The Visionary Horse
The image on the cover of The Dawn
Horse Testament is a visual summary of the Supreme
Wisdom-Teaching of Sri Da Avabhasa, just as The Dawn Horse
Testament itself is a verbal summary of that same Supreme
Wisdom-Teaching. More than that, this visual image is a
representation of Sri Da Avabhasa’s own bodily (human) Form,
His Spiritual (and Always Blessing) Presence, and His Very
(and Inherently Perfect) State, and of the “Bright” of
Absolute Divine Existence, Who He Is.
Each of the four hooves of the
symbolic “Dawn Horse” is gesturing toward one of the four
Forms through which devotees progressively acknowledge and
Realize Sri Da Avabhasa as the True Heart-Master (and, thus
and thereby, acknowledge and Realize the Divine
The right rear foot points toward
the Feet of Sri Da Avabhasa’s bodily (human) Form. As the
Adept Heart-Teacher and the Truth-Bearer of all Wisdom, Sri
Da Avabhasa is Himself the bodily (human) Revelation of the
Divine Person.
The left rear foot is raised and
points toward the Sacred Fire, which represents Sri Da
Avabhasa’s Spiritual (and Always Blessing) Presence and,
thus and thereby, the Always Living and All-Pervading,
Love-Blissful Spirit-Current of the Divine
The right front foot points toward
the right side of the heart, which is the bodily seat
associated with the Realization of Consciousness Itself, or
Sri Da Avabhasa’s Very (and Inherently Perfect) State as the
Transcendental, and Inherently Spiritual, and Divine Self of
all beings.
And the left front foot points up,
toward the Divine Star, which points to or Reveals the
Brilliant Clear White Heart-Light (or the “Bright”) that is
the pre cosmic Divine Source of all conditional
manifestation. This Divine Star includes or represents all
of Sri Da Avabhasa’s Forms and, thus and thereby, all of the
Forms of the Divine Person. In The Dawn Horse Testament, Sri
Da Avabhasa Reveals that the Divine Star is His own
“Original Apparent Form (or First Visible Sign)”, and that
of every conditionally manifested being. And It is the
cosmically manifested Sign, or the objective Representation,
of the Heart Itself-the Very Divine Person and
Thus, the Ecstatic attitude of the
Horse, with his head arched in Bliss and his hoof gesturing
above to the Divine Star, is a visual Symbol of the
Realization of the Heart, or the “Bright” Divine
Consciousness. This is the Supreme Realization to Which Sri
Da Avabhasa Calls all living beings in His Dawn Horse
Testament, through feeling-Contemplation of His “Bright”
bodily (human) Form, His Spiritual (and Always Blessing)
Presence, and His Very (and Inherently Perfect) State of
Divine Being. Sri Da Avabhasa Proclaims:
In My Evident Personal Form, In My
Human Form or Revelation-Body, and By Virtue Of My
Spiritual, Transcendental, and Divine Realization Of God,
Truth, or Reality, I Am The Revealing Agent and
Revelation-Sign Of The Divine Person, Who Is Eternally and
everywhere Present As The “Bright” (The Source Of all), The
Apparently Objective Divine Star (The First Visible Form Of
all), The Self-Radiant All-Pervading Divine Spirit-Presence
(The Help Of all), and The Transcendental (or Self-Existing
and Inherently Spiritual) Divine Self (The Self Of all).
(The Dawn Horse Testament, p. 145)