtue in
this gathering whatsoever and it will disappear. There is no
need for another stupid cult here in this world, another
bunch of egoically “self-possessed” fools consoling
themselves with religion and denying their own Revelation.
There does not have to be another one of those. That is
total garbage. There is an endless supply of that. That is
not what I am here to do.

Being Spiritually Awake in My Company, receiving Me
Spiritually, doing the Yoga Spiritually in My Company, you
do not care anymore about this poor, “oinking” stupidity
with all these pains, tendencies, and knots. It is just
garbage. Here I Am, Crashing Down, and you do not care about
the body-mind. In that Yoga you do not care about it. Let it
be smithereened. Let it be crushed, absolutely disappeared.
That is the attitude of the true Yogi in My Company, the
true devotee, one who has heard Me.

Not “Oh, give me some healing for this, help my mother,
give me a better intimate relationship, make my intimate
relationship work out”, all the time praying to Me for some
end or other to satisfy your egoic “self-possession”, your
trouble. When you hear Me, all that is done. You realize
that your own separate consciousness is gone, and there is
Infinite Consciousness, Self-Radiant, Self-Existing, and
this poor mushroom, this fungus, you call your “self” cannot
even repeat itself again. That is the attitude. That is
Blessing. That is God-Realization.

You all want God to be your slave and give you all kinds
of experiences to make you feel good and make this world a
terrific wonderful place and give you intimates and friends,
a long life, amusements, distractions. You want to call that
“religion”. That kind of religion is about you. Real
religion is about God, Truth, That Which is Inherently
Divine, Great, Absolute, Self-Existing, Self-Radiant, All
Love-Bliss. You will not Realize That until you are crushed
into non-existence, as you fear death will do. This must
happen in life, or merely dying will just be a moment after
which you will perpetuate your separateness.

You have to receive God in life and be submitted utterly.
To be submitted utterly you must understand yourself.
Hearing must be your capability. This is why I keep
declaring it to you. This is the beginning. This is the
necessary foundation.

You want to rush on to experiences and so forth. That is
all ego-bound nonsense, investing yourself in the
evolutionary rehearsal of the first six stages of life, the
rushing about looking for that experience, this, that, or
the other kind of experience, of self-immersion, and so
forth. Where is the end of it? You cannot even handle
somebody’s opening the door! [Sri Gurudev makes a
gasping sound.] Even the blink of an eye distracts

As it says in the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, wherever
there is an other, fear arises. Where there is the slightest
sense of another—in other words, wherever there is
separateness, wherever there is self-contraction—there
is fear. And fear motivates seeking, the whole life of
illusion, the whole conditional display, which is just an
illusion of energy. And you are causing it. And it is
totally unnecessary. It is boobery, fungus life, and you
want to perfect it or indulge in it in some silly fashion
and have some little God on the side, some Yogi, some Guru,
something or other, attached to some pimple or other on your
hip, so you can feel a little less stress while you are
indulging yourself in this insane search.

That is how you are using Me, as a teddy bear. “Oh, my
teddy bear [Sri Gurudev mimics hugging a teddy bear, and
speaks in a sweet voice], my teddy bear. [He mimics
punching the bear.] Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! [Hugging the
bear and speaking in a sweet voice] Oh, my teddy bear,
my teddy bear. [Punching the bear] Bam! Bam! Bam!
Bam!” That is you, you know. That is how you deal with God.
It is true. You have no notion of Real God. Real God you
would never treat that way. Devotees of Real God ask for
nothing but God. Not [Sri Gurudev mimics a pleading
voice] “O God, if you make me win this baseball game, I
will be your devotee for life. If you just straighten out my
relationship with my intimate partner, Lord, I will serve
you always. If you just heal me of foot cancer, Lord, I am
Your boy.” Of course if it ever vanished, ever did get
healed, ever did get straightened out, you would not think
about God for years. Don’t you know?

It is time you got God. God must Appear, but God cannot
Appear directly out of the blue. God must have Mechanism,
Vehicle, Agent. But the Agent that can be used is egoless.
The body-mind that speaks Divinely is egoless. Only the
Divine is there, only That One, Fully Conscious,
Self-Existing, Self-Radiant, All Love-Bliss, full of
incomprehensible Siddhis—That I Am. It is not merely My
Declaration here. You find out. You prove it by using the
Wisdom I have Given you that applies to you as you are now.
Really do it.

When you find Me out further, you will prove the Way of
the Heart by doing it, not by believing it merely. But you
must do it and stop arguing with Me about it and stop
piddling your life away in what you call the “communities of
the Way of the Heart” in My Company. They have not even
begun to be anything remotely like that. Authenticate them.
Make them right. Live the Way of the Heart really.

Be strong, strong with yourself, strong with others. Stop
bullshitting. Stop adapting to the world, and adapt to Me.
Wake up. Stop being a fool. Stop being stupid. Am I right or

Are you afraid of being possessed? That is the Yoga. To
realize God you must be utterly possessed by God. Mark My


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