“The general tacit assumption in thought is that it’s just telling you the way things are and that it’s not doing anything – that ‘you’ are inside there, deciding what to do with the info. But you don’t decide what to do with the info. Thought runs you. Thought, however, gives false info that you are running it, that you are the one who controls thought. Whereas actually thought is the one which controls each one of us.
Thought is creating divisions out of itself and then saying that they are there naturally. This is another major feature of thought: Thought doesn’t know it is doing something and then it struggles against what it is doing. It doesn’t want to know that it is doing it. And thought struggles against the results, trying to avoid those unpleasant results while keeping on with that way of thinking. That is what I call “sustained incoherence.”
David Bohm
Some Thinking on Thoughts
Beezone- complied from the teachings of Adi DaSamraj
“A necessary characteristic of…resorting to Me…is the transcendence of mind.” Loveananda Gita
“You are trying to get free of a knot, an oppressive sense of existence. You are trying to think your way out of it, trying to solve a problem, get an answer. And, of course, occasionally the mind does let loose with some relieving concept or other, but it always returns to these contracted states, because the mind is about this self-perpetuating disease. This disease is as much a lock on attention as a cramp in the body.”The Art of Spiritual Life
“Thinking is a way in, not a way out. You cannot think your way out of the apparent bondage that is conditional existence, but you, by most of your thinking, are tending to constantly re-affirm and re-assert your bondage and your problems. Any and every kind of thinking is necessarily a conditional activity, and, therefore, thinking cannot eliminate or transcend conditional existence.” The Dawn Horse Testament

“The real question is not how to become responsible. The real question is the state you are in. And the real answer is not in the form of a verbal response to verbally expressed dilemmas, or even apparently actual life-dilemmas. The real answer is the transcending of your self-contracted state.”Adi Da Samraj
The verbal mind,“rooted” in the “self”-contraction isthe essential “cause” of fear. The verbal mindmust be transcended.
Aletheon– Adi Da Samraj
“One whose thinking mind isdissolved achieves the indescribable state and isfree.”
There is the Liability of the Mind, and that Liability is a Matter for Understanding
Adi Da Samraj (Bubba Free John) – 1973
Doing sadhana should becapable of dealing with his karmic theatre when it ariseswithout becoming hysterical, or full of self-doubt or doubtof the Guru
For such a one study has also become enquiry. Not only ishis life stable and full of humor, but all his study hasbecome enquiry. There is a tendency among those who engagein the traditional versions of spiritual life toanathematize the process of thinking and to considerthe natural state to be literally thoughtless. Such peopleimagine that to be realized or to understand you must sit inmindless samadhi, dry as a dead toad. This is not true. Thenatural state is completely prior to thought, and thereforenot in itself exclusive of thought. It is free of thoughteven while thinking occurs.
It is not being suggested that you engage in some processof emptying your mind. Or that you become an asshole and nolonger think, no longer study, no longer require the mind toconform to the real structures of existence. You must dosuch things. You will think in any case, and you will alsoanalyze yourself in any case. Self-analysis comes under theheading of all those things that will arise even though youare living the life of Satsang. It is just that thefundamental insight, the radical realization, is one that isprior to all thought, that is not created by thinking.
There are two aspects of the thought process. One isnegative, the whole compulsive drama that is worked out atthe plane of the mind, including self-analysis andaccumulation of thoughts. This drama will occur in any case.And principal insight will appear, freedom will be realizedin the midst of the thought process, just as freedom will berealized even though there is also the breath process.
In contrast to the negative drama of the mind, there isthe purely functional aspect of the mind. The mind is anordinary and useful function of human existence and, likeall the functions of your life, it must be brought to thecondition of Satsang as well as to the useful communicative,ordinary conditions of life. This functional dimension ofthe mind, the purely practical use of the mind, is quiteapart from that whole problematic life of the mind whicheveryone is suffering. But in the usual man, whose functionsare rooted in dilemma, that practical, functional aspect ofthe mind has become enmeshed with the problematic use of themind.
The sadhana of the life of understanding requires thatyou use the mind consciously, bring it to the functional,real conditions of life, to study and service, in order tolift it out of that identification with the search, withproblematic existence, with self-meditation.
The man of understanding still uses the mind. He does notsit in “nirvikalpa samadhi” all the time. He has not liftedhimself out of the world. He uses the mind. So don’t yieldto the temptation to identify the perfect enjoyment of thelife of understanding with some peculiar psycho-physicalcondition in which there is no thought. The life ofunderstanding is a condition in which there is alwaysalready no thought. Therefore, there can be thought. It is acondition in which there is already no body and no self, andyet there is conventional self-existence in the world. Thereis the body as a functional condition, just as there is themind as a function, but this condition is not limiting. Andthis apparent condition of self-existence is not lived asself-meditation. It is realized as Divine existence, inwhich there is no separate self as the principle.
Do not expect me to propose that you becomeanti-intellectual. I expect you to bust your ass in studyingthis work. But you will tend to yield to the dilettante’sview of the mind, if you are lazy and do not apply yourselfto study. You will think it is contaminating your meditationor something. This is not true.
So there is the liability of the mind, and thatliability is a matter for understanding.Nothing you do with the mind can in itself serve thatunderstanding, even though you will continue to manipulatethe mind because it is your tendency to do it. But there isalso the simple, practical, functional aspect of the mind,which you must discipline by bringing it to the ordinaryforms of life and study, and by making it useful entirelyapart from the drama of Narcissus.
When one becomes free of the drama of Narcissus, hebegins to discover that the mind is quite different fromwhat he might have supposed previously. And so he might makestatements like those made by Bubba Free John: “There is nothought when I am speaking. There is no thinking going onapart from the speech.” In other words, there is no longerthat problematic, dualistic contact with the mind thatassumes the separate self. The so-called mind isfundamentally a spontaneous display of conventionalcommunications like, “Let’s go to lunch.” It does not initself involve self-meditation, illusion, suffering. Itinvolves none of that. It is an amusement. But in one whodoes not understand, the mind is identical toself-meditation like everything else he does, includinggoing to lunch.
“Mind is not merely in the brain andless than the brain. Mind is the circumstance ofconsciousness in its association with objects of all kinds.Mind is universal, infinite in extent. And if we putourselves into a position to explore the roots ofexperiencing, we are going to enter into a realm of mind inwhich we realize mind to be greater than mere daily thinkingand social consciousness (mind and brain).” Adi DaSamraj
Verbal mind and Abstract thinkingmind Relax, Naturally, When You Are Merely or Simply Being,As or What all beings and things and conditions and eventsAre, Instead Of Imagining You know What or Who they Are, orWhat or Who You Are.
The Dawn Horse Testament –Adi Da Samraj
“You do not tend to surrender intothe depth of your consciousness. You persist in holding onto the superficial dimension of your consciousness. You areassociated with the thinking mind and the levels of thebrain that are the centers of the thinking mind. The,thinking mind, however, is not other than the physical body.You can think, and think, and think, and try to realize God,but you never will, you see, because to think is not to bein a transcendent state of consciousness. – Adi DaSamraj
“Thinking is meditating on,concentrating in the verbal dimension of the mind, which ismeshed with the physical body, and which is likewisesuperficial. Therefore, we must transcend the thinking mind,just as we must transcend limiting identification with thephysical body.”
Transcendental Ecstacy is our Natural Condition– Adi Da Samraj
“Like everyone else, you tend torefer to the thinking mind as “yourself”, and youdepend on the thinking mind for information, data, andbeliefs – even for presumptions about Truth and Reality.Nevertheless, you must look beyond the mind into thepatterning itself, to the content that is pre-verbal – thatis not verbal at all, in fact. You must begin to observe theforce that lies underneath your verbal presentation ofyourself, your constant thinking about yourself and yourpresumed problems.
If you will enter into such directinvestigation of yourself, you will begin to observe theevidence of an unwritten script, an undescribed character.You are this “Oedipal” character, but you do notidentify yourself as such. To the waking (or thinking) mind,it generally seems that the “Oedipal” script doesnot exist. In your “consideration”, therefore, youmust look for the concrete evidence of it. Dreams, reveries,and thoughts can give you evidence of it, yes – but, farmore directly, patterns of behavior reveal it toyou.
You need not delve deep into someunconscious or subconscious domain to discover this script.You simply must consistently observe your actual behavior,your actual reactions, your actual patterns. The patterns ofthe body-mind are being produced by the same unconsciousthat produces dreams. The evidence of this fact is nothidden. It is right there all the time.”
The Ego Does Not Sleep – Transcending your invisible script – Adi DaSamraj
“Enter the Way and ascend to contemplation in the brain core. Then trace the movement of attention back to the heart. Then awaken at last beyond all the limits of the body-mind into Transcendental Identification with the Radiant Current and Consciousness in which the body-mind is floating. Only then will theLife-Current penetrate beyond the brain core and even the brain itself, to Shine in Transcendental Glory as Bliss, Love, and the very Being of Consciousness. Only This is Enlightenment. All the rest is mere experience, the puny occupation of Narcissus, or the body-mind itself, intent on the survival of its own illusions of independence and the endless enumeration of differentiated objects, never surrendered, never floated in the Real, never transcended, the Bliss of the Eternal never Realized.”
Brain Mysticism and the Radiant Personality of Love – Adi Da Samraj
“Even though the practice ofreading, systematically studying, thinking about, andtalking about My Divinely Avatarically Self-Revealing Leelasand My Divinely Avatarically Self-Revealing Word has itsnecessary use as a basic practical support for right andtrue practice of the Reality-Way of Sighting Me andListening to Me…the fundamental right and true practice ofListening to Me is engaged as a tacitly heart-intelligentwhole bodily devotional receptivity-practice, wherein MyDivinely Avatarically Self-Revealing Leelas and My DivinelyAvatarically Self-Revealed Word are neither addressed to norreceived by nor mediated by the mind…but are, rather,tacitly received At, and In, and By the“Root”-and-Prior Depth—or tacitly anddirectly, by the inherently thought-free nervous system andbrain as a whole, and At, and In, and By the egolessTranscendental, Spiritual, and Self-Evidently DivineSelf-Nature, Self-Condition, and Self-State That AlwaysAlready Is, Prior to egoic “self”-identificationwith the body-mind-“self”.”
Aletheon– Adi Da Samraj
“My verbal Address is certainlyusable to human beings. Because human beings exercise theverbal mind, the verbal mind must be Addressed by Me.However, if you merely “think about” My verbalAddress, you are wasting your life in the “talkingschool”.
I Am Perfectly Beyond The East and Perfectly Free In The West – Adi Da Samraj
“You are trying very hard to acquirea dimension of mind and knowledge, even literal practicalknowledge, from or with the thinking mind itself. If you canrelax your thinking mind into the higher mind, which isprior to thought, higher psychic intuitions and eveninformation will appear in your patterns of thought. Ahigher understanding will come intoconsciousness.”
The Only Cure of the Loveless Heart– Adi Da Samraj
“The vital also has a mind, abrain of a kind, in the solar plexus. And so when we take onthe analytical strategy of watching, self-watching, we optfor the point of view of the thinking brain in the skull andwatch all of the manifestations that are expressedunconsciously and subconsciously through the vital brain inthe solar plexus…
It’s possible by resting in thethinking brain or in that point of view to feel somehowliberated from vital life, and that’s why the tendencytoward the solid position is very strong in some peoplebecause it gives them the sense of being free of theimplications, at any rate, of vital shock and of the wholethreatening play of vitality.” – Adi Da Samraj
“Order is Truth to Narcissus. Hedies for the sake of order. He dies because of order. He isself-possessed, possessed of the duplication or repetitionof everything he wants to continue to be. He repeatshimself, literally. He is fixed upon himself, the symbol ofcertainty. At last, unable to yield to what is more thanself, below thought, above thought, outside the thinker, hecontracts upon himself, imploded on the instant ofthinking.”Narcissus Is the Thinking Mind –Adi Da Samraj
“All spoken and written language isa “point-of-view”-machine-an ego-based human invention,originated on the “root”-basis of a chronically-enacted”self”-contraction of the total psycho-physical apparatus ofa presumed separate “self”, dissociated from theIntrinsically egoless and wordless IndivisibleTranscendental Spiritual Self-Nature, Self-Condition, andSelf-State of Reality Itself.”
Aletheon– Adi Da Samraj
“You are hoping that you are goingto think something, or discover something and think aboutit, that will make you feel good about Reality, feel goodabout life. Whatever Reality is, it is the case, andthinking about it is not the way to be in touch with it.Thinking is something you do by standing back. When youthink, you contract back, you turn away, you turn inside,you become involved in the programmed mechanisms of theverbal mind, hoping to discover something that will give yousome excuse, some reason to return to Reality openly, tofeel good about it. You are trying to find a reason tosurrender, to let go, to let yourself be vulnerable in themidst of this mortal circumstance. That is why you arethinking. However, no reason you can think of will eitherfinally justify or make you capable of beingHappy.”
The Art of Spiritual Life –Adi Da Samraj
“The lower section of the heart liesto the left of the median of the chest. And the state ofconsciousness associated with the lower section of the heartis the ordinary “waking” state, including the living andresponsive gross body consciousness (associated with thesolar plexus) and the verbal mind (associated with thethroat and the mechanisms of speech and discursive thoughtin the brain). The state of waking consciousness is felt tobe associated with the heart in the left side of the chest,because it is actually associated with the lower section ofthe heart (which lies on the left side of themedian).”
The Heart, the Body, the Crown, and the Seven Stages of Life – Adi Da Samraj
“In order to live such a truereligious Way of Life, individuals must enter psychicallyinto the play of their experience in the material orobjective universe. We must move beyond the self-boundstupidity of the verbal mind, which has no sympathy, noheart, no feeling, no psyche. We must move beyond theunhappy and degenerative stupidities of the mere bodilyexploitation we inevitably engage when we are frozen in thismind without a psyche. The usual man in our time is limitedonly to verbal thinking and exploitation of his physicalexperience. Everything else is taboo, or else confounded bycomplications. The usual man cannot go beyond the hard-edgedappearance of the physical body and the apparent objectivityof physical experience, because he is not permitted his owndeep psyche. The psyche is the deep disposition of unionwith That which is Radiant and Alive. Only the unitary andself-transcending disposition of the psyche, rather than theseparative and self-defining disposition of the conventionalmind, can provide the foundation for true religion and atrue humanity.”
Psychoisand Doubt – Adi DaSamraj
“The conventional culture ofcontemporary Man is primarily a culture of the verbal mindand the discrete or discursive languages of the left side ofthe average or common brain model. Thus, it is a culturethat tends to be dominated by verbal and other discursivelysymbolic language systems (such as the potent visualism oftelevision and movie theatre, which make inverted use ofvisual or spatial and right-brained phenomena in order toserve the purposes of the verbal or discursive mind). Thecontemporary individual is propagandized constantly byexclusively left-brained appeals, powerful verbalinfluences, promises of ultimate egoic glamorization andfulfillment, and the parentlike authority of analytical”knowledge.” Our experience and our understanding aredominated and determined by these means-so much so that themedia of discursive mental culture, such as television, andall other officially-reported knowledge, are morefundamental to us than what we experience in our livingrelationships and our intuition of the ultimate Reality. The”word” has finally become our Parent, and we are being eatenalive.”
Awakeningfrom the Word – Adi DaSamraj
“Traditional Eastern (or oriental)and Western (or occidental) sexual orientations lead to twobasic psycho-physical scripts.
The Eastern: the “left-sided” or”yin” script. The couple avoid exploitation of theouter-directed or motor apparatus and the sympathetic (or”right-sided”) nerve currents by embracing without motion,relaxing the brain and breath, and emptying the verbal mind,while also exploiting the sensory apparatus and theparasympathetic nerve currents through intense tactileawareness, contemplation of internal sensory phenomena ofbody and brain, and sending of the sensory thrill andattention upwards toward and via the brain (thus releasinggenital tension and the need for genital orgasm).
The Western: the “right-sided” or”yang” script. The couple exploit the motor apparatus andthe sympathetic nerve currents through hyper-excitation ofthe body, breath, and brain-mind. This has the effect ofdulling the sensory apparatus (or suspending theparasympathetic or “left-sided” nerve currents), thuslimiting the depth of tactile and internal awareness, and italso sends the energy of the motor thrill downwards, awayfrom the brain, toward the genitals and genitalorgasm.”
Beyondthe Limits – Adi DaSamraj
“Because of your social, culturalstage of adaptation, you tend to be fixed in the verbal partof the brain….your intelligence is essential a verbalintelligence. Because of this, you tend to relate to theteaching in verbal form, and you consider it to the point ofgetting a verbal insight, and then that’s it. Then you goaround the rest of the day, having this verbal insight…it’s kind of a nice thing to have, and it makes you feel alittle better and so forth. And you act basically likeyou’ve always tended to act. It doesn’t become an instrumentfor the communication to the whole body through all theother parts of the brain and the nervous system, to all theother functions of the body of a new kind of orientation.Well, you see, this must become the structure of practice.Yes, there is a kind of listening, kind of verbal attention,kind of understanding that must arise but it’s not an end initself. It will only tend to become that because of yoursocial habit. The intelligence, the insight that awakensthrough listening to the teaching, through reading it,through engaging in study groups and so forth must beimmediately brought to functions, to all the functions… ofthis body mind. You must change your act in every moment ofhearing. This is the most difficult thing. This is the nextmoment of your evolution. You’re not comfortable with italtogether you see. It requires a certain discipline to takeverbal understanding and make moral physical changes in yourway of relating to others, your disposition in the worldaltogether, your energization of human possibility. So, it’sin this cross over that the fundamental difficulty of thisdiscipline arises. Bringing it from verbal understanding toaction…from inwardness to incarnation, to incident.Understand this and don’t forget it. Cause whenever youmeet, whenever you consider the teaching, this is yourobligation, you see, to change your act. Never forget thatthat’s what you’re supposed to do, and never forget to doit. Cause otherwise you will not make this understanding aprinciple for adaptation, for change, for transformation,and for continued growth.”
TheObligation of Eternal Existence – The Law ofEvolution – Adi DaSamraj
“Until the Way becomes most profound, practice is inevitably associated with various disciplines of the body-mind and attention. But the purpose of such disciplines is always secondary or supportive to the ultimate consideration, or the practice and process in consciousness. Therefore, the basic purpose of the supportive disciplines to release energy and attention from the bind of egoic habituation, so that the conscious process may become most profound.”
Nivanasara– Adi Da Samraj
“Mind and attention are the subtle or inner subjective personality, made of all of the acquired tendencies of attention, or urges toward experiences of all kinds. These tendencies and urges are theresults of the proximity of the soul, or the Eternal Core of the body-mind, and the Realm of Nature, or Change. Through casual association with subtle states, the soul becomes distracted, and differentiates itself from its Eternal Condition. Such differentiation is the act of attentionitself. Differentiated and differentiating attention is the fundamental structure of mind. Once it arises, the soul is projected into an Infinite Spiral of causes and effects, leading high and low within the structures of possibility. Therefore, the subjective being acquires tendencies of attention through irresponsible experience. And that processis without beginning or end. It is an Eternal Bewilderment, a Prison of Fascination and Doubt.”– Adi Da Samraj