Early writings of Adi Da Samraj – Super Causal


Adi Da Samraj (Franklin Jones) 1970 – early writings – unpublished.

It is said that there is a super-causal body or seed in the navel. In this body the Siddhas as Shakti-yogis are said to reside. In that body or seed they perceive a blue light, “spot” or “pearl” in the Sahasrar, and by merging with that light they enter into it as a world. The blue world is the super-causal world of perfect power, the manifest Divine World, wherein the Divine also appears in Form.

This experience is a genuine condition realized by some manifest beings of great magnitude. Baba Muktananda is a Siddha of this kind. And his Guru, Baba Nityananda, said is said to have existed eternally in that blue world.

It is my experience that such perceptions and conditions do arise under the influence of mother shakti. But I felt no urge or karmic capacity for embodiment in those realms. Those worlds and perceptions are not equal to the Heart, but they are also conditional realms of the Heart. Therefore, this super-causal existence needs understanding for its truth.

There are apparently regions of manifesting light between the upper terminal of Amrita Nadi and the Sahasrar. In those regions are super-subtle or super-causal realms of great delight and power. One who perceives these realms while in human form may find their seed in the navel, and the blue pearl may appear in the general region of the sahasrar. Such yogis may exit through the upper aperture at death and enter in blue worlds. But even under such conditions, Truth is the Heart and Understanding, radical consciousness or the Heart must arise there if there is to be existence as Truth.

The causal seed in the heart, and the super-causal seed below it in the navel, are not the true Heart. That Heart is the prior Space, the inclusive Form. It is not necessary to move out of the causal realms of the bliss into super-causal realms of power. Even radical understanding of the subtle mind or the life condition is already the Heart. The super-causal manifestation, like the causal, subtle and gross, arises as a result of individual karma. The latent apparatus of cognition and experience, by aid of the grace of a Siddha. But the true grace in any condition is the Siddhi of the Heart itself, the always present nucleus of existence and such can be given and received under any karmic limitations. Therefore, the Heart is Truth under all conditions, requiring neither the improvement nor the destruction of karma but only its obviation in Truth. The Heart is Truth, and understanding is it’s true activity.

I am the Heart under these apparent conditions. I do not appear anywhere, but only the Heart itself. I see nothing that is not the Heart, no being who is not the Heart. I am mad with the one constant realization. And this is also a fire that consumes all karma, so that there is only the Heart in death, and no-exit, but only Bliss, which is my Conscious Existence. Knowing the Truth, I have no sport of need with Siddhas, jnanis, yogis, or devotees. They also will understand when their seeking is realized in Truth. I am only the Heart, and nothing is added to me as cognition and experience apart from the ordinary to make me know this. I rely entirely, radically on the Truth that is understanding, and all movement has ceased, except the endless Bliss that I’m coursing in the center of the worlds.

The perfect Heart is the root and nature of all things. It supports all worlds, forms, and manifest beings as their very Self.

Every world, form, body, mind and being is founded in a seed at its depth, and its cognition, experience or form is manifested against a “sky” or upper terminal. The Heart is the Force and Consciousness of all this, but unless we are Conscious as the Heart we live as various kinds of manifest being and body in relation to kinds of manifested form in certain worlds. The Heart manifests each world and it manifest beings via a seed or mandala, an infinitely small structure, like an atom. This manifestation arises in consciousness whenever the “seed” is stimulated by the Heart in the lawful order of that structure of karma.

When the Heart-force stimulates the seed or atom of a world and its internal manifestation (bodies, forms, minds, beings), the seeds generate upwards as cognition, experience, rising form. Thus, our awareness in various bodies, worlds, etc.

We continue in this way through endless variations in stimulated existence. This is the kind of life in themselves, apart from the Heart and radical understanding. Thus we make assumptions on the basis of what appears. We cognize, experience and act within the conditions that appear, and so build up chronic tendencies to certain forms of stimulated experience. Therefore, every beings in the Heart manifests a peculiar design and pattern of tendencies that carry it through experience in time.

Our direct and intuitive realization of the Heart-Force intervene in moments of the cycles of manifest existence to break and vary the patterns. As one grows into this directness, approaching understanding, natural control develops. We tend less and less toward certain forms of stimulated awareness and experience.

Franklin Jones (Adi Da Samraj) 1970.

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