(pages 775 – 776)
True and sustainable change and positive, mature human
adaptation are not made on the basis of any “self”-conscious
reaction-resistance to old, degenerative, and immature
True and positive change is not a matter of not doing
True and positive change is always a matter of doing
something else – something that is inherently right, free,
pure and purifying, balanced and re-balancing, truly
regenerative, and (altogether) a matter of functional
True and positive change is always a matter of both right
principle (based on right understanding, and, especially,
right “self”-understanding) and right (and consistently
applied) “self”-management.
Therefore, you must be intrinsically open and free to
always feel and participate in modes of “self”-managing
life-functioning that are new and right.
The habit-tendencies and habit-patterns of your casually
accumulated life-adaptations are not wrong.
All your habit-tendencies and habit-patterns were
appropriate enough in their own moment of first
happening-and there is no need to feel guilt or despair
about them.
All seeking-efforts to change your accumulated
habit-tendencies and habit-patterns by strategically
opposing them are basically and inevitably fruitless.
All seeking-efforts are forms of the dramatization of
“self”-conflict-and, therefore, they only reinforce the
habitual modes of ego-possession.
What is simply not used is intrinsically obsolete-whereas
what is opposed is constantly kept in front of you.
The creative principle of true and positive change is a
com-bination of always relaxed inspection (and
discriminating awareness) of existing tendencies and, on
that basis, an active, persistent, full feeling-orientation
to right, new, and regenerative functional patterns.
If this creative principle of true and positive change is
practiced consistently and in ecstatic (or intrinsically
ego-transcending) resort to Me, the Divine Avataric Master,
free growth-demonstrated as habit-transcending true and
positive change-is assured.
Have no regrets.
Resort to Me moment to moment, and under all
All that has been done by anyone had its logic in its
Only I avail.
Whatever is your habit in this moment is not wrong-but it
is simply a beginning.
No habit is necessary, because every habit is only a
temporary and merely conditionally existing (and, thus,
entirely changeable) pattern.
Every habit-pattern is merely tending to persist, because
it has not yet been replaced by true and positive changes of
pattern itself.
Always Listen to Me, always resort to Me, always practice
My “Radical” Reality-Teaching of Truth, and always
understand and act in accordance with what is the right,
free, and regenerative pattern of each psycho-physical
life-function of the human being.
Always Stand Intrinsically Prior to all negative
judgements about what you have done and what you tend to
Always intensively engage the happy ordeal of
habit-transcending new adaptation in ecstatic devotional
Communion with Me, the Divine Avataric Master.
I Am the Unbroken (Indivisible and Indestructible)
Transcendental Spiritual and Self-Evidently Divine Conscious
Light That “Lives” you.
I Am the Only One-Who Is Surrounding, Pervading, and
Being you, and all, and All.
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