Commuter Briefs
Short talks and writings of Adi Da Samraj
“For those on the go”

Today’s Reading

“What can be seen in the outward
conflicts in the world today are essentially the artifacts
of the two halves (or the two brain-sides) of
humankindas if the brains two hemispheres were
at war with one another.”
The “official” disposition promoted in the West is moved toward the world itself and, thus, it is oriented to move into the world with a positive will, and to struggle against the root-psychological tendency to view the world negatively.

The “official” disposition promoted in the East is moved to transcend this world with a world-renouncing will and, thus, it is oriented to struggle with the root-psychological tendency to view the world merely positively.

The Argument of the Whole Bodily Being – The Enlightenment of the Whole Body – Adi Da Samraj

he argument of the right side, the Occidental religious impulse, is directed toward the man, the living human being, and urges him (or her) toward a moral enlivening of his relations to others, to the world, and to his own mysterious Source.
The argument of the left side, the Oriental religious impulse, is directed toward the consciousness in Man that precedes all his faculties and relations, and the argument urges toward inwardness and ascent toward transcendence and reductive Realization of prior undifferentiated Oneness.
The right-sided view tends toward multiplicity, dualism, exploitation of things in themselves, and irreducible engagement in the mechanics of apparent experience. It also promotes a mystical (mysterious) consciousness in relation to events.
The left-sided view tends toward singleness, monism, and separation from things and relations and the mechanics of apparent experience, at least at the gross level of the body-mind. It promotes a spiritual (transcendental) consciousness in relation to events.
The argument of the whole bodily being, the impulse in Reality or Truth, is not a synthesis of the left and right, East and West, but a radical impulse that is free of the independent limitations of each side. It is free of the illusions of things and relations in themselves, as well as the inward faculties and the illusion of independence of any form, condition, or Condition. It stands Present in the form of the unqualified intuition of the Condition of the whole bodily being, and thus rests in transcendental Awareness. However, it is natively committed to non-independence, or freedom from recoil and inwardness relative to the Process wherein all conditions are arising. This does not mean, however, that it is committed to conditions in themselves. Rather, it participates or is a Sacrifice in the Process of all arising. Thus, it abides in Radiance or Bliss even as the world and all relations come and go. It is moral and mystical, transcendental and spiritual in the most perfect sense.