Early Summer 1971

Franklin Jones (Adi Da Samraj)



It is now the early summer of 1971. Several months have passed since I began to enjoy the radical life of understanding. Thus began the life of intensifying spiritual discipline that is itself the life of understanding. As months passed I began to realize in my life the increasing power, intelligence, wisdom and clarity of the Heart. Over time I find that my own life of understanding becomes gradually available and with increasing force to greater numbers of beings.

This is in direct proportion to the degree and period of my own most radical and intense understanding. This life of understanding did not come to me because I was pure and holy. It came by virtue of understanding itself, and no other conditions are necessary to it.

 But as understanding becomes more and more radical, inclusive and profound, an obvious logic of transformation

and discipline acquires my life and mind. Gradually all my parts are reduced to a single intensity that enjoys and communicates the Heart.

At first I enjoyed this liberty, bliss and creativity as a fullness, gratuitously given, without limits. I was prone to enjoy it by indulging it. But as time passed the form and necessity that extends from understanding acquired more and more of my living to itself. So that I endured only radical consciousness more and more as a constant activity. The extraordinary life became more and more reduced to a singular enjoyment, an unqualified bliss. Gradually, only this radical state is ordinary state, in which there is the conscious abiding as the heart,

expanding its force through the form of reality into any kind of miraculous and ordinary communication with beings in various worlds. As this increases I become available for the actual communication of the Heart to greater numbers of beings. Therefore, whereas previous to this radical understanding I was engaged in experience for the sake of my own understanding, now this very understanding makes a dual acquisition of my whole life, preparing it as an instrument for the conscious force of the Heart. I cannot even begin to express the nature of my ordinary experience in this form, I intend that I should communicate and initiate it in as many beings as I can include within the sphere of the Heart.

Evolution of Adi Da – The Man of Understanding to The God Man is Here