“If you find yourself on the barren rocky path of the world above the treeline of everyday news and concerns . . . If you are there when evening falls, food is scarce and the inevitability of loss and death is felt and seen and the heart is broken . . . There is a lake of mind fed by crystal springs, where bees seeking water come to refresh their lives of honey gathering – It is the Beezone” – Peter Malakoff
“Beezone is, without any doubt, a world’s best spiritual resource. Here you will find the rare and great treasures, all given freely and absent prejudice.” – Michael J Setter
“Ed Reither’s Beezone Library continues this tradition of safeguarding wisdom for future generations, acting as a digital beehive for seekers in the modern age. The internet, both a powerful tool for access and a potential swamp of misinformation, requires collectors who, like ancient scribes and mystics, carefully curate and protect valuable knowledge. Beezone serves as such a place, gathering teachings from Eastern and Western traditions and preserving them with the intention that they might nourish the minds and spirits of those who come learn more about themselves and the world.” – Edward J. Vivarta
Introduction to Beezone
Beezone, a nonprofit (501(c)3) educational foundation established in 1998
“There was a secret work school that existed in Afghanistan for thousands of years called “Sarmoun Darq,” which means “The Beehive” or the “Collectors of Honey.”
Beezone: A Collector of Honey
Welcome to Beezone, a space inspired by the timeless idea of the beehive—a place where precious things are gathered, transformed, and preserved. Just as bees collect nectar and turn it into honey, Beezone exists to collect and distill the essence of human knowledge, offering it in a form that nourishes and inspires.
This vision echoes the ancient story of the Sarmoun Darq, a legendary school known as “The Beehive” or “Collectors of Honey.” For thousands of years, it was said to have preserved the most essential knowledge during times of turmoil, storing it until the world was ready to receive it again. This wasn’t about hoarding information—it was about gathering the essence of human understanding, concentrating it, and offering it in a form as pure and vital as honey.
A powerful companion to this story is The Book of the Bee, a 13th-century Syriac manuscript by Solomon of Akhlat.
“We have called this book the ‘ Book of the Bee,’ because we have gathered of the blossoms of the two Testaments (old and new) and of the flowers of the holy Books, and have placed them therein for thy benefit. As the common bee with gauzy wings flies about, and flutters over and lights upon flowers of various colours, and upon blossoms of divers odours, selecting and gathering from all of them the materials which are useful for the construction of hCr handiwork; and having first of all collected the materials from the flowers, carries them upon her thighs, and bringing them to her dwelling, lays a foundation for her building with a base of wax; then gathering in her mouth some of the heavenly dew which is upon the blossoms of spring, brings it and blows it into these cells; and weaves the comb and honey for the use of men and her own nourishment” – The Book of the Bee
This remarkable text embodies the same spirit, weaving together wisdom from Christian, Islamic, and Jewish traditions. It serves as a bridge between worlds, a testament to how knowledge and faith can flow together, enriching one another. Like a beehive filled with nectars from many flowers, The Book of the Bee collects and distills timeless truths from diverse traditions, reminding us that wisdom thrives on connection and exchange.
In the same way, Beezone aims to be a modern beehive, gathering insights from the world’s great teachings, practices, and philosophies. Here, the raw nectar of knowledge is not simply stored—it is refined, concentrated, and shared. The result is not just information but something alive and transformative, something that can touch your life in a profound way.
At Beezone, everyone contributes to this process. Like bees in a hive, we each play a role—whether through study, reflection, or conversation. Every act of listening, observing, and sharing adds to the collective effort, creating something far greater than any one of us could achieve alone. Together, we refine the nectar of human wisdom into something sweet and enduring.
The heart of this work is simple but profound: to preserve and share the essence of what matters most. In today’s world, where so much can feel fragmented or fleeting, Beezone offers a space to reconnect with the deeper truths that bind us. Inspired by The Book of the Bee and the ancient beehive, Beezone is more than a library—it’s a living, breathing collector of wisdom, preserving the nectar of human essence for generations to come.
Beezone: A Nonprofit Educational Foundation
Beezone, a nonprofit educational foundation library, has been a beacon of enlightenment since its launch in January 1998. Nestled within its digital corridors are over 4000 pages of materials, all united under the broad umbrella of ‘spirituality.’ This unique repository represents an ongoing scholarly exploration, meticulously crafted to comprehend and safeguard the profound insights cultivated by the great traditions and schools of religion, philosophy, psychology, and various other pivotal domains of human understanding throughout the ages.
In a world where contemporary perspectives are rapidly evolving, often challenging or discarding traditional viewpoints, Beezone stands as a bridge between the ancient wisdom of yesteryears and the emerging landscape of today’s rational, scientific, and materialistic outlooks. As a dedicated steward of knowledge, the mission of Beezone is to not only expand but also harmonize the timeless wisdom of the past with the modern and dynamic understandings of the present. Join us on this journey of exploration and integration as we navigate the rich tapestry of human wisdom, fostering a deeper comprehension of our shared heritage.
Who am I, Who are You and What are we Doing?
Meet Ed Reither, the visionary mind behind The Beezone, a profound culmination of his early and unwavering contemplation and study of “The Great Wonder of Wonders.” Ed delves into fundamental questions that resonate with the core of human existence: “What’s it all about?” “Who am I?” “What am I supposed to be doing?” and a poignant reflection on the state of the world we inhabit today. Ed believes that grappling with these wonders is not just a personal endeavor but a collective responsibility, essential for coexistence and the legacy we leave for future generations.
The name Beezone is a testament to Ed’s deep insights. Inspired by the metaphor of a beehive, reminiscent of a secret school known as Sarmoun Darq in ancient Afghanistan, meaning “The Beehive” or “Collectors of Honey,” Beezone symbolizes the ultimate Source of Wisdom, the Realizer, and the role of the Guru. In this metaphorical hive, bees organize themselves, serving the Queen and producing honey—a representation of the harmonious pursuit of wisdom and spiritual realization.
Ed’s choice of the term Beezone reflects his unique position, not confined to any singular hive but existing in a zone influenced by a myriad of factors. This term encapsulates his relationship with the literature, centers, and people who hold the ancient and modern wisdom. Join Ed Reither in the Beezone, where the exploration of profound questions meets the integration of ancient and contemporary perspectives, fostering a deeper understanding of the intricate tapestry of human wisdom.
May you be blessed and find Beezone helpful in your investigation and study of the journey we all call Life.
“I write as a Scribe not a scholar“*
Ed Reither
San Anselmo, California
July, 2024
*”Nor do I write as a scholar, otherwise I would wisely barricade myself behind the safe walls of my specialism and not, on account of my inadequate knowledge of history, expose myself to critical attack.”
Answer to Job, Psychology and Religon: West and East, CW 11., Carl Jung
“I am devoted to study and eager in the pursuit of the good arts. Nevertheless, I do not assume nor arrogate to myself the title learned….because I understand that in this kind of learned contest the real victory lies in being vanquished” – (Count) Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola (1463-94) – Oration on the Diginity of Man, pp. 40-41, 1487.
In the world of scholarship, knowledge is often mistaken for wisdom, and expertise is too easily wielded as a tool of subjugation rather than enlightenment. The very institutions that claim to champion open inquiry frequently engage in intellectual hubris, a self-congratulatory posture in which erudition is not merely displayed but weaponized. – Beezone
Collectors of Honey: Wisdom and Preservation in the Digital Age
Throughout human history, wisdom has been likened to many things—light, treasure, a guide, and, more fittingly, honey. Just as honey is painstakingly collected and preserved by bees, wisdom too has often been gathered and safeguarded by those who sense its value beyond the present. Honey represents the essence of knowledge, extracted from the richness of human experience and cultivated with the hope that it will nourish generations to come. This metaphor resonates deeply with the mission of Ed Reither’s Beezone Library, a digital repository designed to house precious teachings and guide seekers in today’s era. >>>