Systems-Based Approach to Health and Healing

The Wisdom of Health and Healing:

Insights from Adi Da Samraj


Commentary by Ted Progler

Ted Progler, Adidasamrajashram, 2014


Introduction by Beezone

The teachings of Adi Da Samraj offer deep insights into health and healing, aligning with modern science’s holistic understanding of well-being. Adi Da emphasizes the interconnectedness of body, mind, and spirit, urging a broader perspective on health that includes emotional and spiritual dimensions. True healing, according to Adi Da, is not just the absence of illness but a dynamic state of well-being achieved through deep self-awareness and alignment with the universe.

Ted Progler supports these views with scientific evidence, showing how practices like mindfulness and meditation, central to Adi Da’s teachings, reduce stress and boost the immune system. He highlights the field of psychoneuroimmunology, which demonstrates how positive mental states can directly improve physical health, affirming Adi Da’s focus on the role of consciousness in healing.

In addition to individual practices, Adi Da underscores the importance of community and relational support in the healing process. Research aligns with this view, showing that strong social connections lead to better health outcomes and lower rates of chronic illness. Together, Adi Da’s teachings and Progler’s scientific commentary present a holistic, integrated approach to health and healing, emphasizing the need for both personal awareness and communal support.


The Wisdom of Health and Healing:

Insights from Adi Da Samraj


Commentary by Ted Progler


At the heart of Adi Da’s philosophy is the idea that consciousness plays a critical role in healing. He believes that awareness and intention are key elements of the healing journey, suggesting that by raising our consciousness, we can unlock our natural healing abilities. This idea is echoed in the field of psychoneuroimmunology, which explores how the mind and immune system interact.

There is an all-encompassing electric etheric Life-Energy circulates freely through the body when it has been transformed using the Systems-Based Approach to Health and Healing. This process restructures the physical body and the other three faculties, making them more sensitive and attuned to the Unlimited Radiance of “humming,” vibratory etheric Life-Energy, present everywhere and at all times. This transformation fosters what is called “participatory equanimity.”

The Green Gorilla diet supports the body’s ability to develop structured H3O2 Liquid Crystalline Gel-Water, which forms an abundant liquid crystalline matrix within the body. This matrix generates “piezo-electric energy,” further enhancing the body’s participation in the Radiance of etheric Life-Energy that permeates everything.

Body Postures and Energy Alignment

Practicing proper body postures, upward tensing, and conscious exercises—especially in correct alignment—helps amplify the flow of etheric Life-Energy throughout the body. Repeated movements and periods of repose work harmoniously with the Vertical and Horizontal Axes, as well as with archetypal energy patterns, such as the spiral formations found in DNA and the body’s nerve and blood networks. Aligned movements combined with upward tensing, which applies piezo-electric pressure, extend the torso along the Vertical Axis. This decompresses the spine, neck, and head, opening the body’s nerve networks and channels for life energy.

Environmental Physics and Health

Environmental factors significantly affect health. This includes everything the body comes into contact with, such as non-toxic soaps, toothpaste, clothing, accessories, and the objects around us—like lights, sounds, and electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs). The items and energies that surround us can either support or degrade health.

For instance, daily habits like taking a shower could expose you to toxic tap water. Are the household cleaning products, shampoos, and soaps organic and non-toxic? What about the amount of Wi-Fi or electrical outlets around your body, especially while sleeping? Does your bed have metal coils? The elevation, temperature, air pressure, and amount of sunlight available also play a part in influencing well-being. These factors make up a complex “bed of details” that require attention and may need adjustment.

Adi Da Samraj’s genius regarding health and healing is not widely known, but by receiving guided education in these areas, individuals can develop the ability to make intelligent, self-responsible decisions. Over time, the noticeable signs of rejuvenation encourage continued growth and adaptation.

A Leela: Adi Da Samraj and Electrical Energy Healing (January 2008)

In January 2008, I was testing two electrical energy healing products on my body: the Sota Silver Pulser and the Sota Magnetic Pulser. The Silver Pulser delivers 50 millivolts of electricity into the bloodstream through pulse points on the wrist, while the Magnetic Pulser sends the same current nine inches deep into the body. This low-level electric current has been shown to stimulate cellular regeneration, a discovery proven by Nobel Prize winners Dr. Erwin Neher and Dr. Bert Sakmann in the mid-1990s. Their research showed that 50 millivolts of direct current opens the electric ion channels of cells, promoting healing and rejuvenation.

Adi Da noticed the Silver Pulser on my wrist while I was driving Him to His art studio. That evening, He watched the video I had given Him about the Sota devices and called me to His bedroom to discuss them. I brought the products and demonstrated how they work. As I positioned the Silver Pulser on His wrist, I explained how the 50 millivolts of electric current cleanse the blood, breaking apart and neutralizing diseased cells, which are then eliminated by the body. I also mentioned the Nobel Prize-winning research behind this technology.

As He used the devices, Adi Da asked if I had found them effective. When I said yes, He stressed the importance of proving the efficacy of any tool or teaching through personal research and testing. He advised that making lasting changes should always be based on intelligent research and conviction, rather than mere belief. This guidance has motivated my continued research and application of these methods.

I gifted Adi Da the Sota Silver Pulser, which also produces colloidal silver water, and the Magnetic Pulser. He used these devices regularly for several months before recommending them to His devotees as “special healing tools” to assist in recovery from injury or illness, rather than for daily or weekly use. At that time, He encouraged me to master “energy medicine” within the context of His teachings on unified light and energy. I continue this research today, assisting others who wish to learn and apply the Systems-Based Approach to Health and Healing as taught by Adi Da Samraj.

Invitation to the Reader

For those interested in studying and practicing Adi Da’s “Systems-Based Approach to Health and Healing” with me, I offer a curated library and bibliography for your research. After each Skype discussion, I will share videos and writings for your continued study. Following Adi Da Samraj’s guidance on “self-responsibility,” you will be encouraged to engage in ongoing research and study at your own pace.

Adi Da Samraj transformed His body into a “Yoga Body,” living in full Divine Spiritual Participation with all of existence. This means His four faculties are completely aligned with the Yogic (Non-separate) Realization of Reality. For those beginning this practice, the process involves a Yogic (Non-separate) conversion that gradually transforms how we experience health and healing. The quote below emphasizes that the initial practices are “Devotional,” not yet “Spiritual”:

Adi Da Samraj: “The Right Life Practices of the Way of Adidam are not a matter of receiving Me Spiritually from above—or, indeed, of receiving Me Spiritually in any manner whatsoever. The Right Life Practices of the Way of Adidam are specific (Devotional, but not yet Spiritual) Yogic (or total psycho-physical) Practices that have their own signs—the signs of all-the-faculties-turned-to-Me devotion.”

In this passage, Adi Da explains that these beginning practices are “Devotional” and focused on the total psycho-physical engagement with Reality. The goal is to develop a touch-feeling sensitivity to the all-pervading etheric electric Life-Energy and to understand that all so-called material existence is actually varying forms of energy.

The beginner’s Yogic conversion shifts one’s perception from seeing everything as separate, physical materialism to understanding existence as Non-separate, Boundless Conscious Energy. This conversion is a process of re-sensitizing the body and mind to participate in the Unlimited Radiance of Free Being and Vastness.

Adi Da’s Systems-Based Approach to Health and Healing is a right-life practice focused on living with the literal touch of “everything as energy.” It is not just about intellectual understanding but about directly feeling this energy in daily life. Through this process, those who engage seriously often experience improved health, greater energy, and a sense of ease. The regenerative healing systems developed by Adi Da, including diet, posture, breathing, exercises, hygiene, and environmental awareness, are profound expressions of Reality Intelligence. Through these practices, one comes to appreciate the remarkable genius of Adi Da Samraj.


Invitation to the Reader

For anyone choosing study & practice of Adi Da’s “systems-Based Approach to Health & Healing” with me, my curated library/bibliography is available for your deep dive research study. I will transfer videos & writings to you after each Skype discussion. Bhagavan’s Admonition Instruction for “self-Responsibility” means you remain engaged in research and study as your time allows.

The first 21-30 days of study involve organizing new regenerative practices into a flexible daily routine. Once established, this routine becomes part of daily life. The repetition of these practices—known as the Ancient Science of Repetition—rebuilds and regenerates the body over time, with visible signs of healing validating the wisdom of Adi Da’s approach.

Ideally, we would have weekly Skype calls, lasting two hours, although more time is available at the start of the process. In exchange for my time and guidance, I am open to bartering skills, accepting monetary donations (if you can afford it), or offering this work as a gift, depending on your circumstances.


My contact information is:

  • Email:
  • Skype: r.p.mills1


Best wishes for your health and well-being, and may you come to Realize the Beautiful and Laugh!
—Ted Progler


More from Ted




Adi Da Samraj: “The Realization of the Beautiful IS Yoga.
To realize the Beautiful is to make Yoga of all things.
All is Energy—and Energy is all there is.
Look again—and find the Beautiful, the Unlimited, the Conscious Light,
the ‘Bright’ of Consciousness Itself, the Midnight Sun, the Star in the midst of color.”

Adi Da Samraj: “There is the urge to Enlighten every being, and then comes the realization that it is impossible to do. That is the joke. The impossibility makes a joke of spiritual Teaching.

Spiritual Teaching is a primal urge, like sex, but it is bound to be laughed at. It must become a laughing matter so that the Teacher can move on to something else. This Teaching is also a kind of joke, an expression of my sense of humor. I am a clown, don’t you see? I do everything for the sake of good humor. You are able to see the Brightness of God only through responding properly to His fool—in other words, by getting the ‘jokes’ of the Teaching of the Adept, by transcending the world in His Company. If you do not laugh at God’s fool, then you do not see God. The way to God is through God’s fool, God’s clown, one who has already transcended the world. Thus, I am here to make a mockery of the universe, to demonstrate that the universe is a laughing matter, so that you will transcend it.

I am here to tell the ultimate jokes—all seven of them. There are seven eternal jokes, which are not revealed in words—they are not quips or one-liners, but whole pieces of existence, or stages of life. The seven stages of life are the seven original jokes. They too are the fool of God. When you transcend them by fulfilling them, then you are able to see the wonderment of God. When you have fulfilled the Teaching of Truth, then you get the joke of human existence. Living the stages of life, though a profound and necessary gesture, is ultimately foolishness. The seven stages are stages of laughter, each of which must, in its turn, become a great laugh to you. You must be able to feel total pleasure in the face of each stage of experience before you can go on to complete the next stage.

In your present level of realization, however, you are not yet laughing at God’s fool. You yourself will become God’s fool as you incarnate Right Life and laugh at each of the stages of life. Even the seventh stage of life, you will see, is a colossal lot of foolishness. The only way to move through the seventh stage is to laugh your head off. The seventh stage of life must become a laughing matter, along with all the rest of your body and all its stages of growth. You must get the seventh joke, which is the body itself, the last laugh. That joke is eternal, and its Humor is infinite Bliss.”