Proof of the Existence of God Will Soon Be Announced by the
White House!
Chapter 8: The Transcendental Vision
The Composite Structure of Man and the
Esoteric Process of God-Realization
The five “koshas” or functional sheaths that are
traditionally said to compose the human individual
correspond to (and yet also, in their subtler aspects,
transcend and exist independent of the basic structures of
the nervous system and brain. The “annamaya kosha” or food
sheath corresponds to the motor or outer-directed current of
the body (or the primary impulse associated with the
sympathetic nervous system), “pingala nadi,” related to
sheer physicality and the right side of the extended body.
The “pranamaya kosha” or life sheath corresponds to the
sensory or inner-directed current of the body (or the
primary impulse associated with the parasympathetic nervous
system), “ida nadi,” related to basic internal physical
energies and the left side of the extended body. The
“manomaya kosha” or mental sheath (particularly associated
with the outer-directed or body-motivating aspects of the
mental processes) corresponds to the left hemisphere of the
brain. And the “vijnanamaya kosha,” the intellect sheath or
process of essential knowing and intuitive comprehension,
corresponds to the right hemisphere of the brain.
The fifth sheath, “anandamaya kosha” or the bliss sheath
of essential self-consciousness, is expressed as the central
Life-Current (“sushumna nadi”), which is extended from the
base of the body to the crown, and which is epitomized at
the heart, although it pervades the total body-mind. It is
the limited self-identity or basic consciousness, identical
to the Universal Life-Current of Radiant Transcendental
Being, but cognized via identification with the individual
The esoteric spiritual process involves first the
transcendence by the self-identity (or “anandamaya kosha”)
of the four extended functional sheaths that compose the
manifest body-mind-then the self-identity Awakens to its
Identity or Condition in Divine Truth, transcending the
limited self-identity and body-mind. The entire process is
one in which the Central Being and Life-Current
progressively Awakens within the very conditions of the
body-mind or limited self, and thereby gradually Outshines
the limited self-conception and Transfigures and Transforms
the functional body-mind as a whole. In the ultimate stage
of the process, the limited self (or “anandamaya kosha”) is
utterly transcended in the Realization of the Divine
Condition of Transcendental Being. And the extended
body-mind, rooted in the Divine Self or Transcendental
Identity, is itself continued as a Play of that same
Identity, or the Radiant Light and Life-Current of the
Universal Divine Being.
Therefore, the ultimate destiny of apparently limited
beings is the self-transcending Realization of the
Transcendental Being, which in turn and by degrees
Transfigures and Transforms the manifest individual (or all
manifest individuals and the total world) into the Play of
Light, the Divine Domain, the Translated World of God.
Scientific Proof – Table of