The Mission of Adidam Ruchiradam

The mission of Adidam Ruchiradam is not calling people to some kind of negative association with the traditions with which they lived. They can, and should, maintain positive relations. It is simply that true devotees stand apart, intrinsically. By virtue of standing in the intrinsically egoless position in devotionally recognizing Me, you already have no requirement for the application of those means which previously applied. Therefore, it is a benign transition that devotees of Mine make from their past associations to the practicing of Adidam Ruchiradam. It does not make them aliens where they live.

Everywhere, freedom must be given for people to advance into the process of Adidam, while remaining positively related to all of their human associations, local and global. The process of people becoming My devotees all over the “world” is a process of transforming humankind as a whole. Therefore, it is obviously not an overnight happening. Ultimately, it is a process of global humankind transcending all that it was, and (at the same time) demonstrating prior unity, all-and-All together.

That is what My Divine Avataric Intervention is to Bring about. When the mission is growing everywhere, this is how it will demonstrate itself. Those who devotionally recognize Me step out of what they were. They do not become the enemy of what they were—they simply shed it. Then they live diff erently, and become a benign presence where they are. This is what needs to happen in India and everywhere else. – Adi Da Samraj

Full Talk

The mission of Adidam Ruchiradam is not calling people to some kind of negative association with the traditions with which they lived. They can, and should, maintain positive relations. It is simply that true devotees stand apart, intrinsically. By virtue of standing in the intrinsically egoless position in devotionally recognizing Me, you already have no requirement for the application of those means which previously applied. Therefore, it is a benign transition that devotees of Mine make from their past associations to the practicing of Adidam Ruchiradam. It does not make them aliens where they live.

Everywhere, freedom must be given for people to advance into the process of Adidam, while remaining positively related to all of their human associations, local and global. The process of people becoming My devotees all over the “world” is a process of transforming humankind as a whole. Therefore, it is obviously not an overnight happening. Ultimately, it is a process of global humankind transcending all that it was, and (at the same time) demonstrating prior unity, all-and-All together. That is what My Divine Avataric Intervention is to Bring about.

When the mission is growing everywhere, this is how it will demonstrate itself. Those who devotionally recognize Me step out of what they were. They do not become the enemy of what they were—they simply shed it. Then they live diff erently, and become a benign presence where they are. This is what needs to happen in India and everywhere else. India is in a position of such depth of association with the Great Tradition that it can be a place where there is a unique profundity of devotional recognitionresponse to Me.

Because of the breadth of the traditional base in India, those who become My devotees there could also do great service in bringing Me into the “world” at large. But it is not about them doing so as Hindus. They would do it as My devotees, who, by birth, were Hindus, or whatever they were in India. That must be the characteristic of those who recognize Me there. To make temples and ashrams for Adidam Ruchiradam in India, there must be this understanding. These will not be Hindu temples. They will be My Houses, My Places, My Domain—in which I receive everyone.

I must be devotionally recognized for people to be My true devotees. In devotional recognition of Me, they are lifted out of the domain of conditionality. That does not mean they have to dissociate from the “world”. The practice of Adidam is not about dissociation in any case. Adidam is about Freedom and about a real process in which conditional modes of identity are shed and cease to be a limitation, or a basis for division between people. Adidam Ruchiradam is always based in prior unity— always. There are no divisions, no separations. It is not about a form of identity. Being My devotee transcends all divisions of every kind and all basis for division, for separation and separativeness and confl ict—entirely, absolutely, intrinsically, perfectly, and permanently.

Therefore, the mission of Adidam Ruchiradam must have this characteristic. Adidam must never be a basis for dividing people or creating a form of “tribalized” identity for those who are My formal devotees. Adidam is not a mode of “tribalized” identity. It is not a costume. It is not a name. It is not a differentiating shape or design. It is simply the Divine Transcendental Spiritual process of ego-transcending devotion to Me in which the Divine Self-Domain is Realized as the Very Context of life, and Realized Prior to and Beyond this life and this “world”.

Adidam Ruchiradam is in My Person and in relation to Me. Therefore, Adidam cannot be identifi ed with an institution. It must be “rooted” in My Person. My Presence outshines the entire environment of what was. It Illuminates it to the point where the features of what was there are no longer visible, and only My “Brightness” is there.

Therefore, the temples and ashrams of My Person in India, or anywhere else, must be of this nature. Devotion to Me outshines what was. It does not merely destroy or shun it or become its enemy. It is nothing like that. It simply outshines it. It “Brightens” it—and, in that sense, completes it, fulfi lls it, perfects it. When somebody becomes My devotee, their homeland does not vanish. The town or the city or village where they live does not disappear. They are still there. All those features about it that were limitations based on egoity, that were simply accumulations of the past, all the karmas of their associations have not vanished. They have simply ceased to be diff erentiated from the “Brightness” of My Person.

Therefore, the landscape, the place, the environment is entirely “Bright”. This is the Divine Avataric Intervention on Earth for all of humankind. It is not to be assimilated by any “tribal” fi eld. It is not to be localized merely. It is about entering into My Sphere, transcending all, outshining all limitations. All should be able to devotionally recognize Me. No matter what their tradition, all should be able to Hear My Teachings and Sight My Person. And all should be able to see Me as the Fulfi llment of whatever tradition they may have been associated with. But, in that devotional recognition of Me, they Intrinsically Transcend their traditional associations, and (therefore) do not see Me as the representative of their tradition, but, rather, the Completion of it.

If they embrace My Person with devotion, and practice the Way I have Revealed and Given, then they are entered into that new course of undiff erentiated humankind— without intrinsic diff erences, as a prior unity rooted in intrinsic egolessness. Nine months before My birth, Upasani Baba prophesied that the One who was soon to come would be from a “European country”, and, thus, a non-Hindu. It is quite remarkable for Upasani Baba to have indicated that the Avatar to be born would not belong to the Indian tradition. I am not from within any tradition. I have no “tribe”. I should not be identifi ed with any tradition whatsoever. I Stand outside, or Prior to, all traditions.

Therefore, all traditions can see Me as the One who Fulfills their tradition. The various traditions each have their name for identifying Who they are expecting, and what That One is expected to be about. They are seeing that expectation through the “lens” of their own tradition, and they are, in that sense, blinded by their own tradition. As a result, they would tend not even to recognize the Fulfi llment of their tradition, because they expect it has to come from within their tradition, and look like it, and confi rm it, instead of vanishing it before their eyes, and pulling the rug out from under them. This is what I am Doing.

I Am the Fulfillment of all traditions, except that all traditions are looking for Me inside their tradition, and I Am actually outside, and Prior to, all traditions.

Therefore, I must not be assimilated by or subordinated to anyone or any tradition whatsoever. I Am here for Hindus to devotionally recognize Me. On the other hand, I am not appearing within Hinduism as such. I am not born in India. I am not promoting offi cial Hinduism. I am Teaching the Divine Avataric Reality-Teachings that are universal and the Basis for a new world-culture, the everybody-all-at-once unifi ed world-culture of the future. The time may come when humankind actually steps off the Earth and goes elsewhere.

Should that come to pass, human beings are not to carry Me with them from the Earth as a provincial “Earth-Avatar”, identified with and “owned” by humankind, such that I cannot be devotionally recognized elsewhere.

I am devotionally recognizable everywhere. I Transcend all traditions, wherever they may occur. My Divine Avataric Appearance here is not only for the totality of the Earth-domain. It is for the totality of the cosmic domain. I should never be provincialized, never assimilated or subordinated anywhere. All have to reach outside their own identity, both personal and collective, to devotionally recognize Me and be devotionally turned to Me.