Leroy (Dennis Stilwell - Author of Love’s Sacrifice and the Ordeal to Become Human 30 Years with my Spiritual Master Adi Da
Tom Riley - "The first time I met him was in the Spring of 1971 but I didn’t physically meet him until February 1972"
James Steinberg - "“When I came to Adi Dain 1973, I had been running a spiritual bookstore in Boston. So, when I came to Him, I had already experimented with and read a great deal of the spiritual traditions, both east and west"
Meg Fortune McDonnell - 'Author of Tasting the Moon'. The book goes well beyond the bestselling Eat Pray Love, Tasting The Moon tells the story of a “no holds barred” pathway through life—from the author’s eccentric childhood, through the tumultuous 60s, to the ashram of Adi Da Samraj, her spiritual Guru whom she discovered in the 70s.
Matthew Spence - "Primary lessons from me, and the whole gathering period that began last April really had to do … Initially, it was a whole drama about questions that I would ask him."
Stephan 'Evam' Blas - "I think that this is probably my first memory of actually contacting Beloved Adi Da as the Guru, without knowing it. I had been a dancer in the gay bars in Hollywood."
Saniel Bonder - Founder of 'Waking Down in Mutuality' - Author of 'The Divine Emergence of the World-Teacher - Heart-Master Da Love-Ananda'
Terry Patten - The following video (15:45) was taken from an interview (April 7, 2018) by Rick Archer and Terry Patten on Rick's website 'Buddha at the Gas Pump'. - Introduction by Beezone (Ed Reither)
Dan Sleeth, Psychotherapist and author of The Integral Ego: A New Understanding of the Whole Person that Includes All Ideas on the Nature of God. Devotee of Adi Da Samraj. Interview conducted May 23, 2016.
Rich Forer, author of Breakthrough: Transforming Fear into Compassion A New Perspective on the Israel-Palestine Conflict
Francis Popkin leela told by Frank Marrero. Frank talks about how a young 'country' boy shows up at his doorstep in 1981. Frank told this to Adi Da and shares His comment.