The Fundamental Signs of a Demonstrated Practice
What Does a Daist Look Like?
A Beezone Study
The following are excerpts, from various sources, are on the topic of ‘What does the demonstration of practice (or Realization) look like? (without the rap!)
The words – written or spoken of Adi Da’s are in italics.

Self and Matter
Once insight awakens relative to self-reference and it is Realized to be itself only a condition of (or contraction) – then “ego” and “matter” become transparent in the Unconditional Being-Energy and all the “forms” that arise as experience.
This Realization is the first, primary, or foundation Moment (or level) of Enlightenment.
When this Realization begins to be both profound and stable under all experiential conditions, then the Transcendental Being begins to Radiate or Shine in Excess of conditions themselves.
The Blissful Excess of Radiant Being, or Love, is the ultimate or Perfect Moment (or level) of Enlightenment. And that Process of Transfiguration gradually produces all the possible forms of Transformation of experience, including all possibilities within and beyond a single human lifetime, culminating in eventual Translation into That in which all phenomenal changes always already inhere.
Two Moments of Enlightenment – Adi Da Samraj
“You must cease to be troubled by the mortal and self-possessed vision of life and enter into the Spirit, be possessed of..Its Radiance, which shines through us physically, emotionally, mentally, and psychically.”
Adi Da Samraj
he tale of Satyakama (Chandogya
Upanishad, IV.5 ff) has inspired generations of Indian
disciples. His name means “Desire for Truth”; his love of
truth caused him to be immediately accepted by his guru,
because he had frankly declared that his mother could not
tell who his father was among all the lovers she had during
that period. Being separated from his guru and later when
also sick, Satyakama received teachings from a bull, fire, a
swan and a kingfisher and he realized that the Absolute is
“life, joy and emptiness.” His guru marvels when he sees him
on his return and he says to him: “Verily, my dear disciple,
you shine like somebody who knows the Absolute; who, then, has instructed you?” Satyakama did not get proud, but
instead asks his guru to confirm the intuitions he had of
the Supreme.
The Hive Principle
raditional sacred society, large or small, has had a kind of hierarchical way of organizing itself. Something of that can be considered in the context of the Way of Adidam. The general congregation in the hive is a kind of worker bee. Outside the colony is the zone. From this zone, bees go in and out of and serve the Queen.
Inside the colony is busy going in and out serving the center. The center, of course, is the Queen or in this metaphor, the Guru. The Guru, when ‘allowed’ has no function whatsoever except to Shine.