Four Faculties
Attention is Mind. Mind is individuated and located as ‘self’ or attention itself. Attention is outwardly synonymous as vision inwardly synonymous as attention or focus. It is a stream of conscious energy or bindu point or beam. Location depends on awareness of individual.
Instead of wandering in the maze of thoughts, give Me the faculty of mind which is epitomized by, and as, attention (itself.)
Instead of being tossed about by the waves of emotions, give Me the faculty of emotion which is epitomized by, and as, feeling (itself).
Instead of seeking bodily pleasure and avoiding bodily pain, turn the body toward Me, and (altogether) give Me the body through full feeling-attention, enacted through constant devotional service to Me.
The faculties of mind (or attention), emotion (or feeling), and body are connected to one another via the breath and, thus, the gesture of surrender to Me must also be done via the breath.
Therefore, altogether, in the right and true practice of Ruchira Avatara Bhakti Yoga, mind (or attention), emotion (or feeling), and body are given over to Me, and breathed in heart-Communion with Me.
Avatar Adi Da Samraj, Da Love-Ananda Gita
When your intelligence and your active persona are not integrated, the active persona is just a vague teenager. If the will does not connect the intelligence to the life, then, even though the intelligence exists, it is in some sense suppressed by not being brought into life. Then the life is not based on great principles.
I talked to some of you about the will last evening. Well, yes, its the will, but its not this bearing down thing merely. Its more like the body-mind responds to your intelligent disposition, which is the core of the whole body-mind anyway. It just sort of falls in line with you very sympathetically you see? Its that kind of will where all you do is find when the pattern is right, and then thats it. You resonate with it. You make changes readily from the core position, the interior of the pattern. Therefore from the inside out you manifest a change in your structuring that corresponds to your heart and mind integrity and significant depth.
Avatar Adi Da Samraj, Drifted in the Deeper Land