Chapter 9 – The Self-realized State – Experience of Immortality – Ramesh S. Balsekar – English Rendering of Jnaneshwar’s Amritanubhava

The Self-realized


Is a Reflection in Consciousness

smell has become that which smells; the hearing has become that
which hears;

   The breeze has become the fan; the head has become
the flowers that decorate it;

   The tongue has become the lusciousness of the
juice; the lotus has become the sun and bloomed forth; the
Chakor bird

(which supposedly waits for the rays of the
has itself
become the moon;

   The flowers have become the bee which sucks honey
from them; the young woman has become the male who enjoys
her female charms; the sleeper has become the bed on which
he enjoys his sleep.

   Just as a piece of gold is moulded into a lovely
ornament, so the seeing itself has been transformed into the
phenomenal manifestation.

   Thus the one who enjoys and that which is enjoyed
are the enjoying; the one who perceives and that which is
perceived are the seeing. The enjoying and the seeing are
aspects of the unicity in its objectification.

This chapter’s verses reveal the
core of non-dualism. The sage makes it clear the phenomenal
manifestation as such is nothing but the objective expression of
the subject that is the noumenon. The individual perceiver or
knower as an entity just does not figure in this objective
expression (objectivization) of the Absolute subject except as
the psycho-physical apparatus or mechanism through which sentience
operates. The perceiver as the individual ego or entity
arises only because consciousness becomes identified with each
such apparatus. All there
is the phenomenal manifestation and the functioning therein; such
functioning is the noumenal aspect wherein the sub-

ject-object duality is absent and only true
seeing prevails, because there is no judgment, no interpretation, no
reaction — there is no â€œwhoâ