Avatar Adi Da was in a Fiery Mode
of Admonition in gatherings leading up
to a major celebrationRaising His Voice and Urging the
Hermitage residents to move
beyond their limitations in life and service to
In response, His devotees unleashed
a great effort, going sleepless and ’round
the clock’ for several weeks to address the Divine
Heart-Master’s displeasure.
As it turned out, they were able to
present Him with many pleasing gifts
for the Celebration. All seemed to be well and pleasant on
the Holy Day, until a
disturbance prompted another round of Criticism
during the evening
One exhausted female devotee
groaned,” Oh Master! When will it ever be
enough for you?!” Everyone gasped. But
Beloved Adi Da Beamed a Smile of Love
and Blessing at His devotee and Said, “When you are glowing
in the dark.”