The Secret Bodily Path beyond the East and the West – Scientific Proof of the Existence of God Will Soon Be announced by the White House!

Scientific Proof of the Existence of God Will Soon Be Announced by the White House!


Chapter 4: The Culture of Eternal Life

The Secret Bodily Path beyond the East and the West


It is not only the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system that leads to the central nervous system and to the Infinite Domain of the Life-Current. The sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system can be followed just as directly to that same Infinity of Life.

The “oriental” way is the way of inwardness, via the parasympathetic and sensory currents in the spine, to the brain-mind, where the Life-Source may be experienced. But this way leads to the experiential illusions of subjectivity or inwardness in the mind and brain, and the Life itself may easily be overlooked.

The “occidental” way is the way of functional extroversion, via the sympathetic and motor currents in the spinal circuit, to the outer functional terminals of physical experience, where the Life-Source may also be experienced. But this way leads to the illusions of merely physical or “objective” experience, and the Life itself may easily be overlooked.

Therefore, there is also a radical bodily path that leads directly to the Life, prior to mind and prior to bodily experience. It is not the way that merely leads up the spine to the brain-mind, nor is it the way that merely leads down the spine and out through the lower physical outlets or functions. Rather, it is the radical Way of the total body itself. It is the Way in which “I” accepts and confesses that it is only the body – the total body, prior to any experience or exercise of its parts.

The radical Way is to be the body – only, awake, without inwardness or thought, and full of Life, prior to all the implications of bodily experience. It is simply to be the body as a whole, prior to all subjectivity, and to abide in direct and self-transcending feeling-intuition of the Life that pervades the total body, including the central nervous system and the autonomic nervous system. It is to be Ecstatic as the body, prior to mind and bodily experience. It is to abide as the Life, by not turning from identification with the prior or radical Condition of the total body.

This radical Way is a paradox. It is the only or ultimate Way of Life. It is a matter of transcending all strategies of inwardness and all strategies of bodily exploitation. Thus, it is a matter of abiding moment to moment simply as the body in direct feeling-communion with the Infinite Life. In this process, the body is Transfigured by the Life-Radiance, which is Love, and at last, after a drama of many apparent changes, the body may even be Dissolved in the Life-Current, which is God.


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