

Scientific Proof of the Existence of God Will Soon Be Announced by the White House!






Let the heart speak the Wisdom of the Unity of body, mind, world, and God:

There is neither one God nor many Gods.

There is only God.

All the one and many Gods are Idols of the One that is God.

God is the Radiant Transcendental Life-Consciousness, in Whom all places and beings and ideas appear and disappear.

There is no God but God, Who is the Transcendental Consciousness and Eternal Energy that Radiates in Man and in the world of Man.

That One Pervades and Transcends the world and Man.

That One is my God and my Eternal Self.

Every possibility, whether full of pleasure or full of pain, arises in God.

Every experience is a spontaneous and temporary modification of the Radiant Transcendental Life-Consciousness.

If I surrender to experience, I merely enjoy and suffer, according to the mood and complexity of my various thoughts, desires, and acts.

If I seek within my body-mind for God, I am confronted and deluded by states of body and mind.

If I seek outside my body-mind for God, I am confronted and confounded by the experience of all relations and events.

But if I surrender body and mind in the Radiant Transcendental Life-Consciousness, all experience Reveals the Living God.

God is not an Object of the mind or of bodily experience.

God is Transcendentally Present.

God is to be Realized as the Transcendental Subject or Eternal Self in Whom all knowledge and all experiences arise and dissolve.

Therefore, to Worship and to Realize God in Truth is to transcend the world and the body-mind of Man.

I am not separated from God.

Only my reflective and thinking mind seems to separate me from the Eternal Self or Transcendental Consciousness that is God.

I am not separated from God.

Only my reactive and loveless heart seems to separate me from the Divine Person, the Infinite Love-Radiance that is God.

I am not separated from God.

Only my bodily recoil from the universal demand of all relationships seems to separate me from the Eternal Domain, the All-Pervading Life-Power that is God.

I am not separated from God.

I must love, and trust, and surrender to the Infinite Consciousness that is beyond and prior to the world, the body, and the mind.

I must love, and trust, and surrender to the Eternal Life-Energy that is beyond and prior to the world, the body, and the mind.

God is the Living Truth.

God is the Way of Salvation.

God is the Eternal Master of Man.

By our acceptance of the Mystery of God, the Way of Salvation through God-Realization is Revealed.

Let the whole body pray in Truth:

I worship and bow down.

I surrender body and mind and all self-attention to the Living God,

Who is the Universal Life-Current and the Transcendental Self of all beings, Who Radiates as Love in all directions,

Who is without center or circumference,

Who pervades and supports all the worlds,

Who consents to Awaken as Man by rising up in the lower roots of the body-mind, releasing all obstructions to the evolutionary Flow of Life,

Who Shines above the heads of those who are Awake, Transforming every part of them with Heart-Light,

Who is the Transcendental Heart, the Eternal Mystery, the Wonderful Truth, the Unyielding Paradox that finally Outshines the souls of all beings, every part of the body-mind of Man, and all the possible places in the worlds of experience.

Radiant God,

All-Pervading Current of Life,

Consciousness where I appear and disappear,

hear my breathing heart.

Awaken me,

to feel the Heart of Light and Love,

where this life and mind and body may dissolve.

I hold up my hands.


Scientific Proof – Table of Contents