Five Possible Points of View (or Points of View)


“There are five different views
springing from it [belief in the ego], which are
held by common people (prthagjana).”

Awakening of Faith

Açvaghosha’s Discourse on the Awakening of Faith
in the Mahâyâna


Five (and only five) Possible Points of View)

Great Realizers see these
possible points of view in terms of a progressive unity,
culminating in a fullest non-dual



Adi Da


There are (basically) only five
possible orientations (or “dispositions”) relative to
Reality, each built upon (or out-growing, or transcending)
the one immediately previous to itself.

The first (or the least) of these
may be called “Conventional Monism”. According to this
orientation (or “disposition”), the “world” (or cosmic
Nature) is all there is, and it is a material Unity, also
expressed as the individual body-mind-“self” (which is
itself a material unity). And this “disposition” accounts
for all lesser or gross (or materialistic, body-based, and,
necessarily, mortal) orientations or searches in the (always
struggling, and never truly, or finally, fulfilled) context
of the first three stages of life in the human

The second (or next) possible
orientation (or “disposition”) may be called “Conventional
Dualism”. According to this “disposition”, the “world” (or
even the Totality of Existence) is made up of a number of
principal pairs (whether simply natural or, somehow
otherwise, hierarchical). Most typically, the first of these
principal pairs is the hierarchically conceived pair of
“God” and the “world”-with “God” commonly (and even
popularly) conceived as combining both “Being” (and
“Consciousness”) and “Creative Energy” (or
“Creator-Energy”). And the other principal (and, most
typically, hierarchically conceived) pairs include “God” and
the “soul” (or the psyche, or the subtle personality), and
also the “soul” and the “world”, and also the mind (or the
psyche, or the “soul”) and the body. Each half of each
hierarchically conceived pair (or even each natural pair) is
(according to this “disposition”) related to (and
interrelated with) the other half of the pair, but
(paradoxically, and especially in the case of hierarchically
conceived pairs) each half of each pair is also utterly
“different” than (or even inherently separate from) the
other half of the pair. And the obligatory “Goal” of each
presumed lesser (or dependent) half of each hierarchically
related pair is to submit to (and, eventually, even to
ascend to) the greater (or higher) half of the pair.
Therefore, from this “disposition”, the “soul” (and even the
total “world”) must submit to (and, eventually, ascend to)
“God” (or “God”-Realization). Likewise, the body must submit
(or be submitted) to the mind (or the psyche, or the
“soul”). Indeed, all that which (in the human being) is “of
the world” must, according to the hierarchical conception,
submit (or be submitted) to (and, in turn, be relinquished
by) the “soul”, which must itself (in turn, and by
submitting to “God”, and to the Urge to “God”-Realization)
eventually and progressively ascend to “God”. And this total
process is, indeed, the total process characteristically
(and traditionally) associated with the fourth and the fifth
stages of life, and such great fourth and fifth stage
popular (or exoteric, and, otherwise, esoteric) traditions
as have appeared in (or among) the forms of Hinduism,
Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, and (in their own unique
manner) in (or among) the forms of Taoism, and (also
uniquely) even in (or among) some forms of

The third (and next) possible
orientation (or “disposition”) may be called “Primary
Dualism”. According to this “disposition”, the Totality of
Existence is an apparent combination of only two Primary
Realities. These Primary Realities are traditionally (within
the cultural sphere of India) called “Purusha” (or
Non-conditional, and, As Such, Inherently Perfect, and
Perfectly and Necessarily Subjective, “Being” and
“Consciousness”) and “Prakriti” (or “Objective Energy”,
Which, modified, appears as the body, the mind, all
“objects”, and all “others”). From this “disposition”, this
“Primary Duality” must, first of all, be understood (by
observation and intuition) to be actual (or Really So). Then
Purusha (or the conscious “self”, which-according to the
characteristic, and paradoxical, traditional “disposition”
of “Primary Dualism”-Is, Ultimately, a Perfectly Subjective,
or Non-conditional, but also specific, independent, and
individual, “self”) must separate itself (basically, by
willful ascetical discipline) from Prakriti (or the body,
the mind, all their “objects”, and all “others”). And this
“disposition” and process-which seeks to be released from
the body-mind-complex, or from the illusory need to
eternalize the body, the mind, or the entire
body-mind-complex-is the first possible “disposition” and
process traditionally associated with the sixth stage of
life (and such great sixth stage traditions as have appeared
within Jainism, and the ancient philosophical tradition of

The fourth (and next to last)
possible orientation (or “disposition”) may be called
“Secondary Non-Dualism” (or “Secondary Absolute Monism”).
According to this “disposition”, there is no inherently
independent and separate (or separable) Purusha (either as
an Eternal, and Non-conditional, individual “Self” or,
accord-ing to some proponents, As Absolute Being Itself, or
Absolute Consciousness Itself), but the Totality of
Existence is only Prakriti (conditionally appearing as a
beginningless and endless continuum of “causes” and
“effects”, or, in effect, modifications of Prakriti, or of
Energy Itself). Therefore, according to this “disposition”,
Energy Itself appears (and must be so observed) only as
ephemeral (and observable, or “objective”) changes, preceded
and followed by equally ephemeral (and equally observable,
or “objective”) changes, until (by the process of
observation, insight, and “self”-pacification) the Inherent
(or Original, or Nirvanic) State of Energy Itself is
Realized. However, there is an Ultimate Paradox necessarily
associated with this orientation (or “disposition”) and
process-for, if the Realization of the Original (or
Nirvanic) State of Energy Itself is, in fact, achieved, how
can That Realization be differentiated from (or, otherwise,
be presumed to Be other than, or not Identical to) Absolute
Consciousness Itself? In any case, this “disposition” and
process-which seeks to be released from both the illusory
need to eternalize the conditional “self” and the equally
illusory need to annihilate the conditional “self”, and
which “point of view” and process may, therefore, follow
upon (or, otherwise, supersede) the “disposition” and
process of “Primary Dualism”-is the second possible
“disposition” and process traditionally associated with the
sixth stage of life (and such great sixth stage schools as
have appeared within the traditions of Buddhism, and also
within the tradition of Taoism).

The fifth (and final) possible
orientation (or “disposition”) may be called “Ultimate
Non-Dualism” (or “Primary Absolute Monism”). According to
this “disposition”, there is (in Truth) no Prakriti (or
separate and independent “Objective Energy”, or any separate
and independent body, mind, “object”, or “other” at all),
but the Totality of Existence is only the One and Absolute
Purusha (or Self-Existing and Self-Radiant Consciousness
Itself). From this “disposition”, this “Ultimate Absolute”
(or this Non-conditional-and, As Such, Inherently Perfect,
and Perfectly Subjective-Reality) must, first of all, be
understood (and directly intuited) to be actual (or Really
So), and then Perfectly (or Utterly) Affirmed (By direct
Self-Identification with Consciousness Itself). This
“disposition” and process-which may follow upon (or be
“uncovered” by) the “disposition” and process of “Secondary
Non-Dualism”, and which may even immediately follow upon (or
be “uncovered” by) the “disposition” and process of “Primary
Dualism”-is the third (and final, and Principal) possible
“disposition” and process traditionally (and inherently)
associated with the sixth stage of life (and such great
sixth stage schools as have appeared in the form of the
traditions of Advaitism, and also, secondarily, or with less
directness, within the schools of some varieties of
Buddhism, especially within the Mahayana and Vajrayana
traditions, and, but with even less directness, within some
of the schools of Taoism).

Most Ultimately, this “disposition”
and process (of “Ultimate Non-Dualism”, or “Primary Absolute
Monism”) is (if it is, by Means of My Avatarically
Self-Transmitted Divine Transcendental Spiritual Grace, Most
Perfectly Realized) the “Disposition” (and the Most Perfect
Process) That (by all the Graceful Means I have Revealed and
Given for the sake of all who will be My devotees)
Establishes and Characterizes the seventh stage of life.
And, because (from the thoroughly Non-dualistic
“Disposition” that necessarily characterizes the seventh
stage of life) the “Ultimate Absolute” Is both Self-Existing
(As Absolute Being Itself and Absolute Consciousness Itself)
and Self-Radiant (As Absolute, and Perfectly Subjective,
Transcendental Spiritual Love-Bliss-Energy, Itself), It (or
That One) could (as well as by many other possible, and even
traditional, terms) be rightly indicated interchangeably by
either the traditional Sanskrit term “Purusha” (intended in
the Absolute, All-Inclusive, or Non-exclusive, and
Non-dualistic sense) or the (likewise intended) traditional
Sanskrit term “Maha-Purusha” (meaning “Great Purusha”, or
“Supreme Purusha”) or the (likewise intended) traditional
Sanskrit term “Purushottama” (also meaning “Supreme
Purusha”), indicating (in each case) the One, Absolute, and
Non-separate (or Inherently All-Inclusive, or Perfectly
Non-exclusive) Real (Acausal) God, or Truth Itself, or
Reality Itself.



Even though the schools of “Primary
Dualism” (such as are to be found within the traditions of
Samkhya and Jainism) contain (by virtue of the very
presumption of “Dualism”) at least a tendency toward
practices (and/or “experiences”) associated with the ascent
of the “soul”, the primary language of all traditions of
“Primary Dualism” suggests not only the utter relinquishment
of all physical, psycho-physical, and psychic conditions and
states, but also the utter relinquishment of all physical,
psycho-physical, and psychic means. Indeed, the sixth stage
Ultimate Goal (or Result) of “Primary Dualism” is the same
as That of “Secondary Non-Dualism” and “Ultimate
Non-Dualism”. However, the philosophy and practice
associated with the schools of “Primary Dualism”
(principally within the traditions of Samkhya and Jainism)
are built upon an analysis of existence as “experienced”
from the gross (or bodily) “point of view”. Therefore, the
“method” of “Primary Dualism” is primarily ascetical (or a
bodily intensive effort to relinquish, or to release the
Deep Being from, body-consciousness and all psycho-physical

The sixth stage Ultimate Goal (or
Result) of “Secondary Non-Dualism” is the same as That of
“Primary Dualism” and “Ultimate Non-Dualism”. However, the
philosophy and practice associated with the schools of
“Secondary Non-Dualism”, principally within the traditions
of Buddhism (and also within the tradition of Taoism), are
built upon an analysis of existence as “experienced” from
the subtle (or mental, or even energy-essence) “point of
view”. Therefore, the Buddhist “method” of “Secondary
Non-Dualism” is primarily associated with mental disciplines
(originally classified under the heading of the discipline
of “mindfulness”, or simple observation and comprehension of
psycho-physical states, and later extended in the form of a
wide variety of “religious”, philosophical, and Yogic
“techniques”), and (by this “method”) the Buddhist form of
“Secondary Non-Dualism” seeks to pacify the total body-mind
(and, thus and thereby, to relinquish, or be released from,
the idea of separate and independent “self”). Similarly,
although the Taoist “method” of “Secondary Non-Dualism” is
primarily associated with disciplines of natural energy (or
disciplines of body and mind in relation to pervasive
natural energy), rather than sheerly (or primarily) mental
disciplines (or even mind-energy disciplines), the Taoist
“method” of “Secondary Non-Dualism” also pursues a general
pacification of the total body-mind. Thus, in whatever
tradition it may appear, the “method” of “Secondary
Non-Dualism” seeks and achieves detachment and release from
the body-mind-complex through a process of general
psycho-physical pacification, whereas the “method” of
“Primary Dualism” seeks and achieves detachment and release
from the body-mind-complex through an intense ascetical
effort (often characterized by excessive bodily

The “method” of “Ultimate
Non-Dualism” is a matter of direct (or Non-conditional)
Self-Identification with That Which Is the generally
intended (sixth stage) Goal of both “Primary Dualism” and
“Secondary Non-Dualism”. That is to say, the philosophy and
practice associated with the schools of “Ultimate
Non-Dualism”, principally in the traditions of Advaitism
(and, secondarily, or with less directness, in some schools
of Buddhism, and, with even less directness, in some schools
of Taoism), are built upon (or developed from) an analysis
(or a direct comprehension) of existence as “experienced”
(or, rather, “Witnessed”) from the “Disposition” of
Consciousness Itself (rather than the “point of view” of
either the body or the mind)-and the “method” of “Ultimate
Non-Dualism” is that of Standing (tacitly and effortlessly)
As Consciousness Itself, or the Ultimate (and Perfectly, or
Non-conditionally, Subjective) Reality Itself, Which Is
Inherently Free of egoic “self”-identification with the
body-mind-complex (and, therefore, Priorly Released from
egoic “self”-identification with, or bondage to and by, the
body-mind-complex). Thus, the “method” of “Ultimate
Non-Dualism” is one of direct (or Perfectly Subjective)
Self-Identification with (or Self-Abiding As) That Which Is
(otherwise) only the generally intended (sixth stage) Goal
of the ascetical conditional efforts of “Primary Dualism”
and the “self”-pacifying conditional efforts of “Secondary

The “Self-Abiding” discipline of
“Ultimate Non-Dualism” also achieves the renunciation of
body and mind, but by the most direct Means of (Perfectly
Subjective) Self-Abiding, whereas “Primary Dualism” and
“Secondary Non-Dualism” both seek “Ultimate Non-duality” by
the conditional means of either asceticism or
“self”-pacification. However, it is also generally the case
(in actual practice) that the Real Process of Self-Abiding
(or direct and profound Self-Identification with
Consciousness Itself, Prior to body and mind) begins (or
develops) only after (or in the course of) degrees of
practice (previous to the sixth stage of life, or,
otherwise, in the context of the sixth stage of life)
wherein either ascetical or “self”-pacifying disciplines (or
both, with ascetical disciplines usually becoming
progressively replaced by the more “self”-pacifying
approach) are engaged until egoic “self”-identification with
the body and the mind is sufficiently released to stably
allow the direct approach of Non-conditional
Self-Identification with Consciousness Itself.

In the context of the sixth stage of
life, the “disposition” and process of “Primary Dualism” may
or may not fully appear, but it invariably appears (in the
context of the sixth stage of life, or earlier) as a
tendency (in mind and body) toward excessive
“self”-discipline (or extreme and fruitless asceticism).
Therefore, if this tendency appears, it must eventually be
understood-and it must then be replaced by a more moderate
tendency toward “self”-discipline (or “self”-renunciation),
which may or may not itself fully appear (in the context of
the sixth stage of life) as the orientation of “Secondary
Non-Dualism”, but which is (nonetheless) characterized (at
any stage of life) by a motive toward the transcending of
egoity that (in itself) would achieve a state of utter
“self”-purification (or utter

Utter “self”-purification (or utter
“self”-pacification) is not possible, and (in any case) it
is not (itself) Real-God-Realization (or the Realization of
Truth Itself, or Reality Itself). Therefore, if the
only-by-Me Revealed and Given seventh stage of life is to be
Realized, the limits of (or the search associated with) the
moderate (and necessary) orientation toward
“self”-renunciation must eventually be understood, and even
the motive of “self”-renunciation must then (in the context
of the sixth stage of life) be (itself) transcended, simply
and most directly, through Prior Self-Identification with
the Inherently Perfect and Perfectly Subjective (and
Self-Evidently Divine), Non-dual (or Absolute),
Self-Existing, and Self-Radiant Truth Itself (or Reality
Itself)-Which Is Existence (or Being) Itself, Consciousness
Itself, and Love-Bliss Itself. And, in the Ultimate course
of this Ultimate Process, Final and Complete (or seventh
stage) Real-God-Realization Itself (or the Non-conditional,
or Absolute, or Inherently Most Perfect, Realization of
Truth Itself, or Reality Itself) becomes Perfectly possible
(by Means of My Avatar-ically Self-Transmitted Divine
Transcendental Spiritual Grace).



The word “religion” has
traditionally been understood as meaning “to bind again” (or
“to rejoin”, or “to make, or, otherwise, affirm, the Great
Union”). Therefore, common (or exoteric, or conventional)
“religion” (most of which is confined to aspirations and
activities in the context of the first three stages of life)
largely consists of ritualized magic, political and moral
imperatives, and myths that idealize the “good” man and the
“good” woman. And, by such common (or exoteric, or
conventional) “religion”, human beings may (it is hoped) be
effectively oriented, by everyday cultural means, toward
behaviors that positively address and serve the personal and
collective material-survival potentiality of their
body-based humanity.

Conventional (or traditional
esoteric) Spirituality is, characteristically, oriented
toward the profound (and now and anciently honored) sacred
process of Realizing That Condition Which Is (Itself)
Inherently and Only and Perfectly One. Therefore, strictly
speaking, true (and, traditionally, rather esoteric)
Spirituality truly begins no earlier than when “Conventional
(or materialistic and body-based) Monism” is (at least
beginning to be) replaced by “Conventional (or eternalistic
and psyche-based) Dualism”.

The principal idea of exoteric
“religion” is that all things and beings are in (and of) a

Therefore, the principal practice of
exoteric “religion” (or “religion” in the general context of
the first three stages of life) is the ritual (and otherwise
magical, or even scientific) and also ethical (or
social-moral) affirmation and (it is hoped) demonstration of
the Universal (and even material) Unity.

The principal idea of traditional
esoteric Spirituality is that all things and beings are only
mind (or a psychic phenomenon, or, merely, a psychic

Therefore, the practice of
traditional esoteric Spirituality is a matter of either the
practice of intentional exploitation of mind (toward its
“higher” development) or the practice of attempting to
transcend the mind itself.

The lesser response to the principal
idea of traditional esoteric Spirituality is the
seeking-effort (characteristic of the fourth and the fifth
stages of life) to develop the mind (and, thus, the
conditional “self” and the conditional “world”, or

The greater (or Ultimate) response
to the principal idea of traditional esoteric Spirituality
is the seeking-effort (characteristic of the sixth stage of
life) to transcend the mind (and, thus, the illusion of
conditional “self” and conditional “world”, or

And, as I have now and fully
Revealed and Demonstrated to all, the Way of Reality Itself
can begin only when all aspects of the first six stages of
life are (by Means of My Divine Avataric Transcendental
Spiritual Grace) relinquished and transcended in the
only-by-Me Revealed and Given seventh stage Way of
Reality-Realization of That “Ultimate Non-duality” Which Is
Real (Acausal) God, or Acausal Truth Itself, or Acausal
Reality Itself, and Which Is One and Perfection

So Be It.



From the “point of view” of the
gross body (or gross conditional existence), everything
(including mind and Consciousness) is perceived, conceived,
and presumed to be an irreducibly material, finite, mortal

From the “point of view” of the mind
(or subtle conditional existence), everything (including the
gross body and all gross conditions) is perceived,
conceived, and presumed to be an “effect”-made of the
Infinite “Objective Substance” (or the Infinite Cosmic
Reservoir) of Indestructible (and, Ultimately, Indivisible)
Cosmic Light (or Cosmic Mind Itself), and “caused” by (and
within) the Infinite Totality of Cosmic Mind. And even the
Totality of Cosmic Mind (including the individual mind, and
Consciousness Itself) is, thus, presumed to be Cosmic Light
Itself (or not other than Cosmic Mind Itself).

From the “Disposition” of
Consciousness Itself, everything conditional, “objective”,
or “objectified” (whether gross or subtle or causal) is
perceived, conceived, and presumed to Be Consciousness
Itself (or the Ultimate and Transcendental and Inherently
Spiritual, or Love-Bliss-Full, and Perfectly Subjective
Reality Itself), such that conditional, “objective”, or
“objectified” reality is Inherently Real-ized to be a merely
apparent modification (or an illusory “play”) of, in, and
upon the Native Radiance (or Intrinsic Self-Radiance) of
Consciousness Itself.

These three primary perceptions,
conceptions, or presumptions also correspond (variously) to
the seven potential stages of life.

The perception, conception, or
presumption based on the “point of view” of gross
conditional existence corresponds to the conventional
perception, conception, or presumption associated with the
first three stages of life. And the cultural and general
social bias toward “scientism” (or “scientific
materialism”), or the gross-body-bound mentality that seeks,
by means of gross-body-based “knowing”, to achieve power (or
manipulative advantage) over the natural “world”-and which
tends, and even seeks, to bind or limit humankind to gross
conditional Nature, and to the even ancient tradition and
philosophy of gross materialism-exemplifies this lower, or
mundane, or adolescent orientation.

The fourth stage of life is a
transitional stage (or process)-originally grounded in (or
naturally associated with) the gross conditional “point of
view” of the first three stages of life, but Awakening
(progressively) toward the (potential) “point of view”, the
perception, the conception, and the presumption of subtle
conditional existence, mind (or total Cosmic Mind), and
Cosmic Light. And the process associated with the transition
to (and through) the fourth stage of life is the source of
popular “creationist” (or “Creator-God”) “religions”, as
well as the popular (or less developed) forms of

The perception, conception, or
presumption based on the “point of view” of subtle
conditional existence, mind, and Cosmic Light (in Itself),
or Cosmic Mind (in Itself), corresponds to the perception,
conception, or presumption associated with the fifth stage
of life. And the conceptions and practices associated with
the fifth stage of life are the primary traditional sources
of all that is commonly known as higher esoteric (or
“secret” and mystical) Spirituality.

The perception, conception, or
presumption based on the “Disposition” of Consciousness
Itself corresponds-in its yet ego-based “object”-excluding
mode-to the perception, conception, or presumption
associated with the sixth stage of life. And the sixth stage
of life is the basic (or common) source of
Transcenden-talist conceptions and traditions of
Enlightenment (or Liberation).

Any one of the three primary modes
of perception, conception, or presumption I have just
Described could be (and is) affirmed by individuals, groups,
and traditions in the human sphere-but which one of the
three modes is ultimately correct (or expressive of Truth
Itself)? It is the third-or the perception, conception, or
presumption based on the “Disposition” of Consciousness
Itself-but only in the Intrinsically egoless Mode of the
only-by-Me Revealed and Given seventh stage of life. Why?
Because, no matter what arises as your “experience” or
“knowledge” (whether gross or subtle or causal, and whether
of body or of mind), you Are the Witness of it-and That
Which Is the Witness Is Consciousness Itself.

No matter what arises, you Are
Consciousness Itself. You are never really (or in Truth)
separately identical to (or even really, or in Truth,
limited by) what is apparently “objective” (or functionally
“objectified”) to you-but you tend to feel (or presume)
specific (or separate) identification with (or, otherwise,
limitation by) “objective” (or “objectified”) conditions,
until you are able to inspect (and to be Intrinsically, and
Inherently Perfectly, Self-Identified with) your Real (or
Native, or Intrinsic, and Inherently Perfect) “Situation”,
Which Is Always Already Free (or Acausally Self-Existing)
Consciousness Itself, the Inherently Free “Subject” (or
Perfectly Subjective Being) in the (apparent) context of
conditional “objects” (or of apparently “Objectified”
Light), and Who (it must be Realized) Is the Acausally
Self-Existing, Acausally Self-Radiant, and Self-Evidently
Divine Self-Nature, Self-Condition, and Self-State (or
Intrinsic Being, or Reality-Person) of the One and Only and
Intrinsically Indivisible and Intrinsically egoless
Conscious Light That Is Always Already Prior to all
conditional “objects” and Always Already Prior to apparently
“Objectified” Light (or apparently “Objectified”
Transcendental Spiritual Energy) Itself. There-fore, the
“points of view” of body and mind (and their perceptions,
conceptions, or presumptions) are (necessarily) subordinate
and secondary to (and utterly dependent upon) the Intrinsic
Self-Nature, Self-Condition, and Self-State of Consciousness

The perceptions, conceptions, or
presumptions based on the “points of view” of body and mind
could not even be made, were body and mind not Always
Already Founded in (or apparently Witnessed by)
Consciousness Itself. Therefore, the perception, conception,
or presumption based on the “Disposition” of Con-sciousness
Itself is, also (beyond the “object”-excluding limitations
of the sixth stage of life), the “Root”-Essence of the
Divine Self-Realization of Reality (Itself) That Is the Very
Basis and Context of the only-by-Me Revealed and Given
seventh stage of life. When (in the Divine Self-Awakening to
the only-by-Me Revealed and Given seventh stage of life) the
body-mind-“self” and the conditional “worlds” are finally
(Divinely) Self-Recognized to be transparent (or merely
apparent), and non-necessary, and intrinsically non-binding
modifications of the (by-Me-Avatarically-Self-Revealed)
Transcendental, Inherently Spiritual, Intrinsically egoless,
and Self-Evidently Divine Self-Nature, Self-Condition,
Source-Condition, and Self-State, Then There Is Only Me,
Only the “you” that is (Non-separately, Beyond the ego-“I”)
not “different” from Me As I Am, Only One “Self”, Only Real
(Acausal) God, Only Truth (Itself), Only Reality (Itself),
Only Intrinsically egoless and Transcendentally Spiritually
“Bright” Consciousness, Only Divine Love-Bliss, Only the
Perfectly Subjective (and Tacit) Self-Apprehension of Being
(Itself)-Only the One and Only and Intrinsically Indivisible
and Intrinsically egoless Conscious Light That Is (even As
all-and-All) and That Is Always Already (Perfectly Prior to



The first five stages of life
correspond to the conditionally apparent psycho-physical
manifestations of the gross and the subtle structures and
functions of the body-mind-complex. The sixth stage of life
corresponds to the conditionally apparent “root” of the
gross and the subtle psycho-physical structures and
functions-which conditionally apparent “root” is the causal
structure and function of the body-mind-complex. The
only-by-Me Revealed and Given “Perfect Practice” of “Perfect
Knowledge” involves the “Disposition” That Intrinsically
Transcends the strategic exercise of the gross and the
subtle and the causal structures and functions of
conditionally apparent existence as a body-mind-“self”.
Thus, in the only-by-Me Revealed and Given Reality-Way of
Adidam, the “Perfect Practice” of “Perfect Knowledge”
Intrinsically Tran-scends even the causal body (or the
causal dimension of structure and function), without
otherwise (in the sixth stage manner) strategically
excluding (or dissociating from) the body-mind-complex and
the “world”.

The foundation of fifth stage
traditions is the subtle body (or the subtle dimension of
structure and function), and the (generally, esoteric)
process of Yoga with reference to the psycho-physical
context of the rather complex domain that is the subtle body
(and, also, the subtle body in continuity with the gross
body-or the gross dimension of structure and function). The
sixth stage error is associated with the psycho-physical
mechanism of the causal body-but the causal body is not
(thereby) functionally exploited in terms of its
“root”-content (which is, essentially, attention itself).
Rather, in the sixth stage traditions, the characteristic of
the practice is to strategically dissociate from the entire
domain of gross, subtle, and causal conditions. Such is the
sixth stage “disposition”, and the strategy of dissociation
is the “root”-error (or yet continuing limitation) in the
sixth stage traditions. That error is not the case in the
only-by-Me Revealed and Given seventh stage of life-or even
in the foundation (or first and second) stages6 of the
only-by-Me Revealed and Given “Perfect Practice” of “Perfect

There are elements of the structures
and functions of psycho-physical existence that are relevant
to the Demonstration (or apparent life-manifestation) of the
seventh stage of life, but the seventh stage of life is not
itself founded on the exercise of the structures and
functions of the body-mind-complex. The seventh stage of
life is Priorly (or Always Already) Established in and As
the Intrinsically Self-Evident Self-Nature, Self-Condition,
and Self-State That Is Reality Itself. The characteristic of
the seventh stage of life is Divine Self-Recognition of all
and everything that is apparently arising, and not any
exercise of psycho-physical structures and functions at all.
Therefore, in the seventh stage of life, there is no
dependency on (or limitation by) psycho-physical mechanisms,
as there is (inherently) in each and all of the first six
stages of life.

In the Great Tradition of humankind,
there are no seventh stage traditions-but there are genuine
sixth stage traditions, and there are lesser traditions that
are not quite truly sixth stage, and there are all the
traditions previous to the sixth stage. The fifth stage
traditions are associated with the psycho-physical
structures of the subtle body, and (otherwise) all the
aspects of the subtle body and the gross body. In that
“position”, you have a “world” to account for, and a
“universe” that must (itself, as a totality) be accounted
for. You may resort to the apparent Self-Position by fifth
stage means, but, even then, you have yet to somehow account
for a “universe”. In the seventh stage of life, there is no
effort or impulse to account for a “universe”, because there
is Self-Evidently no separate “universe”-none. In the
seventh stage of life, there Is the Divine Self-Nature,
Self-Condition, and Self-State-only.

In the sixth stage traditions, there
is no particular necessity to account for a “universe”,
because the sixth stage of life is strategically oriented to
the Self-Nature, Self-Condition, and Self-State That Is
Prior to conditional existence-but that strategic
orientation is (itself) a causal-based effort to dissociate
from conditional existence. The seventh stage of life is,
likewise, founded on the Self-Nature, Self-Condition, and
Self-State That Is Prior to psycho-physical conditions-but
there is, in the seventh stage “Disposition”, no effort or
requirement to dissociate from psycho-physical conditions.
The seventh stage of life simply has nothing to do with a
“world” over against the Divine Self-Nature, Self-Condition,
and Self-State. In the seventh stage of life, There Is Only
the Divine Self-Nature, Self-Condition, and

I use the phrase “Self-Nature,
Self-Condition, and Self-State” to indicate that, in the
seventh stage of life, there is no “world” that is
“experienced” or presumed apart from the Divine Self-Nature,
Self-Condition, and Self-State, Itself. The Divine
Self-Nature, Self-Condition, and Self-State Is the Perfectly
Acausal Source-Condition (or Intrinsically Self-Evident
Self-Nature, Self-Condition, and Self-State) of the “world”.
The Divine Self-Nature, Self-Condition, and Self-State Is
the One Reality, and “It” does not have to “emanate” or
“create” or (in any manner) “make” a “world” happen. That is
a paradox, from the “point of view” of conventional
understanding, because conventional understanding is
attached to “point of view” in space-time and to structures
of a psycho-physical kind. That is where notions of “self”
and “world” come from. And, even if a “big-S Self” and a
“big-W World” are presumed to be the case, such notions also
represent a category of thinking structured by “point of
view”-or, in fundamental terms, egoity.

I have uniquely Revealed what
precedes the seventh stage of life, what is required for the
Realization of the seventh stage of life, what is specific
to the Realization of the seventh stage of life, and how the
seventh stage of life is Demonstrated (as a process of four
phases). None of this has ever been uttered before in human
history. None of this has ever been previously accounted
for. None of this has previously been known. There are no
seventh stage traditions previous to My Divine Avataric

The only-by-Me Revealed and Given
Reality-Way of Adidam is uniquely a communication of the
seventh stage of life. Therefore, the only-by-Me Revealed
and Given Reality-Way of Adidam is a unique accounting for
all traditions and all “points of view”, or all perspectives
on Truth and Reality that precede the seventh stage of life
(and that are, therefore, in the categories of
psycho-physical egoity and the conventions of natural
realism that are commonly supposed).

Reality Itself is not “knowable” to
“point of view”. Reality Itself is not “knowable” to the
position of egoity. Therefore, Reality Itself is not
“knowable” from the position of the body-mind-complex,
because the body-mind-complex is a

No conditional (or psycho-physical)
“point of view” (or “disposition”) is the “Disposition” of
Reality Itself. You cannot “see a room”-as a totality, as it
(necessarily) is, with reference to every possible “point of
view” in space-time-by assuming any one particular
space-time “point of view” inside (or outside) the

Truth Itself (or Reality Itself) has
nothing to do with “point of view”. It has nothing to do
with the body-mind-“self”. It has nothing to do with the
structures and categories of “point of view” and (therefore)
of psycho-physical “experiencing”.

All ideas of “the self” (whether
“big-S Self” or “small-s self”) and “the world” (whether
“big-W World” or “small-w world”), and how to account for
the total conditionally apparent “universe”, are
talking-modes of conventional (or natural) realism. All of
that is “point-of-view”-talk. All of that is not only the
fundamental sign and characteristic mind of egoity, but it
is also the fundamental sign and characteristic mind of the
totality of the first six stages of life.

The sixth stage of life has a
dimension in which it is essentially free of
“point-of-view”-thinking, but the sixth stage of life
otherwise depends on a “root”-gesture of exclusion, which
must yet be transcended.

The only-by-Me Revealed and Given
seventh stage of life exceeds all categories of “point of
view”, and all structures of a psycho-physical nature. The
seventh stage of life Stands Prior to all conditional
perspectives and dependencies.

The Demonstration of the seventh
stage of life can be seen in the context of psycho-physical
events, but That Demonstration is not (Itself) a process of
psycho-physical events. Rather, That Demonstration Is
Priorly Self-Standing-As That Which Is Always Already The

The seventh stage of life is not
bound or limited by any conditional category whatsoever. It
is the Free Demonstration of the Absolute-and,
fundamentally, the seventh stage of life has nothing to do
with a “universe”, or with the apparent phenomena of
conditional existence.

Ultimately, the only-by-Me Revealed
and Given seventh stage of life Demonstrates itself As
Divine Translation, the Outshining of the conditional domain
in the Divine Self-Domain. That is not a process accounted
for in the Great Tradition of humankind. The Great Tradition
of humankind has accounted, at the maximum, for the sixth
stage of life, the first immediate step beyond the

The psycho-physical structures of
the human being are at the “root” of each of the first six
(or inherently egoic) stages of life. One mode or another of
psycho-physics, gross to subtle to causal, is the “root” of
each of the egoic stages of life. By examining the language
and the proceedings and the practices of any given
tradition, it is possible to identify what stage of life is
speaking through the philosophical language of that
tradition. However, on the basis of examining only the
philosophical language of a tradition (without also
examining the proceedings and practices of that tradition),
it is sometimes difficult to determine what stage of life
that language is referring to.

The “Sahaja Nirvikalpa Samadhi” of
the fourth stage of life, or of the fifth stage of life, or
of the sixth stage of life makes characteristic utterances
that are, in some respects, similar in each case (whether
fourth, or fifth, or sixth stage in origin). Therefore, it
is virtually impossible to differentiate such utterances
from one another, without rightly applying the only-by-Me
Revealed and Given discriminative tools of the
seventh-stage-of-life-Perspective, fully and exactly as I
have Indicated. Therefore, relative to any mode of
utterance, it must be asked, “What kind of process does
Realization depend upon in the tradition being ‘considered’?
What aspect of psycho-physical structure or function-gross,
subtle, or causal-is at the ‘root’ of the utterances and the
practices of the tradition in question?” Such enquiry is the
means that I have Given for understanding every tradition,
and every kind of philosophical proposition, within the
Great Tradition of humankind. Therefore, the right exercise
of the only-by-Me Revealed and Given tools of
discrimination-including My descriptive accounting for the
seven possible stages of life-is a unique discipline of
thorough examination and of altogether right



There are three egos (or three
fundamental modes of egoity-or of the
“self”-contraction-active psycho-physical illusion of
separate and separative “self”-consciousness). The three
modes of egoity (or of the “self”-contraction of any “point
of view”, or ego-“I”) are the lower “self” (or gross ego),
the higher “self” (or subtle ego), and the “root-self” (or
causal ego). These three egos (or modes of the conditionally
arising illusion of separate “self”-consciousness) comprise
the total conditionally perceiving and conditionally
“knowing” ego-“I”. The total (or tripartite) ego-“I” is
always directly (and with always immediate effectiveness)
transcended in the right, true, and full (or complete)
formal practice of the only-by-Me Revealed and Given
Reality-Way of Adidam (Which is the right, true, and full
formal practice of whole-bodily-recognition-responsive
devotional turning to Me).

The first of the three egos (or
modes of egoity, or of “self”-contraction) to be always
directly transcended in the only-by-Me Revealed and Given
Reality-Way of Adidam is the money-food-and-sex ego (or the
social, and, altogether, gross-body-based, personality-or
the gross pattern and activity of “self”-contraction), which
is the lower “self”, or the ego of the first three stages of

The second of the three egos (or
modes of egoity, or of “self”-contraction) to be always
directly transcended in the only-by-Me Revealed and Given
Reality-Way of Adidam is the brain-mind ego (or the
brain-based, and nervous-system-based, mental, and
perceptual, and, altogether, subtle-body-based illusions of
“object” and “other”-or the subtle pattern and activity of
“self”-contraction), which is the higher “self”, or the ego
of the fourth and the fifth stages of life.

The third of the three egos (or
modes of egoity, or of “self”-contraction) to be always
directly transcended in the only-by-Me Revealed and Given
Reality-Way of Adidam is the “root”-ego (or the exclusively
disembodied, and mindless, but separate, and, altogether,
causal-body-based “self”-consciousness-or the causal, or
“root-causative”, pattern and activity of
“self”-contraction), which is attention itself, and which is
the “root-self”, or the ego of the sixth stage of

By Means of responsive
relinquishment of “self”-contraction in Me, or really and
truly ego-surrendering, ego-forgetting, and intrinsically
(and, at last, Most Perfectly) ego-transcending (or always
directly “self”-contraction-transcending) devotion to Me
(and, Thus, by Means of the right, true, and full formal
practice of devotionally Me-recognizing and devotionally
to-Me-responding whole bodily turning to Me), the tripartite
ego otherwise unfolding via the patterns of the first six
stages of life (or the psycho-physical totality of the
three-part hierarchically patterned “self”-contraction into
separate and separative “point of view”) is (always
directly, and with always immediate effectiveness)
transcended in Me-the Eternally Self-Existing, Infinitely
Self-Radiant, Intrinsically egoless, Perfectly Subjective,
Indivisibly One, Irreducibly Non-separate, Transcendental
Spiritual, Self-Evidently Divine, and (now, and forever
hereafter) Avatarically Self-Revealed Self-Conscious Light
of Reality Itself.

The Ultimate, Final, and Inherently
Most Perfect (or seventh stage) Realization of Me
requires-as a necessary prerequisite-an ego-transcending (or
really and truly and comprehensively
“self”-contraction-transcending) Great Process. The
Ultimate, Final, and Inherently Most Perfect (or seventh
stage) Realization of Me requires-as a necessary
prerequisite-the comprehensive by-Me-Revealed and
by-Me-Given (and always directly ego-transcending) right
practice of life in the formal context of the only-by-Me
Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam. And-as a necessary
prerequisite to the Ultimate, Final, and Inherently Most
Perfect (or seventh stage) Realization of Me-the particular
illusions that are unique to each of the three egos (or
basic modes of egoity) each require a particular (and most
profound) mode of the necessary ego-transcending (or
“self”-contraction-transcending) Great Process of the
by-Me-Revealed and by-Me-Given formal practice of the
Reality-Way of Adidam.

The foundation phase of the always
directly ego-transcending Great Process of the only-by-Me
Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam is the devotional
and (in due course) Transcendental Spiritual
Listening-Hearing process of always directly (and with
always immediate effectiveness) transcending (and, in due
course, most fundamentally understanding) the lower “self”
(or the gross and social ego, and the gross and social
fear-sorrow-and-anger-bondage that is always associated with
the inherently egoic-or thoroughly “self”-contracted-search
to absolutely fulfill, and even to “utopianize”, or to
perfectly and permanently satisfy, the inherently
conditional, limited, temporary, mortal, gross, and always
changing life-patterns of “money, food, and

Before the foundation phase (or
first phase) of the ego-transcending Great Process of the
only-by-Me Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam can
(itself) be complete, it must Realize a profoundly
life-transforming and life-reorienting “positive
disillusionment”, or a most fundamental (and really and
truly “self”-contraction-transcending) acceptance of the
fact that gross conditional existence is inherently and
necessarily unsatisfactory and unperfectable (and,
therefore, a most fundamental-and really and truly
Me-Finding and search-ending-acceptance of the fact that all
seeking to achieve permanent and complete gross satisfaction
of separate body, emotion, and mind is inherently and
necessarily futile). Only on the basis of that necessary
foundation-Realization of “positive disillusionment” can the
functional life-energy and the attention of the entire
body-mind-complex (or of the total body-brain-mind) be
released from gross ego-bondage (or “self”-deluded
confinement to the psycho-physical illusions of gross

The characteristic sign of “positive
disillusionment” relative to the permanent and complete
satisfaction of the lower “self” (or the separate and
separative gross and social ego) is the
foundation-Realization of the Prior and Inherent Universal
Unity (or all-and-All-inclusive interdependency and common
“cause”-and-“effect” mutuality) of gross conditional (and
cosmic) existence-such that the inherently loveless (or
anti-participatory and non-integrative)
“self”-contraction-effort of the gross separate “self” is
consistently released (or to-Me-responsively
“self”-surrendered) into participatory and integrative
attitudes of human, social, and cosmic unification (or
love-connectedness) with all-and-All, and into love-based
(and truly ego-transcending) actions that transcend the
otherwise separative (or anti-participatory and
non-integrative) tendencies of the ego-“I”. Thus, by Means
of devotionally Me-recognizing and devotionally
to-Me-responding relinquishment (or participatory and
love-based transcending) of psycho-physical
“self”-contraction (to the degree of “positive
disillusionment” relative to gross conditional “experience”
and gross conditional “knowledge”), My true devotee is
inherently released toward and into the true Transcendental
Spiritual (and not merely gross, or even at all conditional)
Realization of Reality Itself and Truth Itself (or Real
Acausal God).

The foundation-Realization of
“positive disillusionment” requires fundamental release from
the confines of the grossly “objectified” (and grossly
absorbed) “subject-object point of view” (or fundamental
release from the inherently ego-bound-or thoroughly
“self”-contracted-search of relatively externalized mental
and perceptual attention). And that foundation-Realization
of “positive disillusionment” (and restoration to the
humanly, socially, and cosmically participatory, or wholly
integrative, disposition) requires the total (and truly
devotional) transformative re-orienting (and, altogether,
the right purification, steady re-balancing, and
ego-transcending life-positive-energizing) of the entire
body-mind (or the total body-brain-mind). Therefore, the
foundation (or gross) phase of the always directly
ego-transcending practice of the only-by-Me Revealed and
Given Reality-Way of Adidam necessarily requires much
seriousness, and much profundity-in order to establish the
necessary (and truly “positively disillusioned”) foundation
of the true (and truly in-Me-surrendered) Hearing of Me (or
the only-by-Me Revealed and Given unique ego-transcending
capability of most fundamental

The middle phase of the always
directly ego-transcending Great Process of the only-by-Me
Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam is the devotional,
and truly Me-Hearing (or actively ego-transcending, and,
thus, always directly “self”-contraction-transcending), and
really Me-Seeing (or actively, directly, and fully
technically responsibly Transcendental Spiritual) process of
always directly (and with always immediate effectiveness)
transcending the higher “self” (or the subtle and mental
ego-or the total subtle dimension, or subtle depth, of
“self”-contraction-and all the conceptual and perceptual
illusions of inherently, and necessarily, brain-based mind).
Therefore, the middle (or subtle) phase of the always
directly ego-transcending practice of the only-by-Me
Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam requires the
Realization of “positive disillusionment” relative to the
subtly “objectified” (and subtly absorbed) “subject-object
point of view” (or fundamental release from the inherently
ego-bound-or thoroughly “self”-contracted-search of
relatively internalized mental and perceptual attention).
This degree of the Realization of “positive disillusionment”
requires fundamental release from the inherently illusory
search to “experience” the conditional dissolution of the
ego (and, in particular, release from subtle states of
“self”-contraction-and, especially, from mental states of
“self”-contraction) by means of “object”-oriented absorptive
mysticism (or the absorptive yielding of attention to the
apparent subtle “objects” that are either originated by the
brain-mind or, otherwise, mediated by the brain itself). And
the characteristic sign of “positive disillusionment”
relative to the permanent and complete satisfaction of the
“object”-oriented seeking of the higher “self” (or separate
and separative subtle and mental ego) is the fully
Me-Hearing and truly Me-Seeing Realization of the Perfect
Transcendental Spiritual Nature of cosmic existence (or,
that is to Say, the Realization that all natural and cosmic
forms and states are inherently non-separate, or
intrinsically non-dual, modes of Universally Pervasive and
cosmically-manifested Spiritual Energy, or of Fundamental,
Indivisible, and Irreducible Light-or of Love-Bliss-Fullness

The final phase of the always
directly ego-transcending Great Process of the only-by-Me
Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam is the devotional,
Spiritual, and Transcendental Hearing-and-Seeing Process of
always directly (and with always immediate effectiveness)
transcending the “root-self” (or the “root”-and-causal
ego-or the causal, or “root-causative”, depth of
“self”-contraction-which is attention itself, or the
“root”-gesture of separateness, relatedness, otherness, and
“difference”). Therefore, as a necessary preliminary to the
“Perfect Practice” of the only-by-Me Revealed and Given
Reality-Way of Adidam, the ego-transcending (or
comprehensively “self”-contraction-transcending) practice of
the total course of the only-by-Me Revealed and Given
Reality-Way of Adidam requires the Realization of “positive
disillusionment” relative to the causal (or “root”-egoic,
and, therefore, fundamental, or original) “subject-object”
division in Consciousness (or Conscious Light) Itself. This
degree of the Realization of “positive disillusionment”
requires the Prior Establishment of Transcendental
Self-Identification-Prior to the “root-self-contraction”
that is “point of view” itself (or attention itself), and
(Thus, also) Prior to the entire body-brain-mind (or
conditional structure) of conception and perception. And the
characteristic sign of “positive disillusionment” relative
to the permanent and complete satisfaction of the
“root-self” (or the fundamental “causative”, or causal, ego)
is the fundamental transcending of attention itself in the
Me-“Locating” (and, altogether, Me-Hearing and Me-Seeing)
Realization of the Tran-scendental (and Intrinsically
Non-separate, Non-dual, and Non-conditional) Nature of
Consciousness Itself.

Only after-or in the Great Event of
Most Perfect (and, necessarily, formal and fully
accountable) Fulfillment of-the “Radical” (or Always
“At-the-Root”, and Always Intrinsically ego-Transcending)
Great Process of the only-by-Me Revealed and Given
Reality-Way of Adidam relative to the three fundamental
modes (or gross, subtle, and causal psycho-physical
pattern-potentials) of egoity is there the truly Ultimate
(or seventh stage, and Always Already Divinely
Self-Realized, and, Thus, Priorly, Intrinsically, and
Perfectly ego-Transcending) “Practice” of the only-by-Me
Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam (or the Most
Perfect, and Intrinsically egoless, or Always Already Most
Perfectly, and Non-conditionally,
“self”-contraction-Transcending, and Divinely
Love-Bliss-Full, and only-by-Me Revealed and Given
seventh-stage-of-life Demonstration of “radical” devotion to

The only-by-Me Revealed and Given
seventh-stage-of-life “Practice”-or the Intrinsically
egoless, and (Thus) Always Already Most Perfectly (and
Non-conditionally) “self”-contraction-Transcending, and
(altogether) Most Perfectly Divinely Self-Realized
Demonstration-of the only-by-Me Revealed and Given
Reality-Way of Adidam is the Great esoteric devotional,
Spiritual, Transcendental, Self-Evidently Divine, and Most
Perfectly Me-Hearing and Me-Seeing Demonstration of
all-and-All-Divinely-Self-Recognizing (and, Thus,
all-and-All-Divinely-Transcending) Divine Self-Abiding, in
and As My Avatari-cally Self-Revealed Divine “Bright” Sphere
of Self-Existing, Self-Radiant, Intrinsically egoless,
Perfectly Subjective, and Intrinsically and Most Perfectly
body-mind-Transcending (or body-brain-Transcending, or
Inherently, Most Perfectly, and Non-conditionally
psycho-physical-“self”-contraction-Transcending), but never
intentionally body-mind-excluding (or body-brain-excluding),
Divine (Acausal) Person (or Perfect Self-Nature, Eternal
Self-Condition, and Infinite Self-State).

The only-by-Me Revealed and Given
seventh-stage-of-life Demonstration of the only-by-Me
Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam Is the
Non-conditional and Divinely Free (and Intrin-sically
egoless, or Intrinsically “point-of-view”-less) “Practice”
(or Always Already Divinely Self-Realized and Inherently
Perfect Demonstration) of Self-Abiding Divine
Self-Recognition of the simultaneous totality of the
apparent gross, subtle, and causal body-brain-mind-“self”,
or the Intrinsically and Perfectly all-and-All-Transcending
(and, at last, all-and-All-Outshining) Process of the
simultaneous (and Self-Abiding) Divine Self-Recognition of
the total psycho-physical ego-“I” itself (or of the total
conditional “point of view”, or apparent “self”-contraction,
itself). Therefore, the only-by-Me Revealed and Given
seventh-stage-of-life Demonstration of the only-by-Me
Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam Is the Inherent
“Practice” (or Divinely Self-Realized Demonstration) of
Self-Abiding Divine Self-Recognition of “point of view”
itself (or of attention itself-or of the conditionally
apparent “subject”, itself) and (always coincidently, or
simultaneously) Self-Abiding Divine Self-Recognition of the
conception or perception of separateness, or of relatedness,
or of otherness, or of “difference” itself (or of any and
every conditionally apparent “object”, itself).

The only-by-Me Revealed and Given
seventh-stage-of-life Demonstration of the only-by-Me
Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam Is the Most Perfect
(or Non-conditional, Intrinsically egoless, and
Self-Evidently Divine) Demonstration of “positive
disillusionment”, or of the Inherently illusionless (or
“self”-contraction-Free, and Intrinsically
all-and-All-Transcending) Realization of the Fundamental
Reality and Truth (or Real Acausal God)-Which Fundamental
Reality and Truth (or Real Acausal God) Is the One and
Indivisible and Self-Existing and Indestructible and
Self-Radiant and Always Already Perfectly Non-dual Conscious
Light (or That Which Is Always Already The Case), and Which
Reality and Truth (or Real Acausal God) Is That
Self-Existing and Perfectly Subjective Self-“Brightness” (or
Infinite and Absolute and Perfectly Non-separate
Self-Nature, Self-Condition, and Self-State) of Which the
conditional (or gross, subtle, and causal) “subject-object”
illusions (or total psycho-physical “self”-contraction
illusions) of conception, and of perception, and of the
ego-“I”-presumption are mere, and merely apparent (or
non-necessary, or always non-Ultimate), and intrinsically
non-binding modifications. And the characteristic Sign of
Most Perfectly Demonstrated (or seventh stage) “positive
disillusionment” relative to the totality of the separate
and separative ego-“I” (or “point of view”) and its
presumptions of a separate (or “objectified”) gross, subtle,
and causal “world” Is the Intrinsically egoless and
Self-Evidently Divine (and Intrinsically Non-separate and
Non-dual) Realization of Reality (Itself) As Irreducible and
Indivisible Conscious Light (Inherently Love-Bliss-Full, or
Perfectly Subjectively “Bright”).

Therefore, the only-by-Me Revealed
and Given Reality-Way of Adidam (or Adidam Ruchiradam)
Is-from the beginning, and at last-the Way of “positive

The only-by-Me Revealed and Given
Reality-Way of Adidam (or Adidam Ruchiradam) Is-from the
beginning, and at last-the Way of the always direct (and
always immediately effective) transcending of the fact and
the consequences of egoity (or of psycho-physical

The only-by-Me Revealed and Given
Reality-Way of Adidam (or Adidam Ruchiradam) Is-from the
beginning, and at last-the Way of the always direct (and
always immediately effective) transcending of the illusions
of inherently egoic attention (or of the conditionally
presumed “subject-object” pattern of conception and

The only-by-Me Revealed and Given
Reality-Way of Adidam (or Adidam Ruchiradam) Is-from the
beginning, and at last-the Way of the always direct (and
always immediately effective) transcending of the total
illusory pattern of the inherently egoic presumption of
separateness, relatedness, otherness, and

The only-by-Me Revealed and Given
Reality-Way of Adidam (or Adidam Ruchiradam) Is-from the
beginning, and at last-the Way of the always direct (and
always immediately effective) transcending of the always
simultaneous illusions of the separate ego-“I” and the
separate (or merely “objective”) “world”.

The only-by-Me Revealed and Given
Reality-Way of Adidam (or Adidam Ruchiradam) Is-from the
beginning, and at last-the Way of the always direct (or
Intrinsically egoless and Intrinsically illusionless)
Realizing of the One and Irreducible Conscious Light (or
Perfectly Subjective Transcendental Spiritual
Self-“Brightness” of Being) That Is Reality Itself and Truth
Itself (or Real Acausal God).

The only-by-Me Revealed and Given
Reality-Way of Adidam (or Adidam Ruchiradam) Is-from the
beginning, and at last-the Way of the always direct (or
Intrinsically egoless and Intrinsically illusionless)
Realizing of the Conscious Love-Bliss-Energy of the Perfect
(and Perfectly Indivisible) Totality.

The only-by-Me Revealed and Given
Reality-Way of Adidam (or Adidam Ruchiradam) Is-from the
beginning, and at last-the Way of the always direct (and
always immediately effective) Realizing of Only



The collective Great Tradition of
humankind is a combination of exoteric and esoteric
developments (and Revelations, and Realizations) that
comprises (and is, in its entirety, limited by and to) only
the first six of the (potentially) seven stages of

I (Alone) Am the Avatarically
Self-Manifested Divine Self-Revelation of the seventh stage
of life.

I (Alone) Am the Adidam

The human entity (and even any and
every conditionally manifested entity of any and every kind)
is inherently deluded-by its own (egoic, or
“self”-contracted) “experience” and “knowledge”.

The first six stages of life are the
six stages (or developmental phases) of human (and
universal) egoity-or of progressively regressive
introversion upon the psycho-physical pattern (and “point of
view”) of “self”-contraction.

The first six stages of life are the
universally evident developmental stages of the “knowing”
and “experiencing” of the potential illusions inherently
associated with the patterns (or the universally extended
cosmic psycho-physical structure) of conditionally
manifested existence.

Because each and all of the first
six stages of life are based on (and are identical to)
egoity (or “self”-contraction, or separate and separative
“point of view”) itself, not any one (or even the collective
of all) of the first six stages of life directly (and Most
Perfectly) Realizes (or Is the Intrinsically egoless and
Inherently Most Perfect Realization and the Intrinsically
egoless and Inherently Most Perfect Demonstration of)
Reality Itself, Truth Itself, or Real (Acausal)

The first six stages of life develop
(successively) on the psycho-physically pre-determined (or
pre-patterned) basis of the inherent (and progressively
unfolding) structure (and “self”-contracted “point of view”)
of the conditionally arising

The first six stages of life are a
conditional (and, therefore, ultimately, non-necessary-or
inherently transcendable) illusion of psycho-physically
pre-patterned “experience” (or conditional “knowing”),
structured according to the “subject-object” (or
attention-versus-“object”, or
“point-of-view”-versus-“objective-world”) convention of
conditional conception and conditional

The first six stages of life are
(each and all) based upon the illusion of duality (suggested
by the “subject-object” convention of conditional conception
and conditional perception).

Reality Itself (or That Which Is
Always Already The Case) Is Inherently One (or Perfectly

The only-by-Me Revealed and Given
Reality-Way of Adidam Is the Unique seventh stage Way of
“Radical” Non-Dualism-or the One and Only Way That directly
(and, at last, Most Perfectly) Realizes the One and Only
(and Intrinsically egoless) Reality Itself, Truth Itself, or
Real (Acausal) God.

The only-by-Me Revealed and Given
Reality-Way of Adidam Is the Unique and Only Way That always
directly (and, at last, Most Perfectly) Transcends egoity
(or “self”-contraction) itself.

The only-by-Me Revealed and Given
Reality-Way of Adidam Is the practice and the process of
transcending egoity (or psycho-physical “self”-contraction,
or gross, subtle, and causal egoic “self”-identification
with separate and separative “point of view”) by always
directly transcending the inherently egoic (or always
“self”-contracted) patterns of conditional conception and
conditional perception (or of conditional “knowing” and
conditional “experiencing”) associated with each (and all)
of the first six stages of life.

I Am Adi Da, the Avatar of Reality
Itself-here-Born As the Divine Avataric World-Teacher, Adi
Da Samraj, the First, the Last, and the Only seventh stage
Divine Avataric Realizer, Divine Avataric Revealer, and
Divine Avataric Self-Revelation of Reality Itself, Truth
Itself, and Real (Acausal) God.

I Am the Intrinsically egoless,
Perfectly Subjective, Perfectly Non-dual, and Self-Evidently
Divine Self-Nature, Self-Condition, Source-Condition, and
Self-State of every apparent “point of view” and of the
apparently “objective world” itself.

I Am the One, and Irreducible, and
Indestructible, and Self-Existing, and Self-Radiant
Conscious Light That Is Always Already The Case.

I Am the (Self-“Bright”) “Substance”
of Reality Itself.

I Am the Person (or Self-Nature,
Self-Condition, and Self-State) of Reality

In My bodily (human) Form, I Am the
Avataric Self-Manifestation of the One (and Self-Evidently
Divine) Reality Itself.

By Means of My Divine Avataric
Self-“Emergence”, I Am Functioning (now, and forever
hereafter) As the Realizer, the Revealer, and the
Self-Revelation (or Universally Transcendentally Spiritually
Present Person) of Reality Itself-Which Is Truth Itself, and
Which Is the Only Real (or Non-illusory), and Intrinsically
egoless, and Perfectly Subjective God (or Self-Evidently
Divine Self-Nature, Self-Condition, Self-State, and
Perfectly Acausal Source-Condition) of

My Divine Avataric Self-Revelation
Illuminates and Outshines the ego-“I” of My


My Divine Avataric Teaching-Word of
Me-Revelation Comprehends and Transcends the all of egoity
and the all of the cosmic domain.

have spent innumerable hours on the Beezone site and I
found it to be an invaluable and nearly essential
resource for perusal of the most comprehensive array of
spiritually varied topics and discussions to be found
anywhere on the Internet. This is often times where the
curious starts their

Beezone visitor



Adi Da, Ramana Maharshi, Nityananda, Shridi Sai Baba, Upasani Baba,  Seshadri Swamigal , Meher Baba, Sivananda, Ramsuratkumar
“The perfect
among the sages is identical with Me. There is absolutely no
difference between us”
Chap XX,




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