Do Not Misunderstand Me – Adi Da Samraj

with parentheticals

Do Not Misunderstand

I Am Not “Within” you,
but you Are In Me,
and I Am Not a Mere “Man”
in the “Middle” of Mankind,
but All of Mankind Is Surrounded,
and Pervaded, and Blessed By Me

Yes! There is no religion, no Way of
God, no Way of Divine Realization, no Way of Enlightenment,
and no Way of Liberation that is Higher or Greater than
Truth Itself. Indeed, there is no religion, no science, no
man or woman, no conditionally manifested being of any kind,
no world, and. no “God” that is Higher or Greater than Truth

Therefore, no ego-“I”-no presumed
separate being or “thing” is Higher or Greater than Truth
Itself. And no ego-“I” is even Equal to Truth Itself. And no
ego-“I” is even Able to Realize Truth itself-because,
necessarily, Truth Inherently Transcends every one and every
“thing”. Therefore, it is only in the transcending of egoity
itself only in the “radical” Process of Going Beyond the
root, the cause, and the act of presumed separateness, and
of performed separativeness, and of even all ego-based
seeking for Truth Itself-that Truth Is Realized. Truth Is
That Which Is Always Already The Case. That Which Is The
Case Reality. Therefore, Reality Is Truth, and Reality Is
the Only Truth.

Reality Is the Only, and
Non-Separate, One and “What” That Is. Because It Is
all-and-All-and because It Is That Which Transcends
all-andAll-Reality Itself Is the One and Only Real God.
Therefore, Reality Is the One and Great Subject of true
religion, and Reality Is the One and Great Way of Real God,
Real Divine Realization, Real En-Light-enment, and Real

with parentheticals

The only true religion is the
religion that Realizes Truth. The only true science is the
science that Knows Truth. The only true man or woman is one
that Surrenders to Truth. The only true world is one that
Embodies Truth. And the only True God Is the One Reality
That Is Truth. Therefore, Reality Itself must become the
constantly applied Measure of religion, and of science, and
of the world itself, and of even all of the life of Man – or
else religion, and science, and the world itself, and even
any and every sign of Man inevitably become a pattern of
illusions, a mere “problem”, the very cause of human
seeking, and the perpetual cause of contentious human
strife. Indeed, if religion, and science, and the world
itself, and the total life of Man are not Surrendered and
Aligned to Reality, and Submitted to be Measured by Truth,
and Given to the truly devotional Realization of That Which
Is the Only Real God – then, in the presumed “knowledge” of
mankind, Reality, and Truth, and Real God ceases to

Aham Da Asmi. Beloved, I Am Da, the
One and Only Person Who Is. I Am the Avatarically
Self-Revealed, and Eternally Self Existing, and Eternally
Self-Radiant Person of Love-Bliss. I Am the One and Only and
Divine Self of one and of all and of All. I Am Divinely
Self-Manifesting As the Ruchira Avatar, Adi Da Samraj. I Am
the Ruchira Avatar, Adi Da Samraj-the Avataric Divine
Realizer, the Avataric Divine Revealer, the Avataric Divine
Incarnation, and the Avataric Divine Self-Revelation of
Reality Itself. I Am the Avatarically Incarnate Divine
Realizer, the Avatarically Incarnate Divine Revealer, and
the Avatarically Incarnate Divine SelfRevelation of the One
and Only Reality-Which Is the One and Only Truth, and Which
Is the One and Only Real God. I Am the Great Avataric Divine
Realizer, Avataric Divine Revealer, and Avataric Divine
Self-Revelation long-Promised for the “late-time”-this time,
the “dark” epoch of mankind’s “Great Forgetting” of Reality,
of Truth, and of Real God.

Beloved, I Am Da, the Divine Giver,
the Giver to one, and to all, and to the All of all-now, and
forever hereafter-here, and every “where” in the cosmic
domain. Therefore, for the Purpose of Revealing the Way of
Real God, and in order to Divinely En-Light-en and Divinely
Liberate all-and-All-I Am Avatarically Revealing My Very
Person to all-andAll, by Means of My Avatarically Given
Divine Self-Manifestation, As the Ruchira Avatar, Adi Da

In My Avatarically Given Divine
Self-Manifestation As the Ruchira Avatar, Adi Da Samraj-I Am
the Divine Secret, the Divine Self-Revelation of the
Esoteric Truth, the Direct, and allCompleting, and
all-Unifying Self-Revelation of Real God.

My Avatarically Given Divine
Self-Confessions and My Avatarically Given Divine
Teaching-Revelations Are the Great Esoteric Revelation to
mankind-and not a merely exoteric communication to public

The greatest opportunity, and the
greatest responsibility, of My devotees is Satsang with Me –
Which is to live in the Condition of ego-surrendering,
ego-forgetting, and ego-transcending devotional relationship
to Me, and to Realize My Avatarically Self-Revealed
Self-Condition, Which Is the Self-Evidently Divine Heart of
all-and-All, and Which Is Self-Existing and Self-Radiant
Consciousness Itself. Therefore, My essential Divine Gift to
one and all is Satsang with Me. And My essential Divine Work
with one and all is Satsang-Work-to Live As the Avatarically
Self-Revealed Divine Heart and Conscious Light of Truth
among My devotees.

The only-by-Me Revealed and Given
Way of Adidam – Which is the One and Only by-Me-Revealed and
by-Me-Given Way of the Heart, or the only-by-Me Revealed and
Given Way of “Radical” Understanding, or Ruchira Avatara
Siddha Yoga-is the Way of Satsang with Me, the
ego-transcending selfdiscipline of living in devotionally
Me-recognizing devotional response to My Avatarically-Born
bodily Divine Form and Person, such that the devotionally to
– Me – turned relationship to Me becomes the Real Condition
of life. Fundamentally, this Satsang with Me is the one
thing done by My devotees. Because the only-by-Me Revealed
and Given Way of Adidam is always a directly
ego-transcending and Really Me-Finding practice, the
otherwise constant tendency to seek is not exploited in this
Satsang with Me. And the essential work of the formal
worldwide gathering of My devotees is to make
ego-transcending Satsang with Me available to all

Everything that serves the
availability of Satsang with Me is the responsibility of the
formal worldwide gathering of My formally practicing
devotees. I am not here to publicly “promote” this Satsang
with Me. In the intimate circumstances of My devotees’
humanly expressed devotional love of Me, I Speak My
Avatarically Self-Revealing Divine Word to My devotees, and
they bring My Avatarically Self-Revealing Divine Word to all
others. Therefore, even though I am not a “public” Teacher,
My devotees function fully in the daily public world of
ordinary life.

I Always Already Stand Free.
Therefore, I have always Stood Free, in the “Crazy” Manner –
in order to Guarantee the Freedom, the Uncompromising
Rightness, and the Fundamental Integrity of My Avatarically
Self-Manifested Divine Teaching, and in order to Freely and
Fully and Fully Effectively Perform My universal Divine
Spiritual Blessing-Work. I Am Present to Divinely Serve,
Divinely En-Light-en, and Divinely Liberate those who accept
the Eternal Vow and all the life-responsibilities associated
with the only-by-Me Revealed and Given Way of Adidam.
Because I Am Given to My formally and fully practicing
devotees, I do not Serve a “public” role, and I do not Work
in a “public” manner. Nevertheless – now, and forever
hereafter – I constantly Bless all beings, and this entire
world, and the total cosmic domain. And all who feel My
Avatarically Given Divine Spiritual Blessing, and who
heart-recognize Me with true devotional love, are Called to
devotionally resort to Me – but only if they approach Me in
the traditional devotional manner, as responsibly practicing
members of the formal worldwide gathering of My formally
practicing devotees.

I expect this formal discipline of
right devotional approach to Me to have been freely and
happily embraced by every one who would enter into My
physical Company. The natural human reason for this is that
there is a potential liability inherent in all human
associations. And the root and nature of that potential
liability is the ego. Therefore, in order that the
liabilities of egoity are understood by those who approach
Me, I Require demonstrated right devotion as the basis for
any one’s invitation to enter into My physical Company. And,
in this manner, not only the egoic tendency, but also the
tendency toward religious “cultism”, is constantly
undermined in the only-by-Me Revealed and Given Way of

with parentheticals

Because people appear within this
human condition, this simultaneously attractive and
frightening “dream” world, they tend to live – and to
interpret both the conditional reality and the Unconditional
Reality from the “point of view” of this apparent mortal
human condition. And, because of this universal human
bewilderment, there is an even ancient ritual that all human
beings rather unconsciously desire and tend to repeatedly
enact. Therefore, wherever there is an association of human
beings gathered for any purpose, the same human
bewilderment-ritual is tending to be enacted by one and

Human beings always tend to encircle
the presumed “center” of their lives-a book, a person, a
symbol, an idea, or whatever. They tend to encircle the
“center”, and they tend to seek to exclusively acquire all
“things” for the circle of themselves. In this manner, the
group becomes an ego-just as the individual body-mind
becomes, by self-referring self-contraction, the separate
and separative ego-“I”. Thus, by self-contraction upon the
presumed “center” of their lives-human beings, in their
collective egocentricity, make “cults” in every area of

Anciently, the “cult”-making process
was done, most especially, in the political and social
sphere-and religion was, as even now, mostly an exoteric
exercise that was always used to legitimize political and
social “authority-figures”. Anciently, the cyclically
culminating product of this exoteric religio-political
“cult” was the ritual “de-throning” of the one in the

Everywhere throughout the ancient
world, traditional societies made and performed this annual
religiopolitical “cult” ritual. The ritual of “en-throning”
and “de-throning” was a reflection of the human observation
of the annual cycle of the seasons of the natural world-and
the same ritual was a reflection of the human concern and
effort to control, the signs potential in the cycle of the
natural world, in order to ensure human survival. Indeed,
the motive behind the ancient agrarian ritual of the one in
the “middle” was, essentially, the same motive that, in the
modern era, takes the form of the culture of scientific
materialism: It is the motive to gain control, and the
effort to control even everything and everyone.

Thus, the ritualized, or bewildered
yes/no, life of mankind in the modern era is, essentially,
the same as that of mankind in the ancient days.

In the ancient ritual of
“en-throning” and “de-throning”, the person (or subject) in
the “middle” was ritually mocked, abused, deposed, and
banished-and a new person was installed in the “center” of
the religio-political “cult”. In the equivalent modern
ritual of dramatized ambiguity relative to everything and
everyone, the person in the “middle” is first “cultified”,
and then doubted, mocked, and abused-until, at last, all the
negative emotions are dissolved, the “middle” is abandoned,
and a “new” person becomes the subject of popular

Just as in every other area of human
life, the tendency of all those who would become involved in
religious or Spiritual life is also to make a “cult”, a
circle that ever increases its separate and separative
dimensions-beginning from the “center”, surrounding it, and
even controlling it. Such “cultism” is ego-based, and
ego-reinforcingand, no matter how “esoteric” it presumes
itself to be, it is (as in the ancient setting) entirely
exoteric, or more and more limited to merely social
activities and conditions.

The form that every “cult” imitates
is the pattern of egoity itself-the presumed “middle” of
every ordinary individual life. It is the self-contraction,
which “creates” the fearful sense of separate mind, and all
the endless habits and motives of egoic desire. It is what
is, ordinarily, called the real and necessary and only

From birth, the human being begins
to presume separate existence to be his or her very nature –
and, on that basis, the human individual spends his or her
entire life generating and serving a circle of ownership all
around the ego-“I”. The egoic motive encloses all the other
beings it can acquire, all the “things” it can acquire, all
the states and thoughts it can acquire-all the possible
emblems, symbols, experiences, and sensations it can
possibly acquire. Therefore, when any human being begins to
involve himself or herself in some religious or Spiritual
association, he or she tends again to “create” that same
circle about a “center”.

The “cult” is a dramatization of
egoity, of separativeness, even of the entrapment and
betrayal of the “center”, by one and all. Therefore, I have
always Refused to assume the role and the position of the
“man in the middle” – and I have always Criticized,
Resisted, and Shouted About the “cultic” “school” of
ordinary religious and Spiritual life. Indeed, true Satsang
with Me is an always counter-“cultic” Process.

The true devotional and Spiritual
relationship to Me is not separative, nor is it a matter of
attachment to Me as a mere human being – for, if My devotee
indulges in ego-bound attachment to Me as a mere human
“other”, My Divine Nature is not truly devotionally
recognized and rightly devotionally acknowledged. And, if
such non-recognition of Me is the case, there is no truly
ego-transcending devotional response to My Avatarically-Born
and Avatarically Self-Revealed Presence and Person-and,
thus, such presumed – to-be “devotion” to Me is not
devotional heart-Communion with Me, and such presumed-to-be
“devotion” to Me is not Divinely Liberating. Therefore,
because the true devotional relationship to Me is entirely a
counter-egoic discipline, it does not become a

The true devotional practice of
Satsang with Me is expansive – or anti-contractional, or
anti-constrictive, or decompressive, or pro-relational.
Thus, the self-contracting self-“center” is neither the
motive nor the source of Satsang with Me. In true Satsang
with Me, the egoic “center” is always already undermined as
a “center”. The Principle of true Satsang with Me is
Me-Beyond the self-referring ego-“I”.

True Satsang with Me is the true
“Round Dance” of Esoteric Spirituality. I am not trapped in
the “middle” of My devotees. I “Dance” in the “Round” with
each and every one of My devotees. I “Dance” in the
circle-and, therefore, I am not merely a “motionless man” in
the “middle”. At the true “Center”, Which includes
all-and-All, I Am-Beyond definition. I Am the Indivisible,
Most Perfectly Prior, Inherently Non-Separate, and
inherently egoless Consciousness and the Indivisible, Most
Perfectly Prior, Inherently Non-Separate, and Inherently
egoless Light. I Am the Very Being and the Very Presence of
Self-Existing and Eternally Unqualified Conscious Light

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In the “Round Dance” of true Satsang
with Me, I Am Communicated directly to every one who lives
in heart-felt relationship with Me. Therefore, I am not the
mere “man”, and I am not merely “in the middle”. I Am the
One Person of Reality Itself-Non-Separate, never merely at
the egoic “center”, but always with each one, and always in
relationship with each one, and always Beyond each

Therefore, My devotee is not Called,
by Me, merely to turn “inward”, or to struggle and seek to
survive merely as a self-contracted and self-referring and
self-seeking and. self-serving ego-“center”. Instead, I Call
My devotee to turn the heart toward

Me-feeling Me As I Am, Free-Standing
here. I Call My devotee to turn from the self-“center”, to
Me, in relationship. I Call My devotee to merely turn every
faculty of body-mind to Me, having already Found Me-rather
than to affirm the separate state, and the separative act,
of ego-“I”, by seeking for Me. I Call My devotee to grow to
“Locate” My Avatarically Self-Transmitted Divine Spiritual
Presence-by constantly turning to My Avatarically-Born
bodily Divine Form and Person. I Call My devotee to receive
Me Spiritually, and to understand that I Am Infinitely Above
and Beyond the body-mind-self of My devotee. I Call My
Spiritually Me-receiving devotee to always function in My
Avatarically Self-Transmitted Divine Light, such that My
Avatarically Self-Revealed Divine Person is always presumed
and experienced. Therefore, true Satsang with Me-or the
searchlessly Me-Beholding devotional and Spiritual
relationship to Me-is lifeembraced As the Real Company of
Truth, or of Reality Itself. True Satsang with Me Serves
life, because I Move into life, and I always Contact life in
relationship. And the life of true Satsang with Me is the
only-byMe Revealed and Given Way of Adidam.

I do not Call My devotees to become
absorbed into a “cultic” gang of exoteric and ego-centric
religionists. I certainly Call all My devotees to always
create and maintain cooperative sacred culture with one
another-but not to do so in an egoic, separative,
world-excluding, xenophobic, and intolerant manner. Rather,
My devotees are Called, by Me, to transcend etzoity-through
right and true devotional relationship to Me, and mutually
tolerant and peaceful cooperation with one another, and
all-tolerating relationship with all of mankind


I Give My devotees the “Bright”
Conscious Light of My Own Avatarically Self-Revealed Divine
Person-by Means of Which Blessing-Gift they can become more
and more capable of “Bright” Divine life. I Call for the
searchless free devotion, the intelligently discriminative
self-understanding, the rightly and freely living
selfdiscipline, and the full and freely functional
capability of My devotees. I do not Call My devotees to
resist or eliminate life, or to strategically escape life,
or to identify with the world-excluding ego-centric impulse.
I Call My devotees to live a positively functional life. I
do not Call My devotees to strategically separate themselves
from the natural vitality of life, or to suppress the
participatory impulse naturally associated with human
existence. I Call for all the human life-functions to be
really and rightly known, and to be really and rightly
understood, and to be really and rightly lived-and not
reduced by (or to) the inherently bewildered (and inherently
“cultic”, or self-centered and fearful) “point of view” of
the separate and separative ego-“I”.

I Call for every human life-function
and faculty to be revolved away from self-contraction (or
ego-“I”). I Call for every human life-function and faculty
to be always directly (and thoroughly) aligned and
out-turned and adapted to Me, in the truly egotranscending
(or counter-contractive) manner-and (Thus and Thereby) to be
turned and. Given to the Realization of My Divine Avataric
Spiritual Self-Revelation of Truth, or Reality Itself-Which
Is the “Bright” and Only Real God.

The characteristic life-sign of
right, true, full, and fully devotional Satsang with Me is
the capability for ego-transcending relatedness, based on
the free disposition of no-seeking and no-dilemma.
Therefore, the characteristic life-sign of right, true,
full, and fully devotional Satsang with Me is not the
tendency to seek some “other” condition. Rather, the
characteristic life-sign of right, true, full, and fully
devotional Satsang with Me is freedom from the presumption
of dilemma within the present-time condition. The “radical”
understanding I Give to My devotees is not, itself, the
acquisition of any particular “thing” of experience. My
every true devotee is simply Awakening to Me, within the
otherwise bewildering “dream” of human life.

Satsang with Me is a naturally
unfolding Process, in Which the self-contraction that is
each one’s suffering is transcended by Means of total
psychophysical heart-Communion with My Avatarically-Born
bodily Divine Form and Person-and with My Avatarically
SelfTransmitted Divine Presence. My devotee is always
tending to be preoccupied with ego-based seeking-but, all
the while of his or her life in actively ego-surrendering
devotional Communion with Me, I Am Divinely Attracting My
true devotee’s heart, and Dissolving and Vanishing My true
devotee’s fundamental egoity.

There are two principal tendencies
by which I am always being confronted by My devotee. One is
the tendency to seek rather than to truly surrender to, and
enjoy, and fully animate the devotional Condition of Satsang
with Me. And the other is the tendency to make a
selfcontracting circle around Me-and, thus, to make a “cult”
of ego-“I”, or to duplicate the ego-ritual of mere
fascination, and of inevitable resistance, and of
neverAwakening unconsciousness. Relative to these two
tendencies, I Give all My devotees only one resort. It is
this true Satsang-the devotionally Me-recognizing, and
devotionally to-Me-responding, and always really
counter-egoic devotional relationship to My
Avatarically-Born bodily Divine Form and Self-Evidently
Divine Person.

with parentheticals

The Great Secret of My
Avatarically-Born bodily Divine Form and Person, and of My
Avatarically Self-Transmitted Divine Spiritual Blessing-Work
-and, therefore, the Great Secret of the only-by-Me Revealed
and Given Way of Adidam-Is that I am not the “man in the
middle”, but I Am Reality Itself, I Am the Only One Who Is,
I Am That Which Is Always Already The Case, I Am the
Non-Separate Person of all-and-All.

Aham Da Asmi. Beloved, I Am Da-the
One and Only and Non-Separate and Indivisible and
Self-Evidently Divine Person, the Non-Separate and
Indivisible Self-Condition and SourceCondition of
all-and-All. I Am the Avatarically Self-Revealed and
Spiritually Self-“Bright” Person, the One and Only and
SelfExisting and Self-Radiant Person-Who Is the One and Only
and Non-Separate and Indivisible and Indestructible
Conscious Light of all-and-All. I Am That One and Only and
Non-Separate One. And-As That One, and Only As That One-I
Call all human beings to heart-recognize Me, and to
heart-respond to Me with right, true, and full

I do not tolerate the so-called
“cultic” approach to Me. I do not tolerate the seeking ego’s
“cult” of the “man in the middle”. I am not a self-deluded
ego-manmaking much of himself, and looking to include
everyone-andeverything around himself for the sake of social
and political power. To be the “man in the middle” is to be
in a Man-made trap, an absurd mummery of “cultic” devices
that enshrines and perpetuates the ego-“I” in one and all.
Therefore, I do not make or tolerate the religion-making
“cult” of ego-Man. I do not tolerate the inevitable abuses
of religion, of Spirituality, of Truth Itself, and of My Own
Person that are made by ego-based mankind when the Great
Esoteric Truth of devotion to the Adept-Realizer is not
rightly understood and rightly practiced.

The Great Means for the Teaching,
and the Blessing, and the Awakening, and the Divine
Liberating of mankind Is the Adept-Realizer. The true
Adept-Realizer is One Who Is Able to Stand In and As the
Divine Position, and to Be the Divine Means for the Divine
Helping of one and all. This Great Means Is the Great
Esoteric Principle of the collective historical Great
Tradition of mankind. And Such Adept-Realizers Are the Great
Revelation-Sources That Are at the Core and Origin of all
the right and true religious and Spiritual traditions within
the collective historical Great Tradition of

By Means of My Divinely Descended
and Divinely Self-“Emerging” Avataric Incarnation, I Am the
Ruchira Avatar, Adi Da Samraj-the Divine Heart-Master, the
First, the Last, and the Only Adept-Realizer of the seventh
stage of life. I Am the Ruchira Avatar, Adi Da Samraj, the
Avataric Incarnation everywhere Promised for the “late-time”
– which “late-time” is now upon all of mankind. I Am the
Great and Only and. Non-Separate and Divine Person-Appearing
in Man-Form, As the Ruchira Avatar, Adi Da Samraj, in order
to Teach, and to Bless, and to Awaken, and to Divinely
Liberate all of mankind. Therefore, by Calling every one and
all to Me, I Call every one and all Only to the Divine
Person-Which Is My Own and Very Person, and Which Is Reality

The only-by-Me Revealed and Given
Way of Adidam necessarily requires and involves devotional
recognition of Me In and Via My bodily Divine AvataricI
ncarnation-Form. However, because I Call every one and all
to Me Only As the Divine Person, the only by-Me Revealed and
Given Way of Adidam is not about ego, and egoic seeking, and
the egoic approach to Me.

According to all the esoteric
traditions within the collective historical Great Tradition
of mankind, to devotionally approach any Adept-Realizer as
if he or she is a mere human entity is the great “sin”, or
the great error whereby the would-be devotee fails to “meet
the mark”.2 Indeed, the Single Greatest Esoteric
Teaching common to all the esoteric religious and Spiritual
traditions within the collective historical Great Tradition
of mankind Is that the Adept-Realizer should always and only
be recognized and approached As the Embodiment and the Real
Presence of That Which would be Realized by the

Therefore, no one should
misunderstand Me. By Avatarically Revealing and Confessing
My Divine Status to one and all, I am not indulging in
self-appointment, or in illusions of grandiose Divinity. I
am not claiming the “Status” of the “CreatorGod” of exoteric
religion. Rather, by Standing Firm in the Divine Position As
I Am – and Refusing to be approached as a mere man, or as a
“cult”-figure, or as a “cult”-leader, or to be in any sense
defined as the “man in the middle”-I Am Demonstrating the
Most Perfect Fulfillment of the Esoteric Realization of
Reality. And, by Revealing and Giving the Way of Adidam Most
Perfectly Fulfilling the Primary Esoteric Tradition of the
collective historical Great Tradition of mankind-Which
Primary Esoteric Tradition and Great Esoteric Principle Is
the Tradition and the Principle of devotion to the
Adept-Realizer As the Very Person and the Direct
Helping-Presence of the Eternal and Non-Separate Divine
Self-Condition and SourceCondition of

Whatever is cornered bites back.
Whatever is “in the middle” is patterned by the

If there is no escape from the
corner of ego-“I”-the heart goes mad, and the body-mind
becomes more and more “dark”.

I am not the “man in the middle”. I
do not stand here as a mere man, “middled” to the “center”
of ego-based mankind. I am not an ego-“I”, or a mere
“other”, or the representation.

I Am the Indivisible and
Non-Separate One, the “Bright”, the “Midnight Sun”, Always
Already Infinitely Above and Beyond the all-and-All-and, by
Virtue of My Divine Avataric Incarnation and Descent, Always
Surrounding and Pervading the every one of every here and.

I Am the One and Only and Divine
Person-the Perfectly Subjective Divine SelfCondition That Is
Perfectly centerless, Eternally Above and Beyond the
“middle” of all-and-All, and Surrounding, Pervading, and
Blessing all-and-All.

with parentheticals

I Am the Way Beyond the
self-cornering and “other-cornering trap of

In this “late-time” of worldly
ego-Man, the collective of mankind is “darkened” by egoity.
Therefore, mankind has become mad, Lightless, and
aggressively hostile in its universally competitive fight
and bite.

Therefore, I have not Come here
merely to stand Manly in the “middle” of mankind-to suffer
its biting abuses, or even to be coddled. and ignored in a
little corner of religious “cultism”.

I have Come here to Divinely
Liberate one and all from the “dark” culture and effect of
this “late-time”, and to Divinely Liberate one and all from
the pattern and the act of ego-“I”, and to Divinely
Translate one and all Into the Indivisible, Perfectly
Subjective, and Eternally Non-Separate Sphere of My “Bright”
Self Domain of Divine Love-Bliss-Light.

The ego-“I” is a “centered” trap,
from which the heart must be Retired. I Am the Way of that
Retirement from egoity. I Refresh the heart of My devotee,
in every moment My devotee resorts to Me Beyond the
“middle”, fond the “centering” act of ego-“I”.

I Am the Avatarically Self-Revealed
Self-Condition of every one, and of all, and of All-but the
Perfectly Subjective Self-Condition is not “within” the
ego-“I”. The Perfectly Subjective Self-Condition is not in
the “center” of Man. The Perfectly Subjective Self-Condition
of one, and of all, and of All is inherently centerless, and
to Be Found only “outside” the bounds of separateness,
relatedness, and “difference”. Therefore, in order to
Realize the Perfectly Subjective Self-Condition and
Source-Condition of one, and of all, and of All, it is
necessary to feel Beyond the “center”. Indeed, Most
Ultimately, it is only in ego-transcendence to the degree of
unqualified relatedness that the inherently centerless and
boundless, and Perfectly Subjective, and Self-Evidently
Divine Self-Condition Stands Obvious and Free.

It Is only by Means of devotionally
Me-recognizing devotional meditation on My Avatarically-Born
bodily Divine Form and Person, and total psychophysical
reception of My Avatarically Self-Transmitted Divine
Spiritual Presence and State of Person, that your madness of
heart is escaped, and your “darkness” is En-Light-ened.
Therefore, be My true devotee-and, by practicing the
only-by-Me Revealed and Given Way of Adidam, always turn to
My Avatarically-Born bodily Divine Form, and always Find Me
Spiritually, Infinitely Above and Beyond your self-“center”,
and Surrounding and Pervading every here and now.

Aham Da Asmi. Beloved, I Am Da. And,
because I Am Infinitely and Non-Separately “Bright”, all and
All are arising in My Divine Sphere of “Brightness”. By
feeling and surrendering into the Infinite Spiritual Sphere
of My Avatarically Self-Revealed Divine Self-“Brightness”,
My every devotee Awakens to Merely Be in Me. And, Beyond his
or her self-contracting and separative act of ego-“I”, My
every devotee Is the One and Only and Non-Separate and Real
God I Have Come to Awaken-by Means of My Avataric Divine
Incarnation, My Avataric Divine Spiritual Descent, and My
Avataric Divine Sef “Emergence” – now, and forever
hereafter, here in the cosmic domain.

with parentheticals