Way and The Realization, The

The Way and The Realization

An In-depth Consideration of the Master Arguments of The Way of the Heart Taught by Heart-Master Da Free John (The Naitauba Avadhoota, Sat-Guru Da Love-Ananda Hridayam)

The Way of the Heart Seminar Series.

©1988 The Free Daist Communion.
Second revised edition: 9/88. (h)

Introduction: ‘The Way Is Forever but the Realization Is Absolute’ (EotWB).

Session 1: The Adept Heart Teacher and His Radical Spiritual Teaching:
“Frogs and Walls” (3/23/75) (DH).
“Understand Your Un-Happiness” (12/4/81) (LESS vol. 3).
‘The Traditional Error’ (PARA).
The Yoga of Consideration and the Way That I Teach (YoC) (2/6/82).
“What are we seeking?…” (METH).
“I Soon Enjoyed A Profoundly Essential…” (DHT).

Session 2: Understanding:
‘The Divine Self is the Only Reality’ (IItBoL).
‘The Transcendence of Subjective Captivity’ (11/18/82).
‘When You Are Suffering’ (B&N).
“Would you explain what you mean by ‘relationship’?…” (METH).
“The Meditation of Understanding,
Part I” “The Meditation of Understanding,
Part II” (Summer, 1973). “Observe, Understand, and Feel Beyond” (3/6/81)(?).
‘Losing the Thread’ (12/31/81) (was intro to Lion Sutra).
“Transcendental Ecstasy Is Our Native Condition” (VM).
“When you are dreaming you take the dream very seriously….” (METH).

Session 3: The Illusion of Knowledge and Experience:
‘What Are You Always Doing?’ (LESS).
‘What Is Wisdom?’ (PROOF).
“The Force of Transcendence” (3/4/81)(?).
‘The Two Aspects of Mind’ (PARA).
The Two Principal Functions of Mind (chart)(DHTstudyG).
‘Freedom Is the Transcendence of Communication’ (EotWB).
‘The Cult of Narcissus and the Culture of Participation’ (12/3/82)(GOM).

Session 4: Divine Ignorance:
‘All There Is Is Is’ (YoC).
‘Birth Is the Primal Incident’ (2/77) (PARA).
‘Narcissus, Ignorance, and the Way of Life’ & Commentary by Heart-Master Da Free John on “Narcissus, Ignorance, and the Way of Life” (IItBoL).
‘The Whole Body Arises in Ignorance’ (PARA).

Session 5: The Sacrifice of Attention:
“The act of attention is The conditional Essence Of mind…” (DHT).
‘Spiritual Maturity’ (IItBoL).
‘Attention Alone Is not Sufficient’ & ‘The Sacrifice of Felt Attention’ & ‘Restoring the Natural Process’ & The Principle Is Heart-AtteIltion (B&N).
‘The Fulfillment of the LaWay of the Heart’ (PARA).
“The form of life is sacrifice…” (METH). “There Is a Law” (10/7/73) (?).
“The Vision of God” (COMP).
‘True and literal Surrender’ (BSotLG).

(114 pp.)
