The Enlightenment of the Whole Body

“The various essays in “The Enlightenment of the Whole Body’ were written spontaneously and at random. Each represents a consideration of the total matter of Truth and its Way, but each engages that consideration via a critical examination of particular aspects of traditional or conventional understanding or practice. The intent of this collection of essays is to serve the practical Realization of self-transcending God-Communion. Therefore, what is written here is critical, in the positive, creative, or Prophetic sense of the term, but it is also and primarily Revelatory. Those who study this Teaching must be purified of their own failures to meet the Mark, but they are also offered the Enlightened alternative, which is a fully considered and perfectly conceived approach to the Living God and the Realization of the Single and Absolute Divine Destiny.” – True Prophecy Is the Purification of Human Culture, Chapter 3


Enlightenment of the Whole Body



A Rational and New Prophetic Revelation
of the Truth of Religion,
Esoteric Spirituality,
and the Divine Destiny of Man and Woman
by Bubba Free John (Adi Da Samraj)

Its in the Beezone Library