“I say that you must ‘Turn to Me’ and there’s no secret that you must turn to Me but how that happens is a secret because there is no mere Instruction that will enable you to do it. You can not tell yourself to do it; it doesn’t work that way, its not a method or a matter of following some form of verbal instructions.
You must ‘Recognize Me and respond to Me’ to have the turning be true of you. But just because I tell you this doesn’t mean you can practice it, truly. Making it true depends on a process, not an instruction.”
Adi Da Samraj
Sixteen Years
“The Great (or not) Affair”
by Beezone Editorial Department
It has been sixteen years since the physical passing of Adi Da Samraj, beloved Spiritual Master, and this letter is written with deep concern and a heartfelt desire to reflect on the state of what has been left behind and the Great Affair to which he devoted his life.
Adi Da’s teaching was a radical communication of Truth, meant to challenge every assumption, every complacency, and every illusion that binds humanity to its infantile state of self-concern and dependency. He described the process of Divine Realization as an unprecedented affair in the history of the world, one belonging to the further evolution of humanity and ultimately to the destiny of billions of years in the future. He stated:
“This great affair that I am describing is absolutely uncommon. It has hardly ever transpired in anyone’s case in the whole history of the human world. What I am describing is a process that belongs to the further evolution of humanity. At best, it belongs to thousands, millions, billions of years in the future for the race as a whole. At present, almost all human beings persist in an infantile moment in the evolution of existence, a moment that has nothing whatever to do with the ultimate Truth. Modern men and women are still dependent, violent, self-possessed, still seeking consolations in the realm of changes.”
It is with this extraordinary context in mind that ALL must confront a sobering reality:
Sixteen years after his Mahasamadhi, the thousands of persons who had the opportunity to see, hear, and be in his company show no real signs of his influence with the world in the radical way Adi Da envisioned.
Instead, what is very clear is that those thousands have retreated and abstracted the Spiritual Master into a personal belief (some true, some false) rather than embodying and expressing the transformative relationship he described as the very essence of his work – a vibrant and influential community.
Adi Da’s teaching was (and still is) uncompromising in its demand for personal responsibility. He made it clear that no one—not even the Spiritual Master—can do the work of transformation for ALL. He stated:
“You yourself must be love under all ordinary, daily conditions. You must make a moral change in your life. There is no way whereby you can be relieved of this necessity, and nobody can do it for you.”
Yet, what has resulted in a community formed group known as Adidam has fallen into the very pattern he warned against projecting all responsibility onto the figure of the Spiritual Master and turning him into an abstract deity. This dynamic bypasses the fire of real transformation, reducing the great process of Divine Realization to a matter of belief and passive reverence.
Adi Da emphasized that the living presence of the Spiritual Master is not symbolic or abstract; it is the literal Agency of transformation. Until there exist devotees who have fully entered this process and become a living extension of that Agency, the Master remains the sole representative of the Divine process. He wrote:
“Until such devotees exist, there is only the Agency of the Spiritual Master himself. The Spiritual Master is the Awakened Servant of Man. He serves to regenerate the moral Teaching of Truth and to resurrect the great Culture of Compassion and Wisdom among men. That is a secondary aspect of his service. His True and Ultimate Function is to instigate the superphysics of literal God-Realization among true devotees.”
Persons should ask theselves: after sixteen years, where are the REAL signs of this transformation? Where is the evidence that the process Adi Da devoted his life to initiating is taking root in the world?
Adi Da warned that without a living Agency, the Teaching risks becoming mere words. He called on ALL to use the extraordinary opportunity of His living demonstration of Divine Realization, emphasizing:
“When the Total Representation of Divine Realization is demonstrated in one individual’s literal human form, people must use it. It is an advantage that is unique in human time.”
But has this been used or even demonstrated? Or have persons retreated into the safety of our own world, leaving the Great Affair to be buried under layers of abstraction while the wider world remains untouched by the profound gift Adi Da offered?
To be true to Adi Da’s legacy, ALL must come together, step out of this isolated retreat, and take up the responsibility he so clearly placed on ALL. ALL must engage the world not as an enclave or a closed system but as a living community that embodies and communicates the transformative relationship he described.
A Challenge to ALL and All
Sixteen years is long enough to reflect on the choices ALL have made and to reconsider the HIS CALL ahead. Adi Da’s teaching is not a relic of the past; it is a living, present Truth that demands ALL participation. The time has come for All to ask: Are ALL truly living as devotees of the Awakened Servant of Man, or have ALL abstracted him into a distant ideal, leaving the DEMONSTRATION an abstraction?
Let ALL remember his words:
“Until such real devotees exist, there is only the Agency of the Spiritual Master himself.”
This is the challenge and the opportunity before ALL. May ALL rise to meet it with the integrity, responsibility, and fire of transformation he demanded of ALL.
In service to the Great Affair
December 2, 2024