Shakti (Kundalini) Divine Power. by Swami Vishnu Tirtha
Maharaj, with Forward by Mahamahopadhyaya Gopinath Kaviraj,
J.A., Formerly Principal, Government Sanksrit College,

Holiness Shree Swami Vishnu

Chapter X
Part 5
but indirectly can control the other
systems too.
assertion and sit witnessing what
(m) When you feel intoxicated
without taking any drug, while walking your steps fall
majestically or like one drunk and you are unable to do any
other work and you like to remain mute and dislike speakin
to or hearing others and you feel like one drunk of
Divinity, know that your Atma Shakti Kundalini, the power of
Self, has come into action.
Table of Contents
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