The Necessary Foundations of Right Life – Adi Da Samraj – Aletheon



pages 653 – 661


Rightly conservative
“self”-discipline of the whole body is fundamental to the
practice of the only-by-Me Revealed and Given Reality-Way of

The responsibility for right
conservative “self”-discipline is inherent and inescapable
in the esoteric process of Realization.


The by-Me-Given foundation
disciplines of the Reality-Way of Adidam are not ascetical.

The foundation disciplines are
entirely life-positive-and entirely a matter of establishing
the right equanimity of the whole body through disciplines
of basic right life.

These by-Me-Given foundation
disciplines are, most fundamentally, a matter of
participating in devotional and Transcendental Spiritual
Communion with Me, by bringing the body-mind-“self” into the
Condition of Utter Non-separation.


It is profoundly important that My
devotees understand that practice of the by-Me-Given
foundation disciplines of the Reality-Way of Adidam is not a
matter of being “good little boys and girls”.

Right practice of the by-Me-Given
foundation disciplines of the Reality-Way of Adidam is
simply the living of right life, through the establishment
of participatory equanimity, for the sake of devotional and
(in due course) Transcendental Spiritual Communion with Me
(and, Ultimately, Most Perfect Realization of Me)- not in
the mode of a seeker, but in the mode of a non-contracted


In the Reality-Way of Adidam,
“self”-discipline is (or must be) a right, voluntary,
intelligent, and intentional practice. Also, in the
Reality-Way of Adidam, “self”-discipline is a secondary (or
supportive) responsive practice. That is to say, in the
Reality-Way of Adidam, the various forms of by-Me-Given
“self”-discipline are not proposed by Me as “ideal
behaviors” that must (ultimately) be functionally,
practically, and relationally (or, altogether, morally)


Rather, in the Reality-Way of
Adidam, all the various forms of by-Me-Given
“self”-discipline are Given by Me, and to be embraced by My
devotee, for the sake of “self”-observation,
“self”-understanding, the direct transcending of the ego-“I”
(or “self”-contraction), and ego-transcending
Real-God-Realization. And, Most Ultimately, Intrinsic
egolessness (or the “radical” practice and process of the
devotionally Me-recognizing, and devotionally
to-Me-responsive, direct transcending of the ego-“I”, or
“self”-contraction) is Realized (to the Most Perfect degree)
only As and by Means of the
Inherent Perfection of Inherent Self-Identification with My
(Avatarically Self-Revealed) Transcendental, Inherently
Spiritual, Intrinsically egoless, and Self-Evidently Divine
Self-Nature, Self-Condition, and Self-State, and not by
means of any functional, or practical, or relational, or
(altogether) moral acts or behaviors.


Therefore, in the only-by-Me
Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam, the perfection of
functional, practical, and relational (or, altogether,
moral) behavior (or “self”-discipline) is neither expected
nor possible-but what is both expected and possible is that
My every devotee practice each and all of the by-Me-Given
functional, practical, and relational disciplines truly,
seriously, consistently, and with full and consistent
cultural accountability.


In the total context of the
only-by-Me Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam, it is
not sufficient to apply discipline to only some areas of
your life. In order to do the intrinsically ego-transcending
practice I Give to My devotees, you must bring the
discipline of the Reality-Way of Adidam to every area of
your life. You must convert your life itself into
ego-transcending practice. If you are to effectively
practice and grow in the only-by-Me Revealed and Given
Reality-Way of Adidam, your discipline must cover every
aspect of your life. The trend of attention is a natural
force, like wind and earthquake and mobs. An extraordinary
discipline is required to turn that tide. Mere “self”-effort
is not sufficient. Only the devotional response to My
Avatarically Self-Transmitted Divine Grace makes the


The comprehensive and complete range
of basic functional, practical, relational, and cultural
disciplines (Given by Me) relate to general health, right
diet, right emotional-sexual practice (whether relationally
sexually active or celibate), true service, and formal
cooperative sacred cultural association. I have Given
detailed Instructions relative to all of these forms of


In the only-by-Me Revealed and Given
Reality-Way of Adidam, the basic disciplines relative to
general health involve the maintenance of bodily equanimity
and physical well-being through a right approach to healing
and through (general physical) “conscious exercise”,4 or the
systematic exercises and general bodily practices that
conduct natural human (and etheric) life-energy (and, as the
case may be, My Avatarically Self-Transmitted Divine
Transcendental Spiritual Energy) throughout the whole (or
total psycho-physical and intrinsically egoless)


The usual activity of the human
being involves a compulsive breaking and obstructing of the
“conductivity” of the natural life-energy (and, as the case
may be, of My Avatarically Self-Transmitted Divine
Transcendental Spiritual Energy), thereby giving rise to
tensions and disharmonies of the bodily human being.
However, by Means of the by-Me-Given discipline of
“conscious exercise”-which includes mindfulness of bodily
movement and posture (at random throughout the day, while
standing, sitting, and walking, and also while engaging the
“dead pose”5) and, also, the performance of formal routines
of physical movement (at specific times of the day)-you are
enabled to observe your characteristic rituals of bodily
“self”-contraction and (instead, by Means of the exercise of
the total Means of the only-by-Me Revealed and Given
Reality-Way of Adidam) enjoy (to the maximum degree possible
in your natural case) a stable, harmonious condition of the
body (and the total body-mind-complex). In that maximally
harmonious condition, both energy and attention are free (or
available)-not only for the right engagement of the ordinary
activities of daily life but for enacting every moment of
every activity (whether of an ordinary or extraordinary
kind) as devotional service to Me (engaged in devotional
recognition-response to Me). Therefore, as My devotee, learn
to use the entire body-mind-complex consciously-in ordinary
daily life, in sacred activity, and in meditation (or, as
the case may be, in “Perfect Contemplation”).


In and of themselves, physical
exercises and traditional Yogic poses are not the
ego-transcending discipline of “conscious exercise” that I
have Given to My devotees. “Conscious exercise” is a unique
and specific (by-Me-Given) approach to (and understanding
about) exercise and all common daily activities. In and of
themselves, the physical exercises and traditional Yogic
poses of the “daily form” of “conscious exercise” are simply
structurally correct models for physical movement and
posture (altogether). In order to become “conscious
exercise”, those formalities of physical movement require
not only the discipline of the physical body but also the
simultaneous discipline of mind, emotion, and breath-in
intrinsically ego-surrendering, ego-forgetting, and
ego-transcending devotional Communion with Me. Therefore,
“conscious exercise” is not the same as conventional
physical exercise-because “conscious exercise” is founded in
the turning of the principal faculties of the
body-mind-complex to Me. Thus, “conscious exercise” is
mature (or truly human) activity, since only when all the
functions of human existence are so coordinated do they
become a single, non-problematic condition of existence that
is rightly and fully aligned to the Acausal Divine
Self-Nature, Self-Condition, Source-Condition, and
Self-State of all-and-All.


The principal (or basic) physical
regimens of “conscious exercise” I have Given (for all of
which regimens I have Given fully elaborated Descriptions in
Conscious Exercise and The Transcendental Sun6) are Da
Namaskar,7 Da Fours,8 Da Chi Gong,9 a recommended sequence
of Hatha Yoga poses (and breathing exercises),10 a
recommended sequence of calisthenics (engaged in a vigorous
manner, but not to the point of excessive
hyperventilation),11 and principles of ordinary bodily
posture and movement (including conscious walking, standing,
and sitting, as well as postures that support right
“conductivity” practice and right physical balance in
repose). In meditation and in devotional occasions, either
sit cross-legged on a cushion, mat, or pad (of a material
that insulates the body from the “grounding”-energy, and
from the bodily-heat-absorbing results, of contact with the
earth or the floor) or, if that is not physically possible,
sit in an appropriately supportive chair or on an
appropriately supportive bench.12 Altogether, this
discipline of “conscious exercise”, including the various
specific modes (or regimens) of exercise I have Described,
is to be practiced daily (and even in every moment of
life-activity) by My every devotee.


In the only-by-Me Revealed and Given
Reality-Way of Adidam, the basic disciplines relative to
diet (which disciplines are Given, by Me, to all My
devotees, in all four Congregations of Adidam, and which
disciplines are recommended, by Me, for “consideration” and
application by all of humankind) involve the constant (or
always present-time) purification, re-balancing, and
rejuvenation of vital bodily existence through right and
optimum personal diet (and, in the general case, right
periodic fasting)-which right and optimum personal diet is
(necessarily) a pure (and purifying), and conservative (or
“minimum optimum”), and (in the general case, or, in other
words, in the case of each and every individual, unless
right medical reasons indicate otherwise) fructo-vegetarian
(with the diet consisting principally of greens and
fruits13), and (in the general case) totally raw-food
dietary discipline.


Among all the functional, practical,
relational, and cultural disciplines that serve the practice
of the only-by-Me Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam,
the conservative discipline (or control) of diet is
(elementally) the most basic-because dietary practice (which
controls, or largely determines, the state of the food-body,
or the state and general activity of the physical body) also
determines the relative controllability of social, sexual,
emotional, mental, and all other functional desires and


The right and optimum diet is
(necessarily) a conservative diet. In right (or effective)
practice of the Reality-Way of Adidam, dietary discipline
fully serves the submission of personal energy and attention
to the Great Process that becomes (Ultimately, by Means of
My Divine Avataric Transcendental Spiritual Grace) Most
Perfect Divine Self-Realization.


Therefore, in only-by-Me Revealed
and Given Reality-Way of Adidam, the right and optimum diet
must be intelligently moderated in its quantity and
carefully selected in its quality, so that it will not
burden the physical body or bind the mind (or attention)
through food-desire and negative (or constipating,
toxifying, and enervating) food-effects (and
ingestion-effects in general), and so that (along with the
necessary additional “consideration” and really effective
transcending of addicted, aberrated, anxious, or even
excessively private habits and patterns relative to
food-taking and waste-elimination) it serves the yielding
(or freeing) of functional human energy and attention to the
great (and, necessarily, devotionally Me-recognizing and
devotionally to-Me-responding) process of the intrinsic and
fully life-effective transcending of the ego-“I”.


In the only-by-Me Revealed and Given
Reality-Way of Adidam, the discipline of right (“minimum
optimum”) diet requires conformation to My herein-Given
general dietary Instructions, in order to serve (in every
present moment) the necessities of maximum good health,
maximum well-being, and right full practice of the
Reality-Way of Adidam, in the case of the


Thus, in the Reality-Way of Adidam,
there is a basic dietary orientation (to which each
individual must always directly adapt), and that basic
orientation is Given by Me as a dietary Rule and Guide for
all formally acknowledged practitioners of the Reality-Way
of Adidam. That basic orientation (or dietary rule) is
(unless right medical reasons indicate otherwise) to eat
only raw (and, altogether, pure and purifying) foods,
consisting principally of vegetables (and, in particular,
greens) and fruits, together with seeds and (in moderate
quantities) nuts.


My any devotee who persists in
habits and addictions of gross physical “self”-indulgence
(including dietary “self”-indulgence) is inevitably
desensitized to Me-both devotionally and Transcendentally
Spiritually. Therefore, such habits and addictions of gross
physical “self”-indulgence undermine (and work against) the
effectiveness of the Reality-Way of Divine Self-Realization
That I have Given to My devotees. This is the reason why
refinement of the physical body via a diet that is
conservative (or “minimum optimum”), and (in the general
case) fructo-vegetarian, and (in the general case) totally
raw, and via a conservative (and truly pure and purifying)
approach to food-taking (and body-maintenance altogether),
is necessary in the only-by-Me Revealed and Given
Reality-Way of Adidam.


In the only-by-Me Revealed and Given
Reality-Way of Adidam, the basic (or foundation) disciplines
relative to sexuality begin with “consideration” of (and,
therefore, real practicing devotional response to) My
Teaching-Arguments relative to the human emotional-sexual
character, its “Oedipal” (or childish and adolescent)
patterning via early-life adaptation, and its obsessive
egoic orientation toward “self”-pleasuring, stress-release,
and rituals of rejection and betrayal.


In order for this “consideration” to
become effective (or revealing relative to the conditional
“self”), it is, as a general rule of formal expectation
(from the beginning), to be accompanied (or made expressive)
by the basic discipline either of celibacy (which may be
chosen at any time during the course of Congregationist
practice in the Reality-Way of Adidam, and which is a
necessary and inevitable choice for formal renunciate
practice in the Reality-Way of Adidam) or (in the
relationally sexually active Congregationist case) of
confining sexual activity to the any circumstance of
emotionally intimate (and formally culturally accountable)
relationship (engaged, as a general rule, by My First
Congregation devotees, in the manner of “intimate Yogic
friendship”15)-and, altogether, of devotionally surrendering
(and, thereby, relinquishing) excessive (or wastefully
“self”-indulgent) sexual behavior.


This basic general rule of formal
expectation (which, in the course of Second Congregation
practice of the Reality-Way of Adidam, must, by actual
practice, become a very basically “considered”, and, as
such, stably demonstrated, functional, practical, and
relational commitment of body, emotion, mind, and speech) is
itself to be accompanied (from the point of basic adaptation
to Second Congregation practice of the Reality-Way of
Adidam, before the formal transition to First Congregation
student-beginner practice) by the further basic discipline
(in the relationally sexually active Congregationist case)
of obliging sexual activity itself to become a rightly
intimate (but not ego-binding), and positively
life-energy-conserving, and truly rejuvenative form of
“conscious exercise” (and, potentially, in due course, of
Transcendentally Spiritually active “emotional-sexual
devotional Communion”)16-such that (in the relationally
sexually active Congregationist case) functional, stylistic,
and relational limitations on the practice of
emotional-sexual relatedness are (by this discipline, and by
the totality of the by-Me-Given foundation-practice of the
Reality-Way of Adidam) “considered” and (to the maximum
possible degree) out-grown,17 and such that (altogether)
ego-bondage to sexual activity is de-conditioned and


In the only-by-Me Revealed and Given
“Radical” (or Always “At-the-Root”) Reality-Way of Adidam,
right practice of single celibate renunciation is a
searchless and motiveless and intrinsically egoless
discipline. Therefore, no search, or struggle, or strategy,
or “method”, or “technique” relative to sex can characterize
right practice of single celibate renunciation in the
Reality-Way of Adidam.


In the Reality-Way of Adidam, the
right (or intrinsically free) practice of single celibate
renunciation is to Always Already Stand As Is, by means of
moment to moment “Perfect Knowledge” discipline-or, that is
to say, to Always Already Stand in the Priorly Free
disposition that always already (or intrinsically) has
nothing to do with sex. If this discipline is practiced
intensively and moment to moment-even when mental and/or
bodily impulses toward sex arise-the mind and the body will,
thus and thereby, be always established in


In the only-by-Me Revealed and Given
Reality-Way of Adidam, the basic disciplines relative to
service involve the transcending of the social ego, by Means
of the re-orientation of social activity, work, money, and
(indeed) even all activities, to the ego-transcending,
cooperative, inclusive, and other-serving disposition, and
(altogether) to an intention that is, characteristically
(and always positively, rather than insipidly), harmless (or
inspired to love), and, characteristically, both
pro-relational and positively relational (and, therefore,
not fundamentally separative and competitive, but positively
alive, without negative, or loveless, intentions-and
actively competitive, or even rightly aggressive, only by
necessity, in circumstances that either strictly demand or
rightly expect competitiveness, or even, at times,
ego-transcending aggressiveness18).


Traditionally, service (based on
devotion) is regarded as the necessary (and first)
beginner’s orientation to “religious” (and, in due course,
Spiritual) practice. Service is the traditional discipline
of the “outward”-directed personality. Likewise, all
practitioners of the only-by-Me Revealed and Given
Reality-Way of Adidam are Called (by Me) to establish (and
to maximize) their participation in the discipline of


I Call all practitioners-at any and
every stage of maturity in the practice of the Reality-Way
of Adidam-to turn their practice of service into a True
Reality-Process of “radical” (or always “at-the-root”)
devotion to Me.


True service to Me is not based
merely on a socially conscious disposition, or the
disposition that it is one’s social duty to do “charitable”
work. True service to Me is based on the disposition that
one should always (in and by Means of all activities) serve
Me, the Divine Avataric Master, and that one should devote
to Me the fruits (or the rewards) of one’s service, rather
than take the fruits to oneself. Therefore, the Fundamental
Principle of true service to Me is the ego-transcending
re-orientation of the purposes and the rewards of one’s
service (and of even all one’s actions).


Thus, the Principle of true service
to Me is to devote the attention, the purpose (or
intention), and the fruits of one’s work to Me, the Divine
Avataric Master-and, over time, that Principle is to be
applied to every aspect of one’s life, including every
activity. Through constant service to Me, the lives of My
devotees become intrinsically, and in practical life-terms,
ego-transcending. There-fore, My truly Me-serving devotees
do not perform actions for the sake of the results or
pleasures they may enjoy as a result-but (rather) every
action is (directly and simply) a form of My devotee’s
ego-surrendering, ego-forgetting, and intrinsically
ego-transcending devotional Communion with Me.


It has traditionally been said that
money is “the root of all evil”. However, this traditional
saying does not mean that money itself is evil. In and of
itself, money is neither positive nor negative. Money is
simply a sign of human energy. Money is made into a positive
or negative sign depending on one’s disposition toward it
and toward life altogether. Therefore, if you are My
devotee, the necessary and inevitable involvement with money
is something to be made right, something to be
transformed-not something to be merely eschewed (or,
otherwise, merely wasted).


My devotees must, both individually
and collectively, re-orient and transform themselves
relative to money. If you are My devotee, you must make
money into an expression of the fullness of your devotional
energy and your ego-transcending disposition altogether,
including your disposition toward the life-pattern of real
and true cooperation. My devotees are to make right creative
use of all of their personal and collective energies,
including money.


Because of its comprehensive and
pervasive function at the foundation of all functional,
practical, relational, and cultural disciplines in the
only-by-Me Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam, the
discipline of cooperative Sacred Culture is a fundamental
and profoundly important responsibility (for all My formally
practicing devotees, in both the First Congregation of
Adidam Ruchiradam and the Second Congregation of Adidam
Ruchiradam) in the only-by-Me Revealed and Given Reality-Way
of Adidam. Not only is cooperative Sacred Culture the right
and true context for the accountable disciplining of “money,
food, and sex” (as well as for the accountable fulfillment
of the by-Me-Given cultural disciplines), but (furthermore)
the discipline of cooperative Sacred Culture is the most
fundamental by-Me-Given Means of disciplining the basic
human fault of social egoity.


The social ego is the first
developmental form of egoity-the gross ego in its common,
daily-life manifestation. Because they are
characteristically identified with the gross physical body
(and are, thereby, grossly bound), human beings tend to be
diverted by (or preoccupied with, or even overwhelmed by)
the purposes of the social ego (or the ego-in-the-“world”,
or the “consumer”-ego). Thus, the any individual ego is
patterned not only relative to “money, food, and sex”, but
also relative to social egoity itself-which is (by its
nature) non-cooperative and acquisitive (always seeking to
generate associations that satisfy or console the separate
and separative “self”, by “knowing”, thinking, doing,
acquiring, and getting results in the form of enjoyments of
one kind or another).


By embracing the discipline of
living in the cooperative domain of The “Bright”-House
Adidam,19 My devotee “moves out of” the domain of the social
ego, or the mere “consumer”-domain of egos-in-the-“world”.
In the cooperative (sacred) domain of The “Bright”-House
Adidam, the social ego (or “consumer”-ego) is disciplined
both by being required to demonstrate the principle of
cooperation in the field of daily relations (and, thereby,
being required to “step out of” the independent-ego
position, such that the independent-ego position ceases to
be the principle on the basis of which daily-life conditions
are generated) and by being called (and expected) to embrace
the principle of simplicity in the field of daily activity
(such that all matters of desiring, acquiring, and having
are rightly and appropriately moderated).


Thus, a basic design for
“self”-discipline is Offered to all practitioners formally
embracing the Reality-Way of Adidam. On this basis, each
individual must discover a detailed personal design that is
both appropriate and optimum in his or her own case. In this
always ongoing process, all My devotees must make the
measure of every day, such that they (each and all)
consistently fulfill all the by-Me-Given forms of
functional, practical, relational, and cultural


I Teach and Require a purifying
approach to the entire range of necessary forms of
“self”-discipline in the only-by-Me Revealed and Given
Reality-Way of Adidam-because of how the human being really
functions as a psycho-physical system. The human
psycho-physical system is not merely a gross phenomenon.
Rather, the human psycho-physical system is a participant in
a Universal Field (with gross, subtle, and causal
dimensions). However, because human beings tend to be so
“bogged down” by the influence of their life-histories,
their patterned habits, and their habitual associations,
they (characteristically) are thoroughly desensitized to the
actualities of their own conditionally manifested existence.
Thus, especially in this “late-time” (or “dark” epoch),
human beings tend to (mistakenly) presume that the entire
cosmic domain (including their own body-minds) is merely
gross (or merely physical, or merely material)-and, because
of this overriding presumption, human beings also tend to
(mistakenly) perceive the cosmic domain (including their own
body-minds) as merely gross (or merely physical, or merely


When the human being is “ruled” by
this materialistic presumption, it becomes impossible for
real and true purification of the individual
body-mind-complex to take place. Because much
psycho-physical toxicity relates to the subtle (emotional,
mental, psychic, and mystical) dimension of existence (and
even, at the “root”-level, to the causal dimension of
existence), the psycho- physical toxins cannot pass through
and out of the human psycho-physical system if the reigning
paradigm is that all of Reality is merely gross (or merely
physical, or merely material)-and, therefore, those toxins
merely accumulate in the body-mind-complex.


Such accumulation of psycho-physical
toxins gives rise, over time, to the particular signs of
human character exhibited by any individual-even the
physical signs. Whatever is in the mind and the emotions
registers in the body as well-because the human being is a
single mechanism (and systematic sign). The fact that mental
and emotional toxicity also displays itself in the physical
body gives you an opportunity to notice that there is
something about your habits of living that you must correct.
If you do not (thus) correct yourself, then your life
becomes an ever-increasing accumulation of distress and


Such is the characteristic life of
the usual human being. Every egoically functioning person
(or body-mind-“self”) progressively accumulates more and
more mental, emotional, and physical toxicity. I Am here to
Teach you-and to Reveal to you, and to Give to you, and to
Draw you into-the Real Process of becoming Utterly (and
Eternally) Free of all psycho-physical limitations, by Means
of Transcendental, Inherently Spiritual, and Self-Evidently
Divine Real-God-Realization.


However, in the only-by-Me Revealed
and Given (and, Ultimately, Most Perfectly
Real-God-Realizing) Reality-Way of Adidam, there is a
necessary practice of “self”-discipline (or right life), by
Means of which the entirety of your gross, subtle, and
causal existence is rightened and purified. In the beginning
phases of your practice of the Reality-Way of Adidam, the
various by-Me-Given forms of functional, practical,
relational, and cultural “self”-discipline act as
reflectors-allowing you to observe what you actually do (as
an egoic being), and (on that basis) to correct what you do
(by ceasing to act in an egoic manner).


Thus, the purification of patterned
accumulations is not a matter of mere thinking or of mere
talking. You must live the devotional (and, in due course,
Transcendental Spiritual) relationship to Me-by living all
of the by-Me-Given disciplines (altogether). The discipline
of right diet, for example, is not merely a matter of
following a generally healthful dietary regime. Rather, the
diet must purify the body-mind-complex of the toxins that
are otherwise constantly accumulating in it. Similarly, all
of the by-Me-Given forms of “self”-discipline must manifest
the element of purification, or else you are not practicing
them rightly.


Merely to enforce a degree of
moderation relative to money, food, sex, and social egoity
does not (fundamentally) change anything. You can adopt a
“program” of moderation while yet maintaining essentially
the same egoic habits (and the same fundamental egoic
orientation) relative to life-functions. There is no
potential Realization in such a “program”.


Thus, the only-by-Me Revealed and
Given Reality-Way of Adidam is not about a mere “lifestyle
change”. Rather, the only- by-Me Revealed and Given
Reality-Way of Adidam is about Realization of Reality
Itself, or Truth Itself, or Real (Acausal) God-and such
Realization Requires, as Its foundation, the real process of
purifying what you have accumulated through your dis-ease
(or “self”-contraction). That purifying process necessarily
involves participation in the field of existence beyond the
gross physical. Therefore, in due course, that purifying
process necessarily becomes a Transcendental Spiritual
Process. Such must be the case, because much that has been
accumulated as a result of the “self”-contracted life is in
the dimensions of energy that are beyond the gross physical.
Until all of that is purified and gone beyond, there can be
no Real-God-Realization.


People may imagine that they have
truly passed through this process of purifying their
patterned accumulations-but all such imaginings are mere
“self”-delusion. The life-signs must be there to prove the
reality of the process. The only-by-Me Revealed and Given
Reality-Way of Adidam is not merely a philosophical address
to Truth. Rather, the only-by-Me Revealed and Given
Reality-Way of Adidam is a thoroughly practical process, a
practice that is effective throughout the entire range of
conditionally manifested existence (from gross to subtle to
causal), the entire spectrum of the conditional apparatus
(which is, most fundamentally, a Unity-functioning
hierarchically, but altogether). There must be this
relinquishment of the “self”-contracted orientation, and of
everything that has been egoically accumulated (as a result
of that orientation).


Only when you enter the
(Intrinsically Transcendental) devotional and Spiritual
Process of the only-by-Me Revealed and Given Reality-Way of
Adidam do you reach beyond the “embodiment trap”, into what
is beyond the gross physical. The by-Me-Spiritually-Awakened
Transcendental practice of the Reality-Way of Adidam does
not (in any sense) exclude the gross physical body, but the
by-Me-Spiritually-Awakened Transcendental practice of the
Reality-Way of Adidam transcends the “point of view” of the
gross physical body.


In the by-Me-Spiritually-Awakened
Transcendental practice of the Reality-Way of Adidam, you
are participating in the Field of Energy-Force (or the
dimensions of conditionally manifested existence within
which various energy-forces function at different


In the by-Me-Spiritually-Awakened
Transcendental practice of the Reality-Way of Adidam, the
same process of going beyond “self”-contraction (and,
therefore, beyond its patterned accumulations) persists, but
in a greater and more profound sense-leading, ultimately,
toward the readiness to enter into the “Perfect Practice” of
the Reality-Way of Adidam.


My devotees must clearly understand
why the by-Me-Given forms of “self”-discipline are
necessary: There is no Realization without renunciation.
Realization and renunciation are the same. Realization and
renunciation coincide, “hand-in-glove”. Realization and
renunciation cannot be separated from one another. There
cannot be Realization without renunciation. And renunciation
without any Real Process of Realization is merely another
form of suffering. In that case, renunciation is nothing but
a kind of lifestyle. And, in that case, renunciation is
meaningless (or pointless) and ineffective.


Thus, the by-Me-Given disciplines of
the Reality-Way of Adidam must be made effective toward
Real-God-Realization (and, Thus and Thereby, toward Perfect


All the patterning of
ego-bondage-which is the patterning due to the exercise of
“self”-contraction-must be gone beyond. It is not that you
will achieve some kind of idealized human perfection as a
prerequisite for Divine Self-Realization-but there is
fundamental purification (and, as a result, a fundamental
freedom from the egoically patterned obstruction of energy
and attention) that, necessarily, must be the


This necessary process of
purification is magnified in the “Perfect Practice” of the
Reality-Way of Adidam-even continuing (Most Ultimately) into
the course of the Demonstration of the only-by-Me Revealed
and Given seventh stage of life in the Reality-Way of


All of that is a Transcendental
Spiritual Sign of the Self-Magnifying Radiance of the
Process of Self-Abiding Divine Self-Recognition.


That only-by-Me Revealed and Given
seventh stage Process “Operates” at a universal level that
is not even describable from an ordinary


Such is the practice of the
only-by-Me Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam-as it is
in Reality. And that by-Me-Given practice is Inherently
(and, Ultimately, Most Perfectly) Liberating-in every


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